Cultivation Pet Shop

240 Chapter 240

240 Chapter 240

It seemed like they had been lucky with the first test. They had picked the one super easy test that also gave a large amount of points.

Looking carefully through the names of the other tests, they found that most of these were actually traps. They were time consuming tests just like the puzzle and the worst part was that they only gave minimal points.

Unless they could find another test that was just like the first which was easy, took no time, and gave quite a bit of points for how hard the test was, they were better off going into the harder tests which gave more points. Especially since Lin Fan had two monsters like Angela and Momonga with him. One was the peak of brute strength and one was the crystallization of wisdom, it would be hard for them to fail here.

Not to mention that the more time they spent going over the description of each test, it would eat into the total time they had for this trial.

It was better to find one that was nearby and possible for them to do, instead of wandering around like headless chickens and trying to find something that might not exist.

Finally they settled on a medium level test that was near them.

The name of the test was Steal the Diamond, but what really caught their eyes was the fact that it was worth three hundred points. Compared to the other medium level tests that were only worth fifty to hundred points each, this seemed like a jackpot, but they were completely wrong.

The moment they went through the portal and arrived in the room, they appeared in a pure white room with a podium with a glass box on it in the center. In the middle of the glass box, there was a diamond being held up in a stand.

All around the podium, there was a white square and beyond that were tiles of the same green colour, spreading out to a total of four tiles.

The instruction card for this test was also quite simple, it just said, "Avoid the traps, steal the diamond."

There was nothing else to go on, but it was quite clear that each of these tiles did represent a different trap. Based on the number of tiles between them and the diamond in the middle, it seemed like they needed to make their way past four traps at a minimum to reach that diamond.

While the other two were still thinking about what to do, Angela was already moving forward towards the podium in the center without a care in the world. But before she could step on the first tile, Momonga had reached out to stop her.

She was naturally angry at him for doing so since even though they had gotten used to each other while working in the store, they were still natural enemies. But she didn't have a chance to do anything since Lin Fan had also grabbed her hand and pulled her back.

While she could glare and scowl at Momonga, she couldn't resist Lin Fan.

She just let herself be pulled back to Lin Fan's side and stood there while he held her hand.josei

Momonga revealed a faint smile when he saw this, but then he turned his attention back to the test since now wasn't the time.

After thinking for a bit longer, Momonga raised his hand and gathered a wisps of energy that eventually turned into a pure black bone. Once the bone had been formed, he crushed the bone and blew it over the tiles.

The dust from the crushed bone landed onto the tiles and nothing happened for a few seconds before they suddenly began glowing.

Most of the tiles were glowing red while there were a few that were glowing yellow and then there were four tiles that weren't glowing at all, perfectly forming a line into the center.

The bone that Momonga had crushed had been formed from his law, which was the law of darkness. This law of darkness was very sensitive to murderous instinct since it dealt with the undead, so what the glow from the bone dust meant was how dangerous these tiles were.

Naturally, the ones that were glowing red contained the most killing intent, which meant that they were the most dangerous traps.

The ones with the yellow glow were those that weren't as deadly, but there were still traps that could be triggered by those tiles.

Then there were the ones that had no light around them at all, which meant that they weren't set up with any traps.

Just based on this, it was clear that the four tiles in a row that weren't glowing was clearly the one safe path to the diamond, but Momonga didn't act rashly after finding this path.

Instead of personally going down this path, he raised his hand again to raise a skeleton which he had walk across those tiles.

At first the skeleton seemed like it was perfectly safe as it walked across those tiles, but the moment it reached the white square that was around the podium, the skeleton suddenly went up in flames. The flames had been ignited at its feet and it continued to swallow the skeleton whole.

No matter what the skeleton did, whether it was using its life energy to block the flames, patting the flames out, or even being desperate and dropping to the floor and rolling, it didn't work. The flames continued to burn the skeleton until it had turned completely black and had scattered away into ashes.

Lin Fan knit his brows when he saw this and he turned to Momonga with a confused look.

Momonga didn't even look back as he said, "There's a combination trap between those tiles and the middle square. It seems like the ones without traps has some flammable material that will immediately light up in flames the moment one touches the center square."

Lin Fan looked carefully at the tiles that didn't glow before turning back and saying, "Then how do we get past this?"

Momonga revealed a smile as raised his hand again, "Like this."

Once his hand came up, another skeleton was raised, but this time it was a skeleton with a shield that was completely made of bones.

The skeleton moved forward and instead of walking on the tiles that didn't glow at all, it jumped onto the first yellow tile that was in front of it.

The moment the skeleton landed on that first yellow tile, there were spikes that had appeared underneath it. The skeleton immediately jumped up and pointed the shield underneath itself, blocking off the spikes that had suddenly come up.

The spikes didn't remain long before falling back down into the ground, at which point the skeleton landed back down on the same tile.

The funny thing was that the skeleton would have been alright even if it didn't block since the spikes would have just completely gone through the gaps between its bones, but since it had a shield, it might as well put it to use.

The skeleton jumped onto the next tile and then arrows shot down at it from different angles. The skeleton immediately crouched down and held the shield above itself to block the arrows that fell down on it.

Once again, it was funny since the skeleton didn't need to do a thing since the arrows would have gone through the gaps in its bones.

After passing these two first tiles, there were only two more tiles left before the skeleton reached its goal. Using the shield, the skeleton easily avoided the rest of the traps and jumped off the final tile to land in the center square.

The skeleton opened up the glass box and took the diamond from inside that was its prize before jumping back across the same tiles to reach Momonga. After beating the trap, the traps no longer triggered, so it was much easier to jump back compared to jumping forward.

When the skeleton handed the diamond over to Momonga, there was a warp in space before a portal had appeared in front of them. This was strange because in the previous tests, they had been directly sent out of the test zone instead of having a portal appear for them.

But since they were finished with this test, Lin Fan and Angela were preparing to leave the test zone. However, before they could reach the portal, Momonga called out to stop them, "Wait, don't leave yet."

Both of them turned to see that he was looking at the arrows that were stuck in the ground by the trap tile.

After pausing for a second, he jumped across the first tile and reached the second tile. Once he was on the second tile, Momonga reached out and grabbed the arrows which he lifted up to his face to look over before revealing a smile.

After he finished looking over the arrows, Momonga jumped back to where Lin Fan and Angela were and threw the arrow over to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan was caught off guard by this, but he still managed to catch the arrow before asking with a confused voice, "What did you get this for?"

Momonga said with a smile, "It seems like with the increasing difficulty, you also get more rewards. That is why the portal appeared instead of sending us back right away."

Lin Fan was even more confused, "More rewards?"

Momonga pointed at the arrow and said, "That is Blizzard Steel, with how it has been refined, it should be strong enough to kill most experts in the Soul Realm and come close to damaging those in the Star Realm."

Then he pointed at the other tiles and said, "If you want to take the risk, there's probably other items we can recover from the traps if you're willing to trigger them. That's what I mean by more rewards."

Lin Fan looked down at the arrow in his hand in shock.

This arrow was able to kill most experts in the Soul Realm?

The Soul Realm was the Legendary Realm, which was the realm that all experts in the upper realms were at.

Not to mention that it could damage those in the Star Realm, which was the realm that was above the Soul Realm according to what Momonga had told him before. This meant that this was enough to threaten an expert from a Stellar Kingdom!

This really was enticing since even the arrows of a weaker trap was this powerful, what would be the reward from clearing a stronger trap?

But still, he couldn't let Momonga or Angela take that risk just to get him some rewards, so Lin Fan gave up that idea.

However, then he remembered that they had gotten a diamond as well...

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