Cultivation Pet Shop

238 Chapter 238

238 Chapter 238

The two cloaked figures relaxed a bit when they heard this, but they still maintained a vigilant appearance.

The two sides came a bit closer and they discussed the terms of cooperation.

Finally after a bit of negotiations, they reached terms that they were both satisfied with and reached a deal to cooperate in this inheritance trial.

Lucky for them, the moment that had reached this deal, the voice from earlier rang out once again.

"Congratulations to everyone for qualifying for the Sacred Rock Realm's legacy inheritance trial. We will now be testing you all to see if you're truly worthy of accepting this legacy."

When Momonga heard this, he muttered under his voice, "It really is the Sacred Rock Realm."

Lin Fan heard this and looked confused, but he also knew that this wasn't the time to ask, so he just made a mental note of the name of the realm.

Sacred Rock Realm, it really did sound like an important sounding name.

The voice continued after a pause.

"The door to the inheritance trial will now open. There will be a total of five trials that you must pass before you're able to claim the Sacred Rock Realm's legacy. I wish you all the best of luck."

As soon as the voice fell, the arch that was on the platform suddenly lit up, releasing a dark blue flow. There were runes that lit up all around the arch and soon the space in between the arch suddenly warped before creating a portal.

This portal was one that everyone here was familiar with since they had all gone through one once before.

For Lin Fan, it was when he had gone into the Inheritance Realm back in Snow Wind City.

Both of their parties looked at each other before the both headed towards the portal.

The portal was decently wide enough for both of their sides to go into together, but Lin Fan's group stayed back for a second to let the cloaked group go in first.

The reasoning that Momonga gave them was that they were the ones who found this realm first, so they allowed them to go first, but that wasn't necessarily the case. After the cloaked figures had gone through, Lin Fan, or rather Brainy and Momonga looked over the different runes of the portal.

However, after a bit, Momonga and Brainy both shook their heads, showing that they weren't able to make sense of it.

So after taking a few photos to document them to study at their own leisure, they headed through the portal.

When they came through, the two cloaked figures were already moving from cave to cave, looking at the descriptions that were written for each of the entrances with a portal in them.

This was a room that was completely filled with different caves that lined the walls, all of them with a portal that filled the entrance of the cave. To the right side of each cave was a small golden plaque that had some writing on it.

Right in the center of the cave, there was a wooden sign sticking out of the ground which also had some letters written on them.

Ignoring the actions of the two cloaked figures, Lin Fan's group came up to the wooden sign and read what was written on it.

The sign read, "Welcome to the first trial. This will be a test of your intelligence. There are over a thousand caves in this room, each one with a different test with different point values depending on the difficulty of the test. Your goal will be to obtain one thousand points in twelve hours. Good luck!"

Then below that, there was another set of rules written which said, "You may operate in teams, but the points given for each test will be divided evenly among team members. Please carefully consider this before going into each test because this cannot be changed once the test has been activated."

This seemed quite straightforward and simple, but this kind of test most definitely always had a twist.

But since they couldn't figure out anything right now, Lin Fan's group began following the example of the two cloaked figures and they also began looking over the different golden plaques beside each portal.

The plaques all followed the same pattern where they listed the name of the test, the difficulty of the test, and the point value of the test, but they didn't give a description at all. However, there were also a few plaques that were different from the rest.

The plaques that were different followed two different patterns, it was either the name of the test or the difficulty of the test that was replaced with a ???.josei

Putting these ones aside, the rest of them all seem quite straightforward, which meant that all they had to do was choose a few of them to do. Of course, there was also the twelve hour time limit that they had.

It took them around five minutes to go look around at the plaques and after that, they came back to the wooden sign in the middle where the two cloaked figures had been waiting.

After a moment of silence, the smaller cloaked figure said, "There's no need for us to cooperate on this first trial, it's actually easier if we went our separate ways, so should we do that?"

She was absolutely right since they didn't know what these different tests held for them, but if there were more of them that went in, that definitely wouldn't be a good thing.

Not mentioning that the points they would receive would be divided among them, so more people meant that each person received less points, if they were to all go into a single test, it wouldn't be helpful. Unless it was a large scale test where more people would be helpful, most of these tests would be smaller, so more people would actually be detrimental instead of being helpful.

Based on the names of the ones they had looked over, they saw that most of the easier tests were all at a smaller scale and most of those would be the ones that they would choose. The easier tests might give less points, but they also had a time limit, which meant that they wanted to grind out points as fast as possible. What else could give them points faster than the easy tests?

So Lin Fan's group agreed to this and headed off to one of the tests that had caught their attention earlier.

Without any hesitation, they walked right through the portal and they appeared inside a white room with a white table that had a tower of flat rocks on them.

This was an easy test and the name of the test was Remove From the Stack.

They walked over to the table where there was a piece of paper with further instructions for them on it.

According to that piece of paper, all they had to do for this test was to remove five pieces of stone from any part of this tower and put them to the top. Once that was done, they would receive a total of fifteen points, which would be five points for each of them.

Lin Fan couldn't help looking at the tower after reading this and thinking that this test really seemed familiar. It was almost like a game that he had played back on earth…

When Lin Fan was about to reach out to start pulling from the tower, Momonga grabbed his hand and stopped him as he said, "Wait, it might seem simple, but it isn't as simple as you think."

Lin Fan looked at him with a confused look.

Seeing this, Momonga explained, "There's earth laws surrounding these stones which make them heavier, so we need to use our own laws to counteract that and hold the tower in place. Let the girl do it, her wind laws make it easier for her to support the tower. In the meantime, let's have a little talk, I'm sure there are some things you want me to explain."

Lin Fan looked over at Angela and she nodded before sitting down in the one chair provided by the room. After sitting down, she looked over the tower, looking for a piece to take out first.

Momonga waved his hand and also brought out two stools made completely of bones for him and Lin Fan. After sitting down, he gestured for Lin Fan to sit down in the other.

Lin Fan was hesitant at first since it was a stool made completely of bones, but he still decided to sit down since he wanted to hear what Momonga wanted to say.

Momonga was silent for a bit, like he was gathering his thoughts before he started, "Well first things first, I'm sure that you know that the name of this realm is the Sacred Rock Realm. That might not mean anything to you, but that's a name that was once quite well known."

Lin Fan remembered the voice that had introduced the trial to them had mentioned that this trial was for the legacy of the Sacred Rock Realm.

Momonga continued, "The Sacred Rock Realm was a realm that had a Ruler before and was on the same level as that little girl and my realm, but they were also on a lower level since their Ruler was weaker than the ones of our realm. The Sacred Rock Realm was a realm that was close to the Zodiac Realm and it was said that their Ruler was actually one of the Zodiac Knights of the Zodiac Realm."

After pausing, he then said, "However, no one was able to confirm that since the Sacred Rock Realm had suddenly disappeared one night."

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