Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 510 Triumphant Return (2)

Chapter 510 Triumphant Return (2)

Everyone except for a few people were shocked when they suddenly saw this young woman in the kimono jump off the cliff. They couldn't understand why she would do this and naturally wanted to find out what was going on, so many of them came to the side of the cliff.

They watched as she fell down the seemingly bottomless abyss of the cliff.

She just continued to fall like that, almost as if there was nothing that would stop her. As she continued to fall, she became smaller and smaller in their field of view.

She continued to fall until she was about to become too small for them to see, but then they noticed that there was something on the walls of the canyon around her. Attached to the walls, there were strings, but these weren't any normal strings.

Looking closely at the strings, they found that they were part of a spider's web that stretched out across the space in between the cliffs. Looking even more closely, they saw that there were actually spiders that were walking around on those webs.

Mao Tao continued falling until she came in range of those webs and then reaching one hand out, she grabbed onto the web that was closest to her.

The web stretched out under the weight of her falling, but it didn't snap as it completely stopped her from falling. However, once it did stop her, it also started moving backwards as if it was about to rebound her back up.

However, that wasn't the only problem that she was facing.

The moment that she made contact with the web, the spider that had been on the webs suddenly turned in her direction before rushing along the webs towards her.

These webs were used by the spiders to catch prey, so naturally they could sense if a prey had wandered into their webs. It didn't take long before she was completely surrounded by these spiders.

As the people above watched the spiders approach her, one person suddenly said, "Ah, those are the Purple Demon Spiders! They're one of the most dangerous poisonous spiders in this world and every single one that matures will almost always reach the Embryo Soul Realm!"

Everyone was shocked to hear this, but they also kept watching as the spiders had completely surrounded Mao Tao.

Even though she saw that she was surrounded by these spiders, Mao Tao didn't panic at all.

The reason why she had grabbed the spider web with only a single hand was because in her other hand, a kitchen knife had suddenly appeared. It was a small knife that was in a strange shape.

There was the blade of the knife that seemed normal, but at the very base of the knife, there was a slight curved bump that came out.

For those that knew about cooking knives, they would know that this was a knife that was used for filleting fish. The flexible sharp part of the knife would be used to cut through the delicate flesh of the fish without damaging it while also having a sharp part at the base of the knife to cut through skin. Of course, the sharp part could also be used for other things just like with the boning knife.

As Mao Tao started moving up, she shifted her body so that she would shoot up right at one of the spiders that was approaching her.

The moment the web flung her back up, she twirled that knife in her hand so that the sharp part was pointed out and used it to cut right into the carapace at the neck of the spider. The pointed tip went right in and then in one smooth motion, she cut clean through the neck and severed the head.

Since her other hand was free because she was no longer holding the web, she grabbed the corpse of the spider by one leg and shot right back up. Of course, it was impossible for her to keep all her momentum since some of it was taken by the net, but she did come close to the top of the cliff.

She grabbed the cliff right as she was slowing down and with one smooth pull, she threw herself up to the top of the cliff again, landing in front of everyone with the spider corpse.

She tossed the spider corpse onto the ground in front of them all and then said, "As long as you can get one of these, you'll pass the Hunters Exam. How about that?"

Everyone was speechless when they heard this.

First not mentioning if they could beat the Purple Demon Spiders if they were on normal ground since these were Embryo Soul Realm beasts, they wouldn't even have the courage to do what she had just done.

They had seen how far she had fallen and they could roughly calculate how strong the momentum was. With that kind of momentum, it would be close to impossible to negate with just their life energy, so they would have to be strong enough to move under that kind of momentum.

It was hard to imagine what kind of power Mao Tao was hiding in that tiny body.

She completely ignored the people who had been stunned by her display and moved over to where the old woman was standing before saying, "Grandmother, wait a minute. I'll prepare the dish now."

The old woman gave a nod before turning to Lin Fan to say, "Watch this, my granddaughter is an amazing cook."

Mao Tao first set up a makeshift cooking station complete with a burner stove before throwing the spider corpse onto the cutting board. With one swift motion, she cut off the legs of the spider before dumping the rest of the spider's corpse on the side.

Then she didn't prepare the spider legs at all, she just filled a pot with water and put in a few pinches of spices before bringing the pot of water up to a boil. The moment the water was boiling, she put the legs in and timed herself.

At the exact two minute mark, she scooped out the spider legs and put them in a plate along with a few smaller plates that had dipping sauce in them.

She brought out another makeshift table for dining before putting the plate in the middle of the table. Then she turned to the old woman and said, "It's ready, grandmother."

The old woman smiled as she patted Lin Fan's shoulder and said, "Let's go have a taste."

She didn't wait for Lin Fan's response before pushing him over to the table. Following behind them was old man Qiao and the red haired woman.

When they came over, Mao Tao naturally glared at Lin Fan since he was the only one that didn't belong there, but since it was her grandmother that brought him here, she couldn't say anything.

She put plates in front of each of them and put a leg on each plate, as well as some smaller plates that were covered in dipping sauces.

The spider itself was actually bigger than most of the people here, they were actually the size of a tiger, so each of the legs were more than a meter long. It was certain that there was plenty of meat in each of these legs.

However, as Lin Fan looked at the spider leg in front of him, he couldn't help hesitating.

The old woman saw this and asked, "What's wrong? You're worried about our Xiao Tao's cooking skills?"

When Mao Tao heard this, she glared at Lin Fan like he was a mortal enemy.

Lin Fan naturally saw this, but all he did was give an awkward cough before saying, "Didn't that person just now say that this spider is one of the most poisonous beasts in this world? Are you sure we should be eating them?"

This time, it wasn't the old woman who answered, but rather old man Qiao.

Old man Qiao gave a laugh before saying, "That's only if you don't know how to process them. The legs themselves are fine as long as you make sure that you don't break the poison gland inside the main body. If you do break the poison gland, then the poison will spread all over the spider and that makes it inedible."

Old man Qiao then turned to Mao Tao with a look of praise, "Of course, Xiao Tao's knife skills are first rate, so you don't need to worry about that. You should know that these Purple Demon Spiders are considered a delicacy, it's a very rare chance to eat them and only those that are acquainted with Food Hunters have that chance."

Mao Tao turned to old man Qiao and gave a slight bow before saying, "Your praise is too much, master."

Lin Fan looked at the leg in front of him and the only thing he could think of was a crab leg.

It was certainly a delicacy on earth, but this was a spider that they were talking about.

Still he remembered hearing that both spiders and crabs were from the arthropod family, so they should be similar to one another. Maybe this spider leg would taste just like crab…

So after hesitating a bit, Lin Fan finally picked up the leg and cracked it open, revealing the pink meat that was inside.

The first bite that he took was naturally without any dipping sauce since he wanted to taste the natural flavour of this meat first.

Taking a bite, the first thing that Lin Fan thought was crab because the taste was almost exactly the same, but this spider leg tasted better than any crab that he had ever eaten on earth.

Lin Fan couldn't help saying, "Delicious!"josei

At this, Mao Tao's face turned red because being praised by a handsome person naturally had this effect.

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