Cultivation Pet Shop

309 Chapter 309

309 Chapter 309

Lin Fan knitted his brows the moment he saw this.

He already knew what the target of the Beast Race was. It wasn't just the corpse and legacy of the fallen Beast King, it was also the artifact that he had been chasing.

It was clearly a very important artifact if they were willing to launch a full scale invasion for it and it was clear that Snow Wind City was in the way of them achieving this goal. If nothing was done, Snow Wind City was definitely finished.

The others didn't really care, but it was different for Lin Fan.

Even though he had only been in this world for a little over half a year, Snow Wind City was still his home since that was the place where his family lived. Not only that, it was where quite a few of his closest friends lived, including one figure that for some reason appeared in his mind. He had unknowingly become attached to this city.

Now that Snow Wind City was in danger, he couldn't help feeling worried.

But there was no time for him to worry about this now since the meeting continued.

The person who was at the head of the table continued on to say, "We've already performed some scouting on the situation of each beast wave and we have determined that currently there are only ten King Beasts leading them, coming from various directions. We will need each of you to coordinate with each other to take care of these waves."

He went on to explain the battle plan the Union Government had come up with.

There were clearly more than just ten waves, since there were over fifty planar cracks alone on the Eastern Continent. However, these ten waves were the top priority since they were waves that were led by King Beasts which were on the same level as Legendary Realm Experts.

The only ones that could deal with these waves were only the people in these rooms.

The Union Government's battle plan was to assign two Legendary Realm Experts with Union Government forces to take care of these ten King Beast waves.

Since generally beasts were more powerful than normal humans, the Union Government chose to send two Legendary Realm Experts to take care of each King Beast. They were just lucky that there were just enough Legendary Realm Experts to take care of all the King Beasts.

If even one more had shown up, they would have had to send two Legendary Realm Experts to fight King Beasts alone.

As for the rest of the waves, the Union Government would be sending out their own troops who would be backed by the local troops, such as the royals and nobles who lived all across the continent.

They were given their status by the Union Government to raise them up as experts of humanity, but that also meant that they were expected to rise up for humanity in such events. Now that the beast horde had appeared, it was their obligation to fight against these waves.

Of course, there would be those that would delay and think about their own benefits instead of complying with the summons of the Union Government. As for those people, the Union Government had their own ways of dealing with them.

At the end of the meeting, someone didn't forget to ask, "President, what about the upper realm factions?"

It was only when someone said this that Lin Fan finally learned the identity of the man who was at the head of the table. This man was the president of the Union Government, it could be said that he was the top governing power on this Blue Star Planet.

The president said, "We've already sent word to the various upper realm factions, but as for when reinforcements will come, we don't have a concrete time. For now, all we can do is hold back the beasts for as long as possible. Hopefully our messages will reach them in time and they'll be able to rush down to help us."

No one here was unaware of the existence of the upper realm factions since all of them were at the very top of this Blue Star Planet. Most of them actually had upper realm factions backing them, so they had also used their own methods to send messages up.

But the response they received was the same as the Union Government. For some reason, there was a delay in the messages and it seemed like it would be hard for reinforcements to come. So the only thing they could do was hold out and hope that their various backup plans would bear fruit.

As for why the upper realm factions were delayed, it was clear that it was the interference of the Beast Race.

All of this had happened so suddenly and everyone here was suspicious of this. There were many of them that even thought that there were traitors among them, but this wasn't the time to think about that now.

What they needed to do now was defend their homes.

After this, the meeting ended and everyone headed off in separate directions.

They had all been assigned a different King Beast wave to handle, so they went off in pairs of twos to take care of them.

The one that the Lin Family ancestor was paired with was Mu Bo Hai since there was a King Beast wave coming from the south. Both the cities of the Lin Family and the Mu Family were found in the south, so they were the ideal people to take care of these waves.

Mu Bo Hai came over with a smile after the meeting was over as he greeted the Lin Family ancestor, "Brother Lin, it truly has been a long time since we've met."

The Lin Family ancestor said, "Brother Mu, let's go."

Mu Bo Hai didn't mind that the Lin Family ancestor's words were so direct since he already knew what kind of personality he had. Or rather, what kind of personality he showed to others.

Mu Bo Hai just followed him as the Lin Family ancestor moved to the elevator while hanging back a bit to talk to Lin Fan, "Owner Fan, it's been a long time since we've seen each other."

Lin Fan returned Mu Bo Hai's smile as he said, "Elder Mu, it truly has been a long time."

Mu Bo Hai's smile became a bit wry when he heard this. These two from the Lin Family, they really were too similar, but that was how he expected sword cultivators to be. That was, he assumed Lin Fan was a sword cultivator as well since Lin Fan came from the Lin Family.

But after pausing for a minute, he didn't beat around the bush as he asked, "Are you back in the Lin Family now?"

Lin Fan also paused for a minute before saying, "Not exactly."

Mu Bo Hai saw the complicated look that Lin Fan had and decided not to say anything else.

Their group went down their elevator and were quickly brought to their own airships.

Mu Bo Hai had also come in his personal airship, so he would be going in his airship while Lin Fan and the Lin Family ancestor would be heading off in their own airship.

Both of them had half of the troops that the Union Government sent with them, with both of them taking a scout who would be guiding them to where the King Beast wave currently was according to their surveillance.

There wasn't time to waste with these beast waves since they were moving fast towards their target, so they didn't waste any words as both of these airships headed off.

As they left Central City, they saw various different airships heading off in different directions. These were all the airships of the various Legendary Realm Experts and the forces of the Union Government, heading off to their various battlefields.

Along the way, Lin Fan and the Lin Family ancestor returned to sitting in the same room as before, not talking to one another, just sitting there in awkward silence.

Before, it was the Lin Family ancestor who broke the silence by speaking first, but this time it was Lin Fan.

Lin Fan hesitated for a bit before saying, "Ancestor…"

But before he could continue, the Lin Family ancestor cut him off by saying, "I know what you are thinking, but you can't go to Snow Wind City right now. We need to take care of this beast wave first before we can do anything else, you should know that. Also, call me great grandfather."

Lin Fan was a bit caught off guard by those final words, but then he gave a sigh as he knew that the Lin Family ancestor was right.josei

While the Legendary Realm Experts were strong, what they were facing was a beast wave. There would be countless beasts that would be around the King Beast and the Legendary Realm Experts would be needed to take care of the King Beast.

It was up to the forces of the Union Government and local troops that they picked up along the way to take care of the beasts in the beast wave, allowing the Legendary Realm Experts to focus on the King Beast.

They definitely couldn't lack Lin Fan since he was a powerful expert in his own right now. He was actually someone that could match those in the mid to high Fragmented Soul Realm, depending on how powerful the laws of the enemy were, so he would definitely be the one leading those clearing the beast wave.

In the end, no one was strong enough to face endless enemies on their own...

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