Cultivation Through Artifacts

Chapter 65

Chapter 65: ['Beast Core' Consumed!]

Chapter 65: ['Beast Core' Consumed!]

The sight as Moras’s body fell heavily onto the ground and his body started to twitch while struggled to breathe made Khal feel a cold shiver sent through his whole body.

“Just what was that crimson light?” Khal’s complexion was a bit pale as he turned his gaze toward the direction where the flash vanished to.

Whatever attacked Moras was definitely above the Fourth Cultivation Stage; because if not it wouldn’t have been able to cause him to fall and struggle on the ground like this.

“Even though I saw what happened with my Heaven’s Eye, I was still unable to catch a glimpse of the creature. But one thing is for sure…” as Khal thought about this he glanced at Moras’s neck and squinted his eyes. On the side of his neck, three deep claw marks were visible while deep red blood was slowly flowing out.

But there was one strange thing about all of this; the blood was not liquid-like like any normal people should had, but instead jelly-like. And what’s more, the more blood flowed out the wounds the more apparent it was that Moras’s blood was turning slowly into a jelly substance with a ruby luminance!

“This power… Gold Toxic? No, that can’t be. Gold Toxic turns the victim’s blood into a golden material and not into a ruby substance. Also, Gold Hawks are Third Stage Beasts so they don’t have the speed to assault Moras like that. What was it then?” Khal was entirely confused at the moment; he was unable to figure out the creature’s identity that attacked Moras with a power similar to that of a Gold Hawk.

“Argh… Blergh… Hel… bekf.”

Moras tried to speak and even extended his arm toward Khal, but what came out of his mouth was jelly-like blood. No, it was no longer jelly; it was blood that completely materialized into a solid form.


Although his outer appearance showed mountain solid composure with dagger sharp stares, Khal’s heart and mind were screaming with fear. What would have happened with him if that creature decided to attack not only Moras but him too? Did he survive thanks to the fact he was below the mountainside so the creature didn’t notice him or was it simply luck? In either way, Khal thanked the Gods above and wiped the cold sweat away from his forehead.

“Ple… Breagh… Yos…” Moras was unable to finish a single word in succession as he tried calling for help, but a few seconds later his arm fell while his body stopped struggling. Solid blood with a shape like small ruby stones fell out from his mouth and wounds, while the vein below his skin popped out disgustingly, like they were pushed out from the interior.


Khal stood still even after minutes, not daring to move an inch. Right now a Cultivator that was on the Fourth Cultivation Stage died… No, it was better to say he was slaughtered by a creature that he didn’t even know what it was!

Everything happened just way too fast and that’s why Khal felt a bit scared. If that creature decided to come back he could do nothing but pray to die without pain; but considering how Moras died, his wish could be said as a complete joke.

Dying alive because your blood turned rock solid… The pain could have been unimaginable agonizing for sure.

In silence, Khal waited for a whole 10 minutes before getting the courage to step forward and look around carefully. He didn’t dare to run away instantly fearing that the creature was still nearby, but after surveying his surroundings for one whole minute straight, he sighed with relief.

“It seems I’m fine, but it should be best to hurry up. If that creature comes back I will be dead in a split second.” thought Khal with slight uneasiness still occupying his heart and started to run away. But not even after he took a few steps forward his strides slowed down and came to a complete halt.

“…” Khal glanced at Moras’s corpse in silence and after pondering for a small while run to its side.

“Even though I don’t know who sent you, you tried to kill me so I will take this as compensation,” murmured Khal quietly and took out the Beast Core from Moras’s pocket.

“I can’t wait to find out what it can do.” thought Khal merrily and was about to stand up when his eyes caught a glimpse of something on Moras’s collarbone.


Extending his arm, Khal grabbed a silver necklace from Moras’s neck and pulled it out from below his robe, but when he did, his whole complexion froze up while a cold glint flashed deep inside his eyes.

“I see.”


After the unexpected events both in Shadow Woods and on Moon Mountain, Khal decided to take shelter somewhere in the proximity. He didn’t want to go back to Moon City because he still had to slay 5 Gold Hawks for his mission, but because of the continued blows that his body sustained he needed a bit of time to recover; also, at least he had the time to inspect and consume the Beast Core he ‘stole’ from Moras.

Currently, Khal was somewhere between Moon Mountain and Shadow Woods while sitting in a relaxed manner in a lotus position, holding a black orb in both of his hands.

The orb was as large as a snooker ball with the only difference that it weighted nothing; and under nothing, it meant literal zero weight. It was so light that just a gentle blow would make it fly away, that’s how light it was. Yet, even though it had such lightweight, the moment Khal started to consume it he felt like a huge boulder had been placed on his lap.

But this didn’t hinder Khal to continue his attempt to consume the orb and it was apparent both on his determined expression and on the Beast Core in his hold.

As time went by in silence, bit by bit the Beast Core slowly shrank in size while black mist enveloped his body like a sheet, giving him a strange presence; a presence almost like a…


Yes, like a Beast’s that could be found in the wild nature!

The longer he consumed the Beast Core and the more mist shrouded his physique, the more his presence turned into that of a creature’s, giving him a kind of Beast-like aura!

And to make things even more interesting, the cells, bones, and muscles inside Khal’s body underwent slow but visible changes too, but as to what it was hard to know. It felt strange but at the same time pleasant too, so it was difficult to describe how he felt currently.


In deep silence, Khal enjoyed the changes inside and outside his body and continued to consume the Beast Core until the very moment where only the little creature, representing the Diamond Beetle, remained in his hand.

“Should I consume this too?” Khal was confused a bit, but seeing as it was not alive and was only an object that resided in the orb, he relaxed and started to consume it.

And just as he belived it, the moment he started the process the little creature slowly evaporated and just like the orb, became a black mist around his body.

And the moment the final portion of the orb vanished and turned into mist, the black haze that surrounded Khal moved and melted inside his body.

However, it was right at this moment when Khal’s complexion turned as pale as a sheet of paper while bean-sized sweat drops appeared on his face following shape pain all over his body.josei


[Notify! ‘Beast Core’ detected!]

[Would you like to transform ‘Beast Core’ into ‘Power Core’?]

The very moment Khal heard the voice in his head he knitted his brows and started to ponder.

“It seems I feel this pain because the bracelet stops the Beast Core to fully melt with my body. But what is the point to make it into a Power Core? Is there any extra benefit if I choose to?”

And just like it heard his question the answer came right away.

[Notify! Transforming a consumed ‘Beast Core’ into ‘Power Core’ unlocks hidden potentials of the Core.]

“What?! Hidden potentials? What should that mean?” widened his eyes Khal but no answer came which made him quite disappointed.

“Well, then I would like to yes.” sighed Khal, but the next sentence made his whole body froze up.

[Warning! Transformation is impossible! You need to unlock the ability ‘Power Core Holder’ to hold more than 1 ‘Power Core’ at a time!]

[Notify! But if you wish, you can demolish ‘Power Core’ Heaven’s Eyes in exchange for the current ‘Power Core’!]


Khal didn’t know whether he should laugh or cry at the moment. First, the voice asks him if he wanted to transform the Beast Core into a Power Core to unlock hidden potentials, but when he chooses yes, it turns out the process was impossible.

Was it a joke or do the heavens find it funny to play such a joke on him?

Feeling the still roaming pain in his body, Khal could only clench his teeth and murmur, “Then I don’t want the transformation.”


[Notify! Once you obtain the ‘Beast Core’ you will be unable to turn it into a ‘Power Core’. Do you still wish to proceed?]


Right now, Khal truly was on the verge of cursing out loud and strangle someone to death, but he could only sigh helplessly and nod.

“Yeah… I wish…”


In that instant, the pain vanished from Khal’s body and as the black mist finally melted completely into his body, the voice appeared once again.

[Notify! ‘Beast Core’ Diamond Skin consumed!]


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