Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 519 New Store (3)

Chapter 519 New Store (3)

Lin Fan was completely unaware of the storm that he had created on the city forums since he didn't have time to check them.

As soon as Lin Fan got home, he immediately went to check his cultivation realm farms since he would need materials for the store tomorrow.

During the time that he had been on the upper realm, Lin Fan didn't forget to maintain his cultivation realm farms and he had even made sure to take over several more cultivation realms. In total, Lin Fan had six different cultivation realm farms under him and he was already working on the seventh one, having already taken over half of that realm.

He would have finished taking it over, but it seemed like the opponent that he was facing this time was quite tough and he hadn't been able to take them down yet.

Still, since each cultivation farm realm would be enough to support one store, that meant that other than the first four cultivation realm farms that he used to support the lower realm stores, he had two cultivation realm farms to support this upper realm store. Even if it was the upper realm, he would have plenty of stock for the store.

While Lin Fan had been focused on these cultivation realm farms, he had also received a notice from the system that told him that the store's refurbishing had been finished.

Lin Fan was surprised since the system had told him two hours, but it had finished in an hour and a half, so he couldn't help saying, "Wow, you finished quite fast didn't you, system?"

"Host, please do not doubt the abilities of the system. First warning."

Now this was something nostalgic, it had been a long time since he had received a warning from the system like this that he almost forgot about it.josei

Still, that didn't mean that he had forgotten the possible punishments that he could receive from the system. With that in mind, Lin Fan chose to ignore it as he continued to prepare for tomorrow.

Lin Fan wasn't worried about the refurbishing of the store because he trusted the ability of the store. After all, they had been together for four different stores now, so there was no need to doubt the system's abilities.

Unbeknownst to him, the effects of his advertising were having their effect on the city forums.

The next morning, Lin Fan headed out early with Momonga and Angela.

He had been planning on going to the store alone since there was nothing for the two of them to do there, but for some reason, the two of them insisted on going to the store with him. Seeing how determined they were to go, Lin Fan had no other choice but to let them go with him.

Lin Fan had timed it so that he would arrive five minutes before he opened the store, but when he arrived, he found that there was already a crowd of people who had gathered around his store.

Lin Fan was surprised by the crowd that had appeared around his store, but when the people saw him, many people started to point at him.

When Lin Fan left this store yesterday, there were people who had taken his picture and posted it on the city forums with the post about the store, so there were people that recognized him.

"He really is as handsome as his picture."

"Un, I hope that we get a good table so we can just look at him."

"Is he really the Ghost Chef's disciple?"

"He's taking over this store and the deed that he had shown yesterday had the mark of the Hunters Organization, so it should be real."

"The Ghost Chef's disciple, it really has been a long time since I had a good meal."

"Right, I know exactly what you mean."

Lin Fan heard all kinds of different whispers and many of them involved things that he couldn't understand at all.

Who was this Ghost Chef that they were mentioning?

What did he have to do with the shop that he was going to open?

He wasn't opening a restaurant, he was opening a pet training shop!

When he came up to the crowd that was in front of his store, they parted like the waves to create a path for him right to the store.

Lin Fan walked through the path that had been created for him and when he did, he looked at the people around him. There were quite a few young ladies here and there were looks that could be considered dangerous on their faces.

Even with Angela glaring back at them, they weren't affected since there were just too many of them and combined, they were able to cancel out the chill coming from Angela.

Of course, there were also a few gazes that made Lin Fan uncomfortable. They were gazes just like the ones that came from the girls, but they came from bulky men instead.

Lin Fan looked to Angela for help, but all he heard was, "If that's what you like…"

Lin Fan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he did his best to avoid those gazes after that.

Once Lin Fan arrived in front of the store, he raised the white sheet a bit to reveal the door and then opened it without caring about anyone else.

When the crowd saw Lin Fan opening the door, the ones that were in front started moving like they were about to come in.

When Lin Fan saw this, he raised his hand and said, "Please wait, we're not open yet."

The crowd were surprised, but they were also anxious to get in because many of them had skipped breakfast to come here. One of them couldn't help asking, "When are you opening?"

Lin Fan was surprised to see that people were this excited to go into his store without even knowing what his store was, but he still said, "We'll be opening in another five minutes, right at nine."

Hearing that it wouldn't take much longer for the store to open, these people backed up and started urging Lin Fan to go in to prepare. He should take as much time as he needs to prepare.

Lin Fan was once again surprised by just how understanding the people outside his store were. Even back in the lower realm when he was at the peak of his store's popularity, he had never seen customers like this before.

Still, since they were so understanding, there was no need for him to question it.

He just assumed that this was the difference in quality of customers between the lower realm and the upper realm.

It didn't take long for Lin Fan to finish checking the store since the store's layout was almost exactly the same as the one in the lower realm. Even if the building itself wasn't designed to fit this kind of layout, the system had used spatial laws to force the building into this kind of layout.

Since everything was the same, the only thing that Lin Fan had to do was pull out the materials from his cultivation realm farm and this store was ready to open for business.

He finished right before it was time to open. While he was nervous about opening a new store, Lin Fan was also excited because this was the start of his new life in the upper realm. As well, this would allow him to build up the power that he would need to take revenge on the Liao Family.

After taking a moment to calm himself, Lin Fan walked out of the store and in front of everyone, he pulled off the white sheet that had been over the store to officially open the store.

However, the moment that everyone saw this store, they couldn't help being shocked.

After all, this store wasn't a restaurant as they had expected it to be. Instead, this store seemed to be some kind of pet training store. Not to mention that the name of the store was quite arrogant.

After a long time, Lin Fan's store finally had a real name because he had unlocked that privilege after upgrading the system.

So when he had the ability to choose the name of his store, Lin Fan had chosen to call it: Master Cultivation Pet Shop.

It would have been fine to call it a cultivation pet shop, but to add the word master really was a bit too much. After all, Master Monster Trainers were rare even among Soul Realm Monster Trainers.

For a store to call itself a master shop, there had to be a Master Monster Trainer that was working there.

However, no matter how people looked at Lin Fan, they couldn't see him as a Master Monster Trainer…After all, he was just too young!

The person that had taken the lead earlier to ask Lin Fan a question came up and asked, "This young master, is there a mistake with the shop's sign? Why is it a pet training shop and not a restaurant?"

Lin Fan heard this and was equally confused.

Why would he open a restaurant?

He couldn't understand why this man had suddenly asked him this question, so he asked back, "Why would I open a restaurant and not a pet training shop?"

The man who heard this couldn't help saying, "Eh? Aren't you the Ghost Chef's disciple?  Isn't that why you took over this store?"

Lin Fan then asked, "Who's the Ghost Chef?"

When the crowd heard this, their only reaction to this was, "EH?"

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