Cultivation Through Artifacts

Chapter 213 - Jade Carvings

Chapter 213 - Jade Carvings

"I know it is strange for me to ask for your help and even stranger that I believe in a seemingly outrageous story, but what benefit would Khal get by telling a fake tale? There is no reason for him to lie, especially to me." Jas told Logan, his gaze calm.

Logan continued to stare at Jas for quite a while and only after several minutes of silent pondering later did he sigh and shook his head helplessly.

"Let's say what Khal said was true and we indeed find that tower on the mountain... What do you plan to do then?"

Jas upon hearing the question shifted his gaze back at the clouds above where the mountain's peak vanished and smiled. However, rather than answering the question, he instead decided to ask another one, "Ever heard about the legend of the Moon Goddess?"

Logan seemed confused by the question but still nodded, "Yes, I did. An existence that descended from the Higher Realms into our world, exactly onto this mountain when the moon was full. They said the being was a woman that not only had otherworldly features that even Gods would envy but possessed strength that was second to none."

He then continued, "She saved several lives by cursing the wrong and blessing the good. This is why our city, Academy, and this mountain holds the name moon in them as this is the way we can express our gratitude to everything she has done not only for us but to everyone. But that is only a legend, a tale that remained alive even thousands of years later, and nothing more. There are even some that say it's a funny joke as those that ascended the mountain never saw a thing up there and even lost their lives because of 'that' Beast."

Jas listened to Logan's brief explanation of the story about the Moon Goddess and nodded.

"Indeed, it is just a myth, a made-up story to make humans believe something that seemed impossible, but after hearing what Khal said, a thought made me think... What if, the legend that all of us belived as a legend, is true? That the Moon Goddess did exist and descended and the tower he saw was something she created during her time in our world? Maybe it appears weird, but I believe otherwise."

Logan didn't know what to say. Even though he found the whole scenario absurd and straight out wanted to laugh, he knew way too well that once Jas's curiosity was ignited, there was almost no way to extinguish it.

Furthermore, he understood that if they indeed find the tower then not only theirs, but every other person' in Moon Academy and even those in Moon City will receive a great boost in strength. And who knows, maybe Moon Academy will be able to develop to the point where it can stand on the top, together with Heaven City and Haven City!

However, these kinds of thoughts were only small beliefs and nothing more until they won't check it out themselves and confirm if what Khal said was indeed valid or not.

Hence, Logan just sighed and with a defeated nod he began to walk forward.

"Then let's go and see if what Khal just said is indeed true or not. I want to see that tower with my two own eyes."

Meanwhile, Khal, who was oblivious to all of this, sat calmly below the same colorful tree, in his hand the Secret Art that will help him take his first step toward his long-awaited revenge.

Learning and using the Jade Tombstone was relatively easy, the hardest aspect of it was the requirements where he had to open four of his Essence Paths in one of his arms which in the end seemed simple to accomplish.

Now, the only thing Khal had to do was to memorize the way he had to use his Essence and the context of the Secret Art. josei

Sometime later, Khal put down the scroll from his hand onto the ground and raised his left hand before his eyes. And soon, about a few seconds later, all five of his fingers turned shining azure blue, almost as if they were crafted out by the most polished jade that existed on this planet.

Seeing this Khal couldn't help but form a smile and stand up before turning around waving his hand at the tree.


With one single motion that for some reason seemed ten, Khal drew a strange symbol atop the tree's surface and watched as it slowly melted into the texture of the tree and vanish from his sight. However, because there was a strange connection between him and the symbol, Khal could feel that the symbol was indeed there and it didn't vanish at all!

"Nice!" Khal exclaimed out with joy before he spun around and left hurriedly with Rubie following him from above.

With that, he began to carve symbols almost on everything. Buildings, trees, ground, and different objects such as barrels or broken woods.

Under 5 hours, Khal carved more than a hundred symbols inside and even outside Moon City before halting his steps right before the main gate.

"It's done! Now onto the main course..." Khal closed his eyes, and pressed a point between his forehead with his jade-like index finger and soon a completely new sight manifested in his kind.


In a blink, inside Khal's mind, the entire scenery of Moon City arose, including every item, object, building, street, and even the moving people inside it!

He saw everything as clear as day from above, almost as though he was looking at a live feed video but with the sole exception, he watched it not from a screen but his mind!

"Holy fuck! This Secret Art is... Ridiculous!" Khal couldn't help but blurt out his shock, surprising many that heard him.

However, Khal didn't care about others and instead lowered his arm before opening his eyes that flickered with shock.

But he was stunned not only because of how useful this Secret Art was, but because of the amount of Body Essence it consumed.

His 1050 units of Essence, just under this short amount which was no longer than 5 seconds, decreased in a wink, falling below 200 almost instantly! It was a ridiculously huge amount, which not even Khal could ignore.

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