Cultivation Pet Shop

188 Chapter 188

188 Chapter 188

The night passed just like that and there were no further incidents.

There might have been plenty of plotting, but there were no actual plans that were put into place.

Everyone had a good night's sleep and when they gathered for breakfast the next morning, most of them looked quite refreshed despite the fact that someone had just died yesterday.josei

It could be seen that these young geniuses were all quite strong mentally, but that was normal since they were geniuses. Without a strong will, how could they have progressed so far with their cultivation?

Everyone sat apart from each other while having breakfast, not saying much to each other.

But this situation couldn't last since they had to do something. They came in here for training and if they were to leave just like this, it would leave a bad taste in their mouths. Not to mention that Lin Fan still had his mission so even if these young geniuses wanted to leave, the Monster Trainer Union might not let them…

Since there was no other choice, they had to discuss their next moves.

Everyone was gathered inside the largest armoured vehicle which had a special meeting room inside, standing around a table that was placed in the center. Even though they were all gathered here, they were all waiting for one another to make a move.

Lin Fan saw that this was going nowhere, so he said, "The only thing we can do now is go to the scene of the murder and find more clues, does everyone agree with that?"

After Lin Fan said this, the first person he turned to was Yan Huo since he knew that he would be the first to object. However, when his eyes fell onto Yan Huo, he saw that he was strangely calm.

Yan Huo didn't rise at all when he saw Lin Fan turn over to him, he just calmly stood there waiting for the others to speak.

The others had also been secretly paying attention to Yan Huo because they had the same thoughts as Lin Fan and they were all surprised that there was no rise from Yan Huo.

Finally the boy twin whose name was Yue Jin said, "I agree with this plan."

Once he said this, it was like flood gates opening as everyone else also agreed to Lin Fan's plan.

It didn't take them long to gather their supplies before heading off together as a group with Lin Fan in the lead. Since he was the one who had found Yu Wang's corpse, of course he would be the one leading them to where he found it.

After travelling for a bit, they arrived at the scene of Yu Wang's death.

The blood that was scattered on the ground had already dried and there were a few marks among them, which were clearly signs that scavengers had been here, drawn in by the scent of the blood. There was even one dried pool of blood that had a straight line through it which should have been the mark left by the tongue of a beast that licked through it.

They all stood in the center and looked at Lin Fan, waiting for him to speak since he was the one who suggested this plan.

Lin Fan looked around and fell into thought before saying, "Let's make this center spot the gathering spot and we'll search around in a five hundred meter radius. If you find any clues, just shout for the rest of us and we'll come. Make sure that you don't go too far, we don't want anything to happen to anyone else."

The young geniuses looked at each other before breaking off from the group to either head off alone or in pairs.

The twins clearly went together, Yan Huo went off with the short haired girl, the librarian looking girl went off with the girl in the lolita dress, and the person in the cloak went off alone.

Once they were all gone, Lin Fan brought Brainy out of his sleeve and began letting Brainy search the area around them. He didn't have time to do this yesterday since he wanted to catch the murderer off guard by calling the meeting. However, when the geniuses responded to the meeting, most of them had arrived at almost the exact same time, so there was nothing suspicious from this.

Brainy sent out its seeds to take control of the surrounding birds and rodents, using them to search the area while also combing the area with its spiritual sense.

As for Lin Fan, he began searching around the area that he had found Yu Wang's body.

There were several bushes near Yu Wang's body that he had never searched, so that was a good place to start.

Going through the bushes, there wasn't much to find other than a few splotches of dried blood. But as he continued looking through them, he found a clue in the end.

Right at the bottom of one of the bushes, being hidden by the foliage, there was a footprint that was made of dried blood that was on the ground.

Based on the size of the footprint, it seemed to be the footprint of a man, but Lin Fan didn't rule out anything. Things like footprints were easy to forge and with how there was only a single footprint, this should be a fake clue created by the murderer to throw them off.

Moreover, he didn't know how long had passed between the time Yu Wang had been murdered to when he arrived at the scene, so the murderer had plenty of time to create this footprint.

Lin Fan continued to look around, but he didn't find anything in the end.

When he came back to check with Brainy, Brainy told him that it hadn't found any clues either, but that was all normal. It had been more than twelve hours since the incident, most of the clues should have already been destroyed by the scavengers.

This was why the rate of murder was high among seekers since in the planar crack, there were plenty of ways to destroy evidence since there were plenty of beasts around. As soon as a corpse was left in the forest, it would be quickly cleaned up by the scavenger beasts around.

Seeing that he couldn't find anything in the area, Lin Fan had no choice but to expand his search area, so he was about to have Brainy send his puppets out further to search, but he didn't get a chance in the end.

Right as Lin Fan was about to give Brainy the order, there was a shrill voice that filled the forest.

"What are you…"

Before it could finish, it was suddenly cut off.

Lin Fan knit his brows immediately as he recognized this voice, it was the girl in the lolita dress.

Lin Fan immediately had Brainy use the seed that it had put on her to track her, but Brainy just shook it head and said, "I can't track her for some reason, it's like there's some kind of force that's blocking off my connection to the seed."

Lin Fan was surprised since this was his first time hearing about this, but he still quickly asked, "What was her last location?"

That was something Brainy could answer since it had been focused on tracking everyone this entire time. It didn't make the same mistake as last time.

Brainy quickly led Lin Fan to the last location of the girl and when they arrived, they found that there were already others gathered.

It was the librarian girl, Yan Huo, and the twins.

When Lin Fan arrived, he immediately asked, "What happened?"

The others looked at him, but no one spoke. Finally, Yue Jin said, "We don't know either. We just came over as soon as we heard the scream, but when we arrived, she was already gone. We were about to search the area, but then you showed up. Do you know anything?"

Lin Fan shook his head in response before knitting his brows in thought. After thinking for a few seconds, he turned to the librarian girl and asked, "What do you know? Didn't you go off with her?"

The librarian girl said, "I was the first one here since I was nearby. We split up after coming out this way to cover more ground, but when I came here, she was already gone."

Lin Fan confirmed this with Brainy before saying, "Alright, search around and see if you can find any clues. We need to find her as soon as possible, otherwise she might end up like Yu Wang."

They began searching the area and they didn't find much, other than a set of footprints. One set was small and the other was much bigger, which were clearly the footprints of the girl and someone larger.

Then based on the way the footprints were scattered all over, it was clear that there was some kind of struggle that had happened here.

During this time, the other two finally arrived on the scene, but neither of them had any clues either.

When they were about to plan out their next step, they suddenly heard a loud sound coming from the west.

The others all looked in that direction in confusion as the short haired girl asked, "What is that?"

As for Lin Fan, he immediately knit his brows when he heard this sound since Brainy had just given him a report.

This sound was the sound of footsteps that came from a large amount of beasts running this way.

This was the sound of a beast wave.

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