Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 1150 Special Stories (4)

Chapter 1150 Special Stories (4)

The food in the World of Gods didn't disappoint, they were worthy of being called food for the gods.

There were even traces of laws contained within the food itself, so every bite actually helped increase their cultivation.

They could feel that their grasp of their laws became better, but there was still that invisible block in front of them that stopped them from breaking through. It was as if no matter how much they accumulated, they would never be able to break through this thing blocking them.

Still, that didn't stop them from enjoying the food.

Angela just ate most of the food that had been brought out and no one fought with her for any of it.

That is until dessert came out and Yuki joined in.

The two of them ate 80% of the food brought out, even though it was clear that they were forcing themselves to eat after a certain point.

After all, it wasn't just politeness that kept Momonga and Lin Fan from eating more, it was that they couldn't digest all of the energy that was in the food.

So it really was amazing seeing the way Angela ate.

Even the old man couldn't help looking at her with a strange look.

After a while, he turned to Lin Fan and put a hand on his shoulder before looking at him with a sad look.

Lin Fan couldn't help revealing a bitter smile when he saw this, but he also didn't say anything.

After a good night's rest, they were ready to set off again.

They once again returned to the old man's office and just like before, he pressed something on the wall to reveal a secret passage. Following the old man through that secret passage, they soon arrived in a secret room just like before.

In the center of this secret room was an array that had traces of spatial law coming from it.

But before the old man could send them through, Lin Fan couldn't help asking, "Why are you still using an array when you can send us off yourself as the God of Spatial Laws?"

The old man wasn't surprised to hear this and just revealed a bitter smile before saying, "Do you know how big the World of Gods is? It's not a small feat to send a person from one end to the other end of this place, even for someone that reached the God Realm with spatial laws like me. It's much simpler to send you using arrays, even if the amount of life energy consumed is much greater. After all, even for me, it would take half of my power to send you to your next destination and I would be weakened for some time."

However, Lin Fan's next question actually stunned him.

"So just how big is the World of Gods?"

The old man realized that he had made a mistake.

These kids weren't from the World of Gods in the first place, but rather had been sent here by that person.

So it wasn't strange that they didn't know how big this place was.

But the old man wasn't in a mood to explain, so he simply said, "It's even bigger than the entire mortal world, so that should give you an idea of how big it was."

All of them couldn't help revealing shocked looks when they heard this.

Bigger than the mortal world…then how was it possible that they weren't able to find it from the mortal world all this time?

How could the World of Gods seal themselves like this without anyone noticing a thing?

All this did was raise more questions, but the old man didn't want to answer them.

So he simply waved his hand and they were lifted into the array.

Then with another wave of his hand, there was a flash of white light that appeared.

Before they were sent off though, the old man suddenly said something as if he had suddenly remembered it.

"Oh, that's right. I almost forgot, but there should be a surprise waiting for one of you on the southern continent where I'm sending you. I hope that you enjoy it. I won't tell you what the surprise is since it won't be a surprise if I tell you."


That was all that they could react with when they heard this.

Wouldn't it not be a surprise if you told us!?

Why does it have to be a surprise?!

But they didn't have a chance to say any of this as the white light made them disappear.

When the flash of white light disappeared, they found themselves in another room like the one they had appeared in when they arrived in the northern continent's capital.

But this time, it wasn't an old man who was waiting for them.

Rather, it was a little girl who was shorter than all of them.

She almost looked like she was too young to be in a place like this…

But when they arrived, she said, "So you're finally here. I'm the southern continent's capital's city lord, the paragon of the southern continent's pantheon."I think you should take a look at

When this little girl said this, it was really hard to believe that this little girl was who she said she was…but they could feel the pressure that was coming from her. So even if they wanted to doubt this, they couldn't with the facts in front of them.

After giving them some time to adjust, she said, "Well, let's go to my office to talk."

When it wasn't an old man, the treatment really was different.

She patiently waited for them to get up and follow her before walking out of the room.

Once again, there were a bunch of people that were gathered outside, but this time it was different.

This time, the young girl was surrounded instead of them.

"Grandma, are you done? Let's go play."

"Mom, you can't spoil her like that."

"Great grandma, do you have any more of those candies from yesterday?"

The things that these people surrounding the little girl were saying…they were just too shocking.

Such a little girl had such a large family?

This almost seemed like it should be illegal with the state of her body…

But the little girl just calmly dealt with each of them while letting Lin Fan's group wait.

Once she was done, she turned back to them and said, "Shall we go?"

Lin Fan and the others just slowly nodded before following behind her.

When they entered her office, she said, "You can sit down first, I'll go make some tea for us."

She left the room without a single worry, not afraid that they would do anything while she was gone.

Lin Fan's group just looked at each other before sitting down at the sofa in the reception area of this office.

They didn't really know what to do as they were sitting there.

They could have gone through the office, but they didn't.

It wasn't that they weren't curious about what was in the office, it was just that they felt like it would cross a line if they did.

They didn't know what it was about her, but there was a part of that little girl that they didn't want to disappoint.

Almost like a mother…

Though she was a mother, grandmother, and great grandmother already…

Luckily for them, it didn't take long before that little girl came back with a tray that had a teapot and tea cups on them.

She brought it over to the table in front of them and casually poured some tea for them.

As she was pouring their tea, she also asked, "Do you want any milk or sugar?"

With the way that she said this, they just calmly went along with it and let her prepare their tea for them.

When she was done, the little girl sat down in front of them.

Though with her height, it was hard for her to get up at first. She had to reach up to the seat to pull herself up.

It really was strange that she would have this kind of seat in her office if she wasn't able to reach it in the first place.

They even wanted to reach out to help her when they saw her like this.

However, she was able to pull herself up into the chair in the end.

Once she sat down, she looked at them and said, "So, I'm sure that you have a lot of questions for me, but I'll answer those later. First, I'll introduce myself."

She reached her hand up and gathered a ball of energy there.

This ball of energy was a soft green colour that seemed very soothing, but it was anything but soothing when they felt the pressure from this ball of energy falling on them.

This ball of energy was a gathering of laws in the God Realm, so it created a lot of pressure for them.

The little girl didn't mind this and calmly said, "As you can see, I am the God of Nature, but…" As she paused, she turned to look at Angela before continuing, "It is different from the power of nature controlled by this little spirit girl."

With a wave of her hand, there was a flower that suddenly appeared in the center of the green ball of energy.

Then she said, "It's the power of physical nature rather than spiritual nature. It's the power of the land itself."

After a pause, she continued, "But because of this power, I do have a connection with the spirits. As such, there's someone that I want you to meet."

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