Cultivation Through Artifacts

Chapter 123

Chapter 123: Haven City

Chapter 123: Haven City

Ephus, the name that was bestowed upon the planet where humans lived in the First Realm by both humans and beings from the Second Realm, the Realm of Cultivation.

Ephus, in truth, was quite similar to Earth from Khal’s previous life with the sole difference that it was about 3 times larger and there were only 4 continents, each having its own laws and leaders.

Luckily, Khal was blessed enough to live on the most peaceful continent out of the four, on the Southern Continent!

In stark contrast to the Western Continent where Cultivators were in never-ending war between each other, people on the Southern Continent lived in harmony, all thanks to the fact that all Cities there formed a permanent alliance with each other, creating a so-called Federation.

To put it simply, all the cities were led by the Cultivator’s Organization but had complete independence in internal affairs let it be creating special laws or the prices of things there.

And this Federation’s capital was the biggest city on the Southern Continent, named Haven City!

Haven City was about 20 times bigger than Moon City with millions of Cultivators living there in happiness without any sign of conflict between each other.josei

And exactly in this city, where even the impossible could turn into the possible, the Thousand Life Tournament, the biggest event on the Southern Continent was finally held again after an entire decade!

“Holy mother of God! This city wall is huge!” exclaimed Khal with shock, his head almost completely bent backward as he tried to get a glimpse of the top of the wall before him.

Compared to Moon City’s walls that were already huge, this was on a completely different level. He could even say if he was an ant before an elephant back in Moon City, then right now he was also an ant but before a huge fucking giant!

The size comparison was simply a joke that made Khal feel so helpless that he didn’t know whether he should laugh or cry.

“Just what kind of Beasts are they trying to protect this city against with such a huge wall? A hord of giants or what?” thought Khal as he watched Logan who began to walk toward the gate.

“Let’s go. We need to register ourselves for the tournament and occupy our rooms in the hotel.”

“What kind of hotel will we stay in? Also, why do we have to register? Didn’t you say that every Academy sends only one participant?” asked Khal curiously from Logan’s side.

“You ask too much.” sighed Logan quietly, but still proceeded to explain, “I indeed said every Academy could send only one participant, but I never said they must send one. Just as you had the choice to decide not to participate without giving the Moon Robe to anyone, other Academies had the same right too. So occasions, where Academies decided not to send their participants are not rare, so the registration process is a must.”

“I see.” nodded Khal, “And how long will the tournament last?”

“About a week, but only for the winner. As for the rest, it depends how long they survive,” said Logan, his mouth forming a grin which made Khal’s mood immediately drop a level.

The two walked among the hundreds of thousands of Cultivators and sometime later the two finally arrived before a huge building, with a huge sign on its top.

‘Resort of Paradise’

“Esteemed Guests, I am deeply sorry but for the week we ar-“

“We are from Moon Academy,” said Logan in a flash, giving the woman a crest that had Moon Academy’s emblem on it.

As the woman saw the crest in Logan’s hand her complexion immediately turned shocked and bowed, “I am deeply sorry for my unwanted rudeness! Please, this way.”

As the woman gestured toward them, Khal and Logan followed her inside the building and watched as she led the way forward with steady steps.

Sometime later, the two arrived before a huge door and the woman turned around to face them.

With a polite look on her face she bowed once again and said, “Esteemed Guests, we are here.”

Right as her voice fell, the doors unlocked, opening into a huge hall filled with several other Cultivators too.

The hall was full of tables with foods and drinks placed on them in a gracious manner, while on the very opposite side of the hall was a small platform about a few meters in size.

“Please go inside and enjoy the foods and drinks until Master Adam comes. He will be here soon.”

Logan nodded as he knew who Master Adam was and without asking anything else walked inside with Khal on his side.

The very moment they did, however, all the Cultivators inside turned to look at them, their eyes fixed especially on Khal.

“That is the Moon Robe. They are from the Moon Academy!”

“Huh? Why can’t I feel any presence from that guy? Is he Talentless?”

“Did you go insane? He is hiding it on purpose! But as I can see he has a Beast Summoner Talent. And especially quite a powerful one.”

“Yeah, it’s just on the Third Cultivation Stage.”

Cultivators began to whisper between each other as they evaluated Khal’s strength the very moment he stepped inside.

Some of them ignored the very moment they noticed Rubie and her Cultivation Stage on Khal’s shoulder as in their eyes it was nothing but average, while some even began to ridicule him as he exhibited his Talent before everyone present.

The most important rule that everyone knew as to never showcase your Talent and strength before a battle as you can easily find yourself dead!

Especially if you had a Summoner type Talent!

Those with such Talent must hide the fact they were able to summon Beasts as that was like a secret finishing move for them.

Yet, Khal not only revealed the fact that he had a Summoner Talent, but even exhibited what kind of Beast he could summon before everyone in the hall!

This simply made him look not strong but a complete fool who wanted to die on the very first day of the tournament!

“Damn, I’m starving. Oh, look! There is still some food there!” exclaimed Logan after examining the Cultivators present for a brief moment and walked toward a table on the side.

Khal did the same and followed Logan from behind, completely ignoring the people in the hall as though they were just mere speck of dust.

However, this act of his angered everyone present in a flash, and low curses one after another could be heard all over the place.

He didn’t even try to look at them to see how strong his enemies were but simply ignored them right from the start! For them Cultivators who all came first from their respected Cities this was an inexcusable sin!

However, what they didn’t know that Khal didn’t care if he hurt their pride or not. He was also a Cultivator but even like that he knew assessing one’s true strength just from a single glimpse was impossible.

It could lead to overestimate one’s power or do the complete opposite and underestimate it; out of the two, the latter was a dire mistake to do while the former was simply naive thinking.

That’s why he decided to follow his Master and completely ignore the Cultivators and their ridiculous beliefs around him.

He didn’t have to show now what he could do, but instead when the real battle began. And when that starts, he will see if they will act the same way or not as now!

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