Cultivation Pet Shop

213 Chapter 213

213 Chapter 213

When that flash of light disappeared, he was back in the room with the mirror, standing right in front of it.

Looking around, it seemed like he was the first one who had finished facing their trauma.

He raised his wrist and looked down at his watch, finding that it had only been twenty minutes since he had entered the world inside the mirror.

Lin Fan went over to his pets and asked Brainy about what happened. Brainy just told Lin Fan that nothing had happened during the time he had been standing there. There wasn't a single movement around them.

Lin Fan didn't touch the rest since he knew that it was no use and if he was too forceful, pulling them out of the trauma world, he might hurt them. Currently their minds were in a fragile place and if he were to force them out, they would definitely suffer mental damage.

So Lin Fan just sat there and waited, while also sorting out his thoughts.

That girl in that strange space, with how much she knew, did that mean that she knew who had brought him to this world? Also did that mean that someone had given this system to him?

But for someone to give him this system, what was their goal?

Lin Fan just stood there lost in thought until he suddenly heard a voice that created ripples in his heart.

Angela muttered in a soft voice that Lin Fan had never heard before, "Mother, please don't go…"

When Lin Fan turned over to look at her, he was completely shocked by what he saw.

Instead of the normal confident and powerful Angela, now there was a little girl who was crying in front of him.

Angela wasn't actually that tall, she was a head shorter than Lin Fan. Now that she was no longer looking as tough as usual, all Lin Fan saw was this delicate little girl in front of him.

He knew that she was coming out of her traumatic illusion and judging by how she looked now, it had been a very tough one for her to face.

Without another thought, Lin Fan came forward and took her in his embrace.josei

Angela's eyes slowly cleared when she felt herself being pulled into that embrace and when she saw Lin Fan, instead of acting tough like she normally did, she just buried her head in his chest.

The two of them just stood there holding each other for a few minutes. It was a good thing that none of the three geniuses had woken up from their illusions at that time.

After a few minutes, Angela pulled back slightly to bring her face out of his chest and it looked like she wanted to say something, but she was looking very hesitant. But before she could even say a thing, Lin Fan put a finger to her lip, "Don't tell me anything now. Wait until we're out of here and there's no one watching."

Angela's eyes opened wide for a second, but then she nodded. Of course she could tell that someone was watching them, she had been able to tell from the beginning. It was just that her emotions had been too worked up and she almost lost control.

They moved to the side and stood there in silence, waiting for the other three to finish up, but they did hold hands the entire time.

Lin Fan didn't know why, but he felt that this Angela was also good. Normally he liked the tough Angela very much, but the feeling of having her depend on him was also good.

It was just a part of being a man, there would be a natural feeling of wanting to protect those that were near to him.

It took the other three another hour before they were able to pull free of their illusion realms, but they had made it in the end.

All three of them were young geniuses that were among the top of their generation, so naturally they had a strong will to be able to reach that point. However, all of them did seem exhausted mentally by what they had just experienced.

Lin Fan came over and sent a bit of his life energy into them to help them recover. Slowly they gathered their minds and calmed themselves down.

They might have all been mentally exhausted facing their traumas, but now they also seemed much more mature compared to before.

There weren't words wasted as they knew that once again they had taken too long for this one stage. It had taken them an hour and a half to finish the stage and then they had taken another half hour to gather themselves.

Right now they only had another seven hours left.

After everyone had calmed down and gathered themselves, they quickly headed off towards the next stage.

This was another stage that had a short travel time in between stages. The passage was very short and it only took them twenty minutes to reach the next stage.

When they came out of the passage, all they saw was a cliff in front of them and pure darkness in front of that cliff.

There was a single sign that was placed in front of them that said, "Jump."

There was nothing else, it was just that sign and bottomless abyss.

At first they tried looking around to see if there was anything else there for them, perhaps this was just a trick and there was another passage waiting. However, there wasn't much space for them to search since this was just a small cliff and even after searching, there was nothing for them to find.

Since there was nothing for them to find, the only thing they could do was move over to the cliff to look down.

Even with the strong spiritual sense that Brainy had, they couldn't find the bottom of the cliff. There was no guarantee that there would be anything at the bottom and they didn't even know how deep this pit was.

If they did jump, they might be jumping into their deaths. Well at least it wouldn't be death for Lin Fan and Angela since they would be able to use wind laws to slow themselves down or even float there, but it would definitely be death for these young geniuses.

They didn't know what to do and they were just wasting more time by searching the area not to find any clues.

The only thing they could tell was that there was a draft that was coming from the bottom, which meant that it should be connected to the outside or an exit. That meant that the sign wasn't completely lying, the only problem was if they could reach that exit or not.

Lin Fan and Angela were clearly the ones that weren't worried at all in this situation, the ones that were worried were the three young geniuses since they knew that without Lin Fan's help, it would be hard for them to escape this.

But it was lucky for them that Lin Fan had already made up his mind to keep them safe.

Even if Lin Fan's personality did fluctuate from time to time, going from good to evil, he at least kept his promises when he did make up his mind.

Since he already decided to bring these three back with him at least, he would do that.

So Lin Fan came forward and offered them his hands.

Yue Jin couldn't help asking, "Brother Lin, this is?"

Lin Fan just said, "We're jumping."

The three young geniuses were taken aback.

Yue Jin couldn't help asking, "But Brother Lin, we can't fly."

Lin Fan summoned out Xiao Huo and said, "It's fine."

The three saw Xiao Huo and realized that they had no choice in this matter, so they took Lin Fan's hands. They then walked over to the edge of the cliff and after taking a deep breath, they made a leap of faith.

The wind was whistling past them as they fell, but it didn't seem like they were coming to an end.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes, they continued falling for what seemed like eternity, even though only five minutes had passed.

In the end, when they felt like it was never going to end, they actually suddenly landed on something soft that cushioned their fall, but was strong enough to counter the force created by their weight under the pull of gravity.

The three young geniuses had closed their eyes as they were falling since they couldn't bear to keep watching anymore, but now that they had landed, they opened their eyes again.

They found that they had landed in large webs that had spread from one cliff to another. On the cliff that was opposite the one that they had jumped down from, there was a passage that was connected to the webs that they were currently in.

As for Lin Fan, he felt that something was wrong.

Giant webs like this didn't naturally form at the bottom of a cliff like this, there must have been something that had made these.

And if these were made by something, where would that something be now?

Lin Fan's thoughts were correct as those somethings were soon revealed.

When the young geniuses tried to get up from the web, they found that they were trapped. The web was too sticky for them to even stand up and they couldn't move an inch.

While they were struggling to get out of the web, they also heard a noise that came above them.

When they looked up, there was a black head that had eight red eyes looking down on them.

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