Cultivation Pet Shop

243 Chapter 243

243 Chapter 243

Judging on the power contained within this ball of flames, there was no doubt that if it hit, it would completely wipe out this squad of new soldiers. But even if that was the case, what could any of them do?

This was a ball of flames that was on the level of the Soul Realm and the strongest person here was the instructor who was in the Gold Realm.

However, before the ball of flames could hit, Lin Fan suddenly punched out.

The force of the wind generated by his fist completely blew away the ball of flame and scattered the flames to the four winds, without leaving a single trace behind.

Even though they had all seen him shatter the ball of flames, the soldiers and instructors didn't act like he had done a thing. Rather it seemed like they believed it was an act of god that had saved them.

Once the ball of flame had disappeared, the instructor shouted at the soldiers, "Men, are you ready!"

The soldiers didn't miss a beat as they all shouted back, "Yes!"

Then with a wave of his hand, the instructor began charging forward towards the walls and shouting, "Take your positions and defend the castle!"

The soldiers all followed him up onto the wall where they picked up their crossbows and began shooting down.

Lin Fan's group didn't know what else they could do at this time, so they also followed them up, but what they saw shocked them.

The enemies were actually the same creatures that were made completely of rocks, but the strange thing was that they had been dyed completely black. Instead of being made of normal rocks, these rock humans seemed like they were completely made of obsidian.

Both sides continued to shoot at each other, the people on the castle using crossbows while the obsidian people seemed to be using giant mammoths that were shooting balls of flame at the castle.

The arrows of the people in the castle hit their targets, but the skin of the mammoths were too thick for these arrows to pierce. In the end, they were slowly being overwhelmed by the difference in firepower between sides.

During this entire battle, Lin Fan's group had been running along the walls blocking the balls of flames that fell down. They had saved countless soldiers, but the strange thing was no matter what they did, the soldiers never registered their help.

It was like when they had saved the first group of soldiers. Right after they finished saving the soldiers, they continued to charge into battle like they had no idea that they had almost lost their lives a few seconds ago.

This battle continued to drag on, lasting for half an hour without any signs of changing.

Lin Fan's group had been running along the walls, blocking as many of the balls of flames as they could since they had no choice in this matter. Their mission was to protect the castle, so if they allowed it to be bombarded by balls of flames, that would be counterproductive.

Finally, after half an hour, there was a laugh that had cut across the entire battlefield.

This laughter was like an echo that came from hell. It cut across one's ears and was very uncomfortable to listen to, but no matter what they did, they couldn't block out the sound.

When this laughter cut across the battlefield, Momonga and Angela immediately knit their brows.

They could tell by the power contained within this voice that it wasn't a normal person who gave this laugh. In fact, it almost seemed to be someone at the same level as them.

Once the laugh finished ringing across the battlefield, there was a pool of darkness that appeared in front of the castle. The pool continued to shrink in size until there was a human figure that had appeared out of it.

Actually, to call it a human figure was already being generous. The best way to describe it would be a tall figure that was completely covered in a cloak of shadows, causing it to look as inhuman as possible.

But the moment this figure appeared, there was a powerful aura that suddenly appeared.

Lin Fan couldn't help buckling under this aura. He hadn't felt an aura as powerful as this since he had been tempered by the Dragon Might in the Inheritance Realm.

Actually, this aura was even stronger than that Dragon Might.

Lin Fan was now much stronger compared to when he had been in the Inheritance Realm, but even then, he still couldn't help buckling under this aura.

Momonga and Angela knit their brows even deeper when they felt this. Their suspicions had been confirmed, it was indeed an expert that was close to their realm!

But the moment this aura had appeared, there was another aura that had clashed right against it, relieving the pressure this aura placed on everyone in the castle.

There was a giant red figure that had suddenly appeared, it was a person covered in red armour with a bright red cape fluttering behind them.

The moment this red figure had appeared, all the soldiers had looks of hope that replaced the look of despair that had been in their eyes when that shadow figure had appeared. It was clear that this red figure had a very high position among these soldiers.

The red figure completely ignored everything as he stared right at the dark figure and said, "Hades, meaning of this? What are you doing here?"

The shadowy figure gave another cold laugh before saying, "Leo, you know full well what I am doing here."

Leo immediately knit his brows and said, "Are you aware of what you are doing, you're starting the holy war! This won't end the way you think it will!"

Hades didn't care at all as he said, "Just give me your armour already, that's all I need from you. I can leave this pitiful realm alive if you just hand over your armour."

Leo knit his brows even deeper as he shouted, "You really think you can fulfill the prophecy? You're absolutely mad!"

Hades revealed a cold smile, "Mad? That is just another word for misunderstood. Everyone will see that I was right in the end and they'll all thank me for it." Then he suddenly charged forth as he said, "Of course, you won't be able to see it!"josei

Leo's expression suddenly changed and his red armour suddenly turned golden as lightning gathered in his hand which he ultimately released as a ball of energy.

Hades didn't show any signs of fear as he waved his hand, creating specters around him that formed a spiral in front of him which collided with the ball of lightning.

During this time, Lin Fan had asked Momonga, "Do you know anything about this?"

Momonga was silent for a bit before saying, "I've heard of the name Leo before, it's the name of one of the Zodiac Knights, which makes sense since this should be the lord of the Sacred Rock Realm. But as for who this Hades is, I've never heard of him before."

Lin Fan fell into thought when he heard this.

Hades, that was a name that he was familiar with on earth, but to hear it here in this cultivation realm was strange.

But like the Hades from earth, this Hades in front of him was also controlling the dead to attack.

There had been many things from earth that had appeared in this cultivation realm, maybe he should have paid more attention to history instead of all those other things…

Then Momonga said, "If I'm not wrong, this should be the history of the Sacred Rock Realm, but this doesn't make any sense still…"

Hades and Leo clashed several times, but slowly Leo was getting pushed back by the dark powers of Hades.

Lin Fan couldn't understand it, but Momonga and Angela could since they could see through both their cultivations. This Hades was actually at a higher realm of cultivation compared to Leo.

That Hades was an entire sub realm higher than Leo and at the level that Momonga and Angela were at, that sub realm was a gap that was close to impossible to bridge.

But the strange thing was that Leo had been able to do so with the golden armour that he was wearing. That golden armour seemed to be giving him some form of divine power that allowed him to at least fight back.

Still he was slowly being pushed back which was perfectly normal.

But that also raised a very strange question.

It was clear that Leo had been fighting with the purpose of stalling for time from the beginning, but Hades had actually gone along with it.

There had been many times where Hades would have been able to break through Leo's defenses, but he had held back at the last second, almost as if he had some other plan.

Even now, he still continued to hold back at the last second as if he was playing with his food as he fought Leo.

Leo didn't know what he could do, the only thing that he could do now was hope that his backup would come in time. He had sent a message to the Zodiac Realm when the battle had started and he had only come out now since Hades had also come out.

As the two continued to fight, Lin Fan finally couldn't take it anymore and said, "Shouldn't you be helping him?"

It was only then that Momonga and Angela came back to their senses.

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