Cultivation Through Artifacts

Chapter 150

Chapter 150: Rubie!

Chapter 150: Rubie!

After the abrupt decision of Master Adam, spectators all around the world began to notice as a screen appeared out of nowhere, a sole Beast visible on its middle.

“Huh? A Beast? Why is it on the screen?”

“Take this off right now! Who cares about that a bird!”

“Wait, wasn’t that Beast with the boy who just died? Is it still alive?”

“Don’t tell me they will let a Tamed Beast participate even its owner died! Isn’t this simply cheating?”

And just a second later, a red dot appeared on the map, causing all to realize it was really the case.

That red bird was really participating even though its owner just died!

Spectators all around the world upon seeing this began to feel angry as this should be against the rules and it instantly caused a huge uproar around the Southern Continent.

On the other hand, there were those that just simply laughed at this sight as it was funny.

“Ha, letting a bird participate? I bet it won’t even survive before the next restriction happens!”

“Me too! 100 Silver coins she dies in the next 1 hour!”

“I’m in! But I don’t think the bird will die that soon, so let it be about one and a half an hour. If not, 1 Gold coin is yours!”


People began to bet on Rubie, some even betting on their precious items or weapons just to see how futile it was to let the bird remain in the tournament.

“This is some kind of bad joke right? That bird will represent our Academy? That is…” Scarlett seemed stunned by this change of events, unknown how she should react.

Connor, Raffin, and the rest seemed to have the same complexions, none of them expecting such an outcome.

“Well, at least we have a chance to grab the top 3!” exclaimed Dorothea merrily, causing many to glance at her in confusion.

“What? That’s the truth! We have the possibility!”

Jas nodded but then he gently shook his head, “That is true but your wish is simply impossible. You saw it too and Khal’s Beast is only on the Third Cultivation Stage. She can’t compete with the rest no question about it.”

“Principal Jas is right,” Raffin on the side nodded and said, “Not only is it impossible, but escaping is also. The Beast was always in Khal’s robe whenever he walked on the bridge. If that section collapse that is game over.”

Realizing he had a point, Dorothea glanced at Rubie on the screen and said, “Let’s just hope then the section won’t collapse.”

Among the burning scenery, Seila wiped her blood off from her eyes and glanced at the map.

However, when she did her face stiffened, and looked around, “He is still alive? Where?”

Glancing around with raised guard, Seila pried her surroundings but saw nothing. Not even the slightest bit of sign of Khal, even though her map signaled he was right next to him.

“Camouflage? No, that is impossible. He has no such Talent…”



Raising her head only to see Rubie’s figure on top of the tree, Seila narrowed her eyes and said, “His Beast?”

Rub it scanned the ground from above in the hope to find Khal, but no matter where she looked she was unable to see him.

This caused her eyes to turn anxious, but once she noticed Seila’s figure below her gaze turned sharp and opened her wings extra wide.


With a thunderous cry that seemed majestic and held great anger, Rubie leaped into the air and like crimson thunder flew at Seila.

“Annoying just as its owner…” with a cold sneer Seila swung the sword horizontally, sending a crescent silver arc at Rubie.

“Just follow your owner obediently and die!”



However, to her surprise, just before her attack had a chance to slice her up, Rubie changed direction and avoided her attack with ease.

“Hmph…” seeing this Seila snorted and swung her sword once again, this time with greater speed and concentrations!


Several crescent arcs akin to wind blades appeared before Rubie, giving her no chance to dodge to neither left or right.

But who would have thought that Rubie didn’t plan to and instead flapped her wings and burst toward the skies like a rocket, avoiding the assaults once again.

“What?” raising her head to follow Rubie’s figure, Seila wanted to continue her attack, but failed to do so as the sun above her shone right into her eyes.


With a deafening cry, Rubie’s figure could be seen flashing and appearing above Seila, her claws inches away from he face.

“Courting death!”



With a fast swing that exceeded even a flash, Seila’s sword appeared before her face, barely protecting her face in time.

“Screech!” however this didn’t hinder Rubie at all as she flapped her wings and appeared next to Seila the next second!



This attempt of her was defended again, but just like the first time she grabbed her wings and appeared on the other side of Seila, her claws targeting her weak spots.

One silver flicker followed by a crimson one, Seila and Rubie exchanged blows one after another, dumbfounding many that watched to speechlessness.


Not even Khal, who watched this sight could utter a word as this was his first time seeing Rubie with such hostility and desire.

It was like her anger could be only put out if she killed Seila and no matter what, she won’t stop until the very end.

“Stop fighting with that weak Beast! Kill it!”

Elder Caz was furious upon seeing the fight between Seila and Rubie as it put great shame upon his and Heaven’s Academy name!

Struggling to kill a Third Stage Beast on the Fifth Cultivation Stage… This made him feel ashamed of himself!

“Tsk…” Seila understood the situation too, but what she should do?

One of her arms was cut off, she was half-blind on her left eye and her strength was depleted almost entirely with her fight with Khal and Theon and by the usage of her Mirror Sight!

She was so obsessed to kill anyone and everyone in her way that she forgot to rest and recover her power that she lost and now it pushed her all the way to this point!

This was an absolute disgrace, a huge shame not only for her, but for her Master and Academy!

“I was an idiot and reckless!” groaned Seila angrily, but suddenly her eyes brightened, and moved.



With a smooth step to the side, Seila avoided Rubie’s attack only by a hair’s margin and slashed at her body from below.


With a clean slice, Seila’s sword cut Rubie’s body into two, putting an end to the fight between the two once and for all!

“That’s why Beasts never win against us Cultivators. Once lost their sanity because of emotions, they are nothing but walking meat ready to be killed.” snorted Seila and walked away with wide strides, not daring to stay even a second more on that place as she felt indescribable humiliation that she struggled against a weak Beast for so long!josei

However, Khal didn’t care even the slightest how Seila felt as he ran next to the Transfer Station and picked Rubie’s weak body up.

“You were amazing!” exclaimed Khal happily, caressing Rubie’s body gently to open her eyes.


Opening her eyes slowly, Rubie seemed to be startled by Khal’s figure, but after realizing it was truly him and not a dream, she fluttered her wings and jumped onto his shoulder, pushing her head merrily onto his cheeks.

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