Cultivation Pet Shop

211 Chapter 211

211 Chapter 211

Lin Fan just stood there looking frozen for a few minutes, not being able to process what he had just heard.

His grandmother had died five years ago from her illness, she shouldn't exist in this world anymore, but now his father was telling him that she was still alive.

Other than his father, his grandmother was his only other trauma.

He had been devastated when he had lost her and he had felt lost in this world, allowing him to be easily influenced by others. By losing her, it had brought him down the wrong path.

Lin Fan finally took a deep breath and said, "Are you serious?"

His father looked at him with a strange look like he couldn't understand his son as he said, "What are you talking about? Go home and see your grandmother, I'm too busy right now. If you need money or anything, just use the card I gave you."

After saying this, he waved his hand at Lin Fan, like he was just done with him. There was no love or anything, to him interacting with Lin Fan was just a waste of time.

But right now Lin Fan didn't have time to think about that, he had just received a shocking piece of news.

While it was true that this was a trauma that had plagued him, it had been one that he had to deal with his entire life. He had almost come to term with it, the only thing left was the question that he had asked his father. That question was one that had been in his heart for the longest time and he just wanted an answer.

But there was no time now.

Lin Fan immediately went out of the office and headed back down to the first floor. He got into his Bugatti Veyron and headed off towards the childhood home he had lived with his grandmother in.

Breaking all the speed limit laws, he charged his way right to that house.

There were several police officers and cameras that had been along the way, but there was no one that dared to stop him after seeing his license plate.

There had been one officer that had done so in the past, the next day he was fired from the force and arrested for possession with intent to distribute.

Even as he screamed about his innocence, there wasn't a single person that dared to look him in the eyes. His entire family was arrested and thrown away in jail.

When Lin Fan arrived, he couldn't stop his heart from trembling when he saw the building. It had been five years since he had last been here.

After his grandmother died, he couldn't bear to be in this familiar place anymore and hadn't come back after all these years.

Now that he was standing in front of it, he couldn't stop himself from feeling nervous.

But he forced himself to walk through the door to find himself in a completely empty house. He went around to every room, but there didn't seem to be a sign of any person living here. There was no food at all in the kitchen and there were no toiletries in the washroom.

The only thing that was alive in this house was a single vase on the coffee table in front of the TV in the living room.

Lin Fan thought that this was a plot by the mirror and that his father had been lying to him. He was about to dash out again and go looking for his father when there was someone he didn't recognize that came in the house.

That person was a middle aged woman who had come in with cleaning supplies.

Lin Fan coldly looked at her and said, "Who are you?"

That woman naturally recognized Lin Fan, so she said in a shaky voice, "Young, young master Lin, I'm the cleaner. I'm here to clean the house."josei

Lin Fan asked in the same cold voice, "Where's my grandmother?"

The woman was a bit confused when she heard this, "The old madame? She's probably at home right now. She called me earlier asking me if I had seen you, but I told her I hadn't."

Lin Fan was then surprised, "Home? This is her home. What do you mean by home?"

The woman was even more confused when she heard this, "But the old madame moved out to live with the master and the young master four years ago? The only reason she kept this house was in hopes that the young master could use it one day…"

Lin Fan didn't hear the rest of what that middle aged woman said as he immediately charged out of the house and back to his car.

Once again, he raced through the streets to arrive at the manor he had been living in for five years. This was the manor that his parents had built a long time ago, but he didn't like living in this empty manor, so he grew up in his grandmother's house.

The moment he charged in, he frantically went from room to room looking for his grandmother, but this was after all a large villa, so it took him quite a long time.

Finally when he entered the living room, he found who he was looking for.

He couldn't believe his eyes as he saw the person sitting in the armchair in the living room with a ball of yarn and a pair of knitting needles. This was a person he hadn't seen in five years, but he would never forget what she looked like since she had been deeply imprinted in his heart.


The old woman heard this and turned to look over. When she saw the tears that were welling up in Lin Fan's eyes, she couldn't help looking concerned as she said, "Ah Fan, what's wrong?"

She came over to him and reached up to wipe the tears that were in his eyes.

Lin Fan couldn't take it anymore and he took the old lady in an embrace.

The old lady revealed a confused look, but she still patted him on his back as she said, "Ah Fan, if there's something wrong, you know you can always tell grandmother."

Lin Fan had so much to say, but at this moment, he couldn't say a single word as his voice was too choked up to make a single sound.

He just hugged his grandmother and cried for over ten minutes, unable to gather himself.

His grandmother just silently patted his back, taking all the emotions that he had bottled inside him.

Finally when Lin Fan managed to gather himself, he slowly let go of her and brought her over to the couch where they both sat down.

Lin Fan's grandmother was still confused, but she didn't ask him a single thing. She just sat there waiting for him to speak.

Lin Fan took another minute to just look at her before asking, "Grandmother, can I tell you a story?"

His grandmother patted his hand and said, "Of course Ah Fan, you can tell me anything."

Lin Fan then dived into the story of his experiences on the Blue Star Planet. He told of how he had destroyed the Feng Family, how he took down the Alchemy King Hall's envoy, and how he was currently fighting the invasion of the Beast Clan.

His grandmother had silently listened to him the entire time, but when he finished his story, she said, "Ah Fan, you've really gotten better at telling stories. You might even be able to write web novels online."

Lin Fan revealed a bitter smile at this, but he knew he shouldn't expect much since for people of earth, this was indeed quite the fantastic story. However, what he did feel was much better after telling his story.

During his time on the Blue Star Planet, there were many times where he felt these strange impulses, both of pure good and pure evil. There were many times when he didn't know what to do with himself, it was like there were two personalities that had been clashing inside of him.

But now that he had talked about it with someone, someone that he deeply trusted, it felt like certain knots in his heart had been untied and he could finally see through his own actions.

His grandmother continued to say, "Ah Fan, is there anything you want to eat?"

Lin Fan at first seemed like he wanted to talk more, but then after pausing for a second, he said, "Can I have some congee?"

His grandmother was surprised as she asked, "Just congee? Are you sure?"

This was the dish that had left the deepest impression on him. When he had a high fever once as a child, he had secretly climbed out of bed to see how hard his grandmother worked to take care of him. The congee that she had made had been the warmest dish that he had ever eaten and it had never left his mind.

Now, he just wanted to eat this congee.

Lin Fan gave a nod and then the two of them headed to the kitchen together.

They made the congee together and shared a meal, which was the warmest meal that Lin Fan had had in a long time.

At the end of it, Lin Fan could feel the warmth filling him, unlocking the final knots in his heart.

When his grandmother was about to stand up to clear the dishes, Lin Fan suddenly said, "Grandmother, I love you."

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