Cultivation Pet Shop

246 Chapter 246

246 Chapter 246

There was only silence after Leo had disappeared.

Momonga just stood there with a complicated look in his eyes while Lin Fan and Angela both stood there patiently waiting for him.

Finally after a few minutes of silence, Momonga said, "I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me."

Lin Fan nodded before asking, "Was he one of the comrades that you mentioned before?"

Momonga shook his head and said, "Back when we took over the land, each of my comrades had subordinates under them. This Leo was one of the subordinates under one of my comrades."

Then Momonga took a pause before saying, "But that was a long, long time ago. To be honest, Leo isn't even his real name, but I've already forgotten it since it was too long ago."

It was only then that Lin Fan had a deep realization. Over time, as he got used to having Momonga around, he forgot just who he really was.

This was the Ruler of Death that had been around for countless eons, he was one of the oldest things in this entire universe, so naturally he would know plenty of people. Moreover, all of the people that he did know should be at the peak of the universe with how powerful he was.

But Lin Fan could also tell that he clearly didn't want to talk about it.

In the past, Momonga had mentioned his past a few times in passing, but he had stopped every single time before he went too far into details.

Lin Fan had never pushed him those times and he clearly didn't push him this time.

After making sure that they had everything, the three of them walked out of the secret room and went back into the main room.

Now that they knew what was waiting for them and the potential rewards that they could get, naturally they didn't waste any time just waiting in the lobby. Since this test had started, only two hours had passed, so they had plenty of time to earn more points.

Of course, the items that would be offered in the point shop for this first trial naturally didn't hold any attraction to Momonga and Angela who were both Rulers themselves, but naturally Lin Fan was tempted. For someone like him who came from a lower realm, items that were from a former top grade cultivation realm naturally appealed to him.

So they made their way through the various tests that were still left in the hall.

They completely ignored all the easy tests since they knew that it wasn't worth doing them for the mediocre amount of points that they gave. They made their way through the various medium and hard level tests and while they weren't able to make their way through most of the tests.

Finally when time ran out, they had earned more than enough points to qualify for the next test.

When they gathered once again in the center right before the test ended, it was clear that the two cloaked figures hadn't done as well as they had. Their cloaks were a bit scuffed up and they looked generally depressed. The larger of the two even had a bit of blood dripping down from the edge of his cloak.

When the two of them saw how relaxed Lin Fan's group was, they couldn't help feeling a bit of regret not working with them, but that didn't last long.

Once the twelve hours ran out, the same voice as before boomed out as it said, "Please gather in the center and prepare to be ranked."

They had already all gathered there, so it didn't take long before the voice said, "Please take a look at your ranking."

There were only five of them in this entire inheritance trial, so the rankings weren't that big.josei

The rankings didn't use names, but rather pictures to represent the participants.

At the very bottom of the rankings, there were the pictures of the two cloaked figures and at the top were Lin Fan's group.

There wasn't a difference between fourth and fifth and first to third. That was because they had worked in groups, so their points had been evenly split amongst them.

At the bottom, the two cloaked figures only had two hundred and fifty one points each. At the top, Lin Fan's group each had over two thousand points.

The disparity between them was quite clear. When the two cloaked figures saw these rankings, they couldn't help being shocked by this disparity, but that was the only emotion that they felt.

They didn't feel any regret or shame in this since they thought that the points didn't matter, all that mattered was getting enough points to qualify for the next round. However, they were completely wrong as proven by the next words the voice said.

"Congratulations to all of you on making it to the next trial. Now the point shop where you can spend all your points will open. Please make proper use of this as this will by a one time event."

Lin Fan's group couldn't see the faces of the cloaked figures, but based on the aura around them, it was clear that they were filled with regret. This was a special event that would only happen once and they wouldn't be able to make use of this.

The one thing that brought them the slightest bit of hope was that they at least had two hundred and fifty one points to spend.

But then, the voice spoke again and crushed that tiny sliver of hope.

"Please note, you will have to pay two hundred and fifty points to make it to the next trial."

As soon as this voice spoke, the point value on the rankings had immediately changed. The two cloaked figures had gone from two hundred and fifty one points to just one point…

The two of them had completely collapsed at this moment, but what could they do?

Could they vent on these three?

They naturally knew that was impossible since they were all clearly stronger than them.

After the points had been deducted, there were two passages that were opened. One was marked exit while the other one was marked point shop.

Since the two cloaked figures still had one point each, they still chose to head into the point shop, hoping that they would be able to buy anything. But once again, they were completely crushed when they went in and saw the prices.

There were many items that cost a sky high price, but there were also many items that were quite cheap. But even if they were cheap, the lowest price that was in this shop was still two points.

Even if they wanted to bring their two points together to buy a single item, they still weren't given that chance since the point store didn't allow them to buy together or trade points.

In their despair, they had no choice but to move back to the passage that was marked exit and they went through the portal in that passage.

Lin Fan's group had been waiting the entire time on the side, watching the cloaked figures. Only when they had left did Lin Fan's group finally move over to the point shop.

Of course the cloaked figures had already been plotting to betray Lin Fan's group, but the reason why they didn't stay to see what they got was simple. They fully expected their plot to work since it prepared to take care of even Rulers, so they just assumed that everything Lin Fan's group got would belong to them in the end.

When Lin Fan's group went into the shop, the first thing they did wasn't look around to see the prices of the various items around them. No, the first thing they did was lead Angela around to see if she found anything that caught her eyes.

Lin Fan at this point fully trusted Angela's instincts since she had found countless treasures for him with those instincts already.

As for Momonga, after hearing about all the various treasures that Angela had found, he was naturally curious. So he followed along since he wanted to see just how powerful her instincts were.

Angela took a few steps before she stopped in front of an item.

This wasn't a special item, but rather it was nothing more than a piece of rock that was just thrown there. However, the one thing special about this piece of rock was its price.

Just this seemingly normal piece of rock was worth two hundred points.

Lin Fan didn't hesitate at all to spend two hundred points to buy this rock right away.

Momonga took the rock to look over while Angela continued moving through the store.

She found several other items that had caught her attention and they used up all their points to buy all of these items.

In the end, there were no more items that had caught her attention or the items that did had cost too much for them to buy, so they could only leave it.

As for their remaining points, they just spent them all on random materials since there was no point keeping them. They wouldn't be able to take these points away and the voice had said that this was a one time event.

In the end, all of them had zero points left, but they didn't care about that at all.

The only thing left to do was to use the special ticket that they had received.

They didn't use it for the most expensive item in the shop since it was only a Ruler Artifact. It was not at the level where Momonga and Angela would want to use it and it was definitely too high of a level for Lin Fan to even touch right now, so there was no point in taking it.

What they bought with the ticket instead was the second most expensive item, an egg that was completely brown in colour.

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