Cultural Invasion In Different World

Chapter 846

Chapter 846


Chapter 846: Chapter 832: Power will make people lose themselves

Translator: 549690339

At night, Arthur Crow amusement park was immersed in a new round of revelry.

The building of the amusement park was directly hung with primary crystals that could emit colorful light, making the fairy tale atmosphere of the entire amusement park even more intense than during the day.

However, Jose was not in the mood to participate in the carnival. He found a room to rest in the Hearthstone Tavern and sat on the bed, quietly looking out of the window. josei

“Should we go and have a good talk with those sublimates?”

Hiri held Jose from behind and leaned his whole body against Jose.

“The talk here should be in quotation marks.”

Jose’s attention was focused on the magic web interface in front of him. Hiri could only see a bunch of complicated inscriptions flashing on Jose’s magic web interface.

Among these runes, the only thing that Healy could understand was a white bird made of pixels and a white cat in the upper right corner.

“I don’t think they would inform me in advance when they come to find us, so we have to take the initiative to look for them,”Healy said.

“That sublimator called White Moon is here to look for his own kind. Their way of looking for them is indeed a little rough, basically no different from kidnapping... I will visit those sublimators in the near future, but Healy, you have to finish the rest of the lessons in Arthur Cross.”

Joshua’s Fingertips tapped on the magic net interface. The white cat in the upper left corner yawned and then disappeared into Joshua’s magic net interface.

Only the white bird was still standing there like an owl. Whenever Joshua made a mistake in the language of the runes, the white bird would always identify it for him.

“This is the only way...”

Healy could only accept Joshua’s suggestion.

The life experience of Healy when she was young had formed a part of her character that was aggressive. However, now that Healy had realized that she was going to be a mother soon, her life did not belong to her alone anymore.

“Joshua... You’re not going to fight those sublimates one-on-one, right?”Healy asked worriedly.

“I’m not stupid. The first thing to do in a dungeon is to form a team.”

As Josh spoke, he pressed the save button on the virtual keyboard in front of him. Then, he exited the black interface and opened the Magic Net’s SMS, entering the SMS group.

The movie council was still discussing about what they had seen and heard about Arthur Crow’s amusement park... Josh Thought for a moment and immediately used the summoning spell to summon all the members.

After this summoning spell was cast in the movie council, the topic instantly changed. Some ids that Hiri was not familiar with directly popped up.

Some of the unfamiliar members simply sent a ‘?’, as if they did not know about this function.

‘Joshua, you interrupted a performance of mine! Immediately give me a reasonable reason.’

The Light Chaser’s message was very direct.

‘It’s rare that the person who sent the fire will personally send all the members here. Is there anything important to inform them?’

The owner of this message could guess the identity of the person just by looking at the name. It was the brass dragon.

The host of this famous interview program had not joined the film council for a long time. Moreover, he would only appear in the middle of the night.

“I feel that this time is suitable for announcing the news of the wedding.”

Joshua felt that after he used the collective summoning spell, all the members of the Basic Film Council were online.

“You... didn’t you say that the wedding is not ready yet?”Hiri did not know the exact time of the wedding, and even how it would be held, he only knew that it would be held at Arthur Crow amusement park.

“Because your wedding dress isn’t ready yet, the time hasn’t been fixed yet...”

Joshua’s fingertips began to tap on the keyboard, and he edited a new message.

“Wedding dress? What’s That?”Hiri asked.

“Keep it a secret for now. You’ll know when the time comes.”

As he spoke, Joshua sent out the message that he had just edited.

“Before the wedding starts, go and greet the sublimator first.”

“A reward and an invitation. I plan to thoroughly explore the deepest ruins in Nolan’s underground World Tomorrow.”

“The deepest ruins? We’ve been to that place a few times, Joshua. A large door has locked that place tightly. Even if you use an axe to knock it, you won’t be able to open it.”

Nolan’s underground veteran explorer Frost Axe told Joshua an important piece of information at this time.

“What if I have the key to open the door?”Joshua sent another message.

“Can you open the door? Go, go, go... Now! I’ll go and Get Everyone!”

The Dwarves in Nolan underground had been fighting with the artifacts of the ruins for almost a hundred years. They could not open the last part of the ruins no matter how hard they tried.

The news that Joshua had the key was no less than the big news that Frost Axe had won the legendary champion of Nolan Hearthstone among the dwarves.

“Sir Frost Axe, don’t be too impulsive. The guards in the depths of the ruins are very dangerous.”

The blue-clothed man stepped forward at this time to stop Frost Axe’s behavior.

“You blue-robed man! I asked you for the way to enter a few years ago, but you refused to give it to me... And Now You Want to stop me?”

‘the blue-robed man, the Aborigines living in the underground ruins have some conflicts with me. I must have a good talk with them. There’s no need for frost axe to be too impatient. The reward and invitation will be effective until noon tomorrow. I’ll thank everyone who is present.’

After leaving this message, Jose closed the message in the film conference.

“Is this... cheating?”

Hiri had been reading some of the messages that popped up in the movie council. She could roughly recognize everyone in the movie council.

There were several members in the movie council who could easily ‘overturn’half of Nolan.

“This isn’t an adventure treasure hunt. Could it be that they really went to the mercenary guild and shouted, ‘Let’s form a team in the ruins, no paladins for milk’... strictly speaking, this is to ruin the place. Of course, the more people we bring, the better. It’s also more efficient,”said Joshua.

“Then how many people will come?”

Hiri looked at Jose’s confident look. It was as if Jose could simply summon all the members in the movie council and take down the ruins that the dwarves had not taken down in a hundred years.

“Not many people are needed. I think it’s time to let the ice dragon exercise a little. I heard from Tyreen that Catarian seems to have gained weight recently. Frost Axe and the others will definitely help.”

Jose carefully thought about the combat power that his subordinates could mobilize. As long as it was not a war between countries, any other level of battle could be easily settled.

Sometimes, power would make Jose lose himself. However, there were already many people in the movie council who were asking about that place to gather.

One part of them was very interested in Nolan’s underground ruins, and the other part was taking the initiative to help out because they owed Jose too much.

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