Cursed Immortality

Chapter 122 Birth Of Facelss Ancient

Chapter 122 Birth Of Facelss Ancient

The Orc was instantly on high alert and finally understood why his companion shut him down.

'This is terrible! If he's as strong as this crazy bitch, we'll be at a disadvantage since we didn't bring our battle gears and weapons. Fuck my luck!' He cussed inwardly, 'Should I make an escape? I will only get in her way, but she might kill me if she takes it the wrong way, and the organization won't hold her accountable as well!'

The Dark Elf, on the other hand, was much more composed than the panicking Orc.

Although she was also apprehensive of this mysterious man now, she couldn't escape as long as her life wasn't threatened. Furthermore, with the start of the Cannibal Plan, she couldn't retreat now.

She even regretted starting the war so soon without investigating this variable thoroughly.

She was at fault this time, and she might suffer a terrible backlash from the organization for this. If she escaped without even trying, she would be dealt with no matter how good reason she had!

"It's indeed impolite to not introduce ourselves." She finally spoke, "I'm Skull NO. A-9999, this is my boorish companion, Skull NO. A-10000. I apologize for his unsophisticated speech and for barging in like this. We'll compensate for this if you don't mind."

'It's these guys again!' Jacob tutted inwardly when he heard the introduction.

But he was as shocked as he was vexed by the Killer Skull Society's prowess and their members. He finally understood why that guy told him that strength doesn't matter in this organization and that the lower the number of members, the stronger they were.

'There are even 9998 below her, and she's already at my level. It seemed I can't mess with the Killer Skull Society openly.' He grimaced.

But he didn't lose his composure. He could feel their heart rates were hurried, especially the Orc.

It also proved that they didn't know about his strength and came unprepared, and they wanted to avoid a conflict that was aligned with his thoughts.

But he had an upper hand when it comes to the element of mystery, so he doesn't want to appear too obvious.

He coldly sneered, "The Clown Society really knows how to act arrogantly when the odds are in their favor while also knowing when to retreat when kicked in an iron plate."

Skull NO. A-10000 clenched his fists when he heard ridicule in Jacob's tone and called their organization 'Clown Society' without any fear.

The Dark Elf was also displeased with this remark, but she knew they were at fault, and from Jacob's confident tone, he wasn't afraid of them as well. She didn't want to fight when she wasn't even had her weapon, so she endured the urge to curse back.

"We didn't know about Sir's presence in this place, or we would come bearing gifts. It was just a terrible misunderstanding. But I think Sir just went a little excessive with your words.

"You took something from our agent, but we don't want any conflicts. So, we would like to buy it back, at the right price. What do you think? I hope you would consider the goodwill of the Killer Skull Society." Skull NO. A-9999 calmly offered.

Since Jacob hadn't attacked, this also put her mind at ease, and now she just has to negotiate with him. Once she acquired the titan tears. She will alert society about Jacob's presence here and let them decide what to do next. She just wanted to complete this task and get out of there now.

Jacob squinted his eyes. 'Are they talking about the mutant? No, that thing isn't worth sending someone like Skull NO. A-9999 here.' His eyes suddenly shimmered with surprise as he glanced at titan iron, 'Could it be…?'

"I pick many things from here and there, so be specific about what you want?" Jacob coolly stated.

Skull NO. A-9999 replied without any hesitation, "You might have come in contact with a Rogue Skull of our society. He was a traitor and took a precious potion formula and ran away with it many years ago.

"It seemed he had offended you, and we're glad you took him out. But that formula belongs to society, and we would very much like to buy it back from you. It is called the Titan Tears, and society knows you have it."

She deliberately highlighted society's name to make Jacob apprehensive, while society didn't know at all!

'So, the secret organization after that idiot was the clown society? I might've thought.' Jacob smiled wryly. 'I have two copies of titan tears. One is translated and only has two formulas, while the original one is still not completely translated.

'Even Tunny wasn't able to decipher more than six pages despite knowing the Philosopher's language. He said that there were levels of Philosopher's language available to different ranks.

'There should be six levels of Philosopher's Language, and Tunny only mastered the first one, and he was required to be a Master Potion Alchemist to get the information for level 2.'

Jacob mused, in these six months he learned the Philosopher's language, but he found out that it wasn't complete, and Tunny told him the truth about it.

Furthermore, the titan tears formula was quite complex, so Tunny could only decipher the first six pages accurately which recorded the formula of uncommon titan tears and rare titan tears.

But when Jacob tried to read it, he found that the first page was filled with unfamiliar words, and only some of them were familiar. Which made him speculate that the introduction part wasn't clearly translated and Tunny might've made mistakes.

Nevertheless, just the two formulas were enough for Tunny and Jerry to reach the peak of common rank. So, they didn't care. While Jacob was different, he was planning on completely deciphering the book.

The Titan Tears were very useful to him, and he didn't want to search for a substitute. He was afraid he might not even find a substitute as good as titan tears. So, he was planning to research the Philosopher's language when the time came.

However, he never thought the Killer Skull Society knew about this formula as well and after it, and even tracked him down.

'Tunny told me Jerry found this book in ruin, and he never let anyone see it all these years. So, they might only know the name but not the contents of the book…' Jacob thought sharply.

He decided to test it, and said, "If that's the case, I don't mind giving it back since there are only two potions formulas which would be quite useless to me after some time. Your society doesn't mind me using it, right?"

Skull NO. A-9999 had a silent sigh of relief when she heard this. If Jacob didn't agree, then she might really have to test his strength. But now that he spoke like this, it means he was willing to give it back at the expense of continue using it for himself until he deemed it useless.josei

It also means he was 'afraid' of society.

Completely at ease, she chuckled and said, "We're not that mulish. Since you do us a favor by getting rid of a traitor, we won't inflict any rules. But please keep this formula to yourself for 20 years and afterward you can release it publicly if you want. You can do that, right?"

Jacob pulled a snide smile and nodded, "Of course, since you guys cooperating, I can't reject your goodwill, right?"

Inwardly, Jacob sneered, 'Heh, I'm profiting big time!'

Now that his mind was at complete ease, he said, "Let's discuss the price. What is your offer?"

Jacob knew the Killer Skull Society's roots runs deep, and money might be just a number for them. So, he wanted something that only someone in their position could offer, but he had no idea what to ask for. He felt exasperated when he thought about his shallow knowledge.

That's why he let them decide first, and see what they're willing to offer.

Skull NO. A-9999 had no idea about Jacob's ignorance, so she only thought it was Jacob's way to see their goodwill.

She pondered a bit before she said, "First, can you tell me what were you doing here and your name?"

She asked this because of the Cannibal Plan, and if Jacob wasn't here to mess with them and only here for the titan iron, then there was no need to turn hostile to him.

But if he was investigating them, then it means the three hegemonies knew about their plan, which changed their entire plan.

Jacob squinted his eyes and suddenly asked, "The war was startled by you guys, right?"

Skull NO. A-9999 thought for a moment and nodded, "Yes, are you intending to stop it?' She probed.

Jacob chuckled and shook his head, "I have nothing to do with anyone in the uncommon region. Don't worry. I won't get in your way as long as you stay out of mine.

"I was only here for titan iron, as you had already guessed.

"As for my name, call me… Faceless Ancient!"

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