Cursed Immortality

Chapter 164 On The Road To…

Chapter 164 On The Road To…

After Jacob agreed to take this entrance test, the meeting ended.

Afterward, Jacob and Douglas bid Milan farewell since Douglas was about to lead Jacob toward the largest city of east golden sword province, where he would be taking the entrance test of Nightmare Knight Legion in two days.

But this was just a temporary stop for Jacob because whether he passed or failed, he'll be instated in another province far away from the navy.

However, Jacob didn't know that the East Golden Sword Navy was the safest army unit of the Golden Sword Country, and only a few even got the chance to enter the navy, which he rejected without knowing.

While in a moving military jeep, Jacob questioned Douglas sitting beside him, "Since I agree to join your ranks, can you tell me what those evil creatures you were talking about?"

When Douglas revealed this strange secret, Jacob was curious and wanted to know what could make the four nations fight for centuries.josei

Douglas glanced at the soldier driving the jeep and coolly said, "Let's wait until you finish your test Mr. Jack; there's no hurry. I don't want you to lose your focus."

Jacob's eyebrow spasmed slightly, but he didn't raise this topic anymore.

So, he changed the subject to anything he was curious about, "Then can you tell me about the Nightmare Knight Legion test and what ranks they had and what kind of rank I needed to pass this test of yours?"

Although Jacob knew the Nightmare Knight Legion existed in the common plains, he still hadn't had the chance to come in contact with them and what kind of ranks they had.

Furthermore, those mercenary ranks of common plains also didn't apply in rare plains, so he was curious about how they measure power level here and if they have different grades for those with Magic.

Although Jacob hadn't met anyone with magic power yet in rare plains, he knew they weren't strange to this concept but hiding this information from those who didn't need to learn about it.

This time Douglas didn't dodge the question and asked curiously, "I seemed the place, Sir. Jack came from didn't have nightmare knight legion?"

"You could say that, but I do hear about their fame and name." Jacob nodded.

There wasn't any information about the three hegemonies on the star network as well, so admitting it would only make it more transparent that he was just a bumpkin and let others underestimate him even more.

Douglas's eyes shimmered in realization as he said, "That also explains why Mr. Jack didn't have any identity badges of the three hegemonies.

"Well, it doesn't matter, Mr. Jack. There's no need to worry about anything. Although Nightmare Knight Legion is the most difficult to join, it shouldn't be a problem with your current power.

"As for their ranks, there is the lowest rank, the Reserve Nightmare Knight, and after it is Rank-1 Nightmare Knight to Rank-9 Nightmare Knight. But all these ranks are for common-tier species.

"For Rare Tier Fighter Species like us, the ranks changed into Star ranks. To achieve 1-Star Nightmare Fighter Knight, one needs at least a physical strength of 500 tons, and the age should be below 100 years.

"The threshold to cross the 1-Star Nightmare Fighter Knight is having a strength level in Kiloton (1 KT= 1000 Tons). But it's too hard to achieve. We only know that there are up to 9-Star Nightmare Fighter Knight Ranks.

"The most powerful Nightmare Fighter Knight record in our Rare Freedom Plains is 4-Star, and that person is the current spokesperson of the entire Nightmare Knight Legion in all four nations, and he's belonged to the Iron Giant Tribe of Iron Sierras." Douglas's voice showed a hint of reverence as he revealed the open secret to Jacob.

Jacob was astounded when he heard this because he didn't dare to imagine just what kind of physical strength this 4-Star Nightmare Knight would have, and all his confidence of having the physical strength of over 800 tons vanished into smoke.

He felt his decision to remain submissive was an absolutely right one.

He also discovered something from Douglas's speech as he questioned while pretending to be ignorant, "You said these ranks are for Fighter Species like us? I have read an article on the Star Information Sea that said there are two specific categories, Fighter and Wiser, and there's no information about Wiser Species. So what is this all about?"

Douglas wasn't surprised by this question since he knew this kind of information was really on the Star Information Sea, and anyone could find them as long as they were curious about the ranks.

Furthermore, the Nightmare Knights Legion entrance test will expose this exact element about Jacob to them, so he had to explain this no matter what. Besides, when Jacob joined their private star server, he was bound to come in contact with that information.

"Since Mr. Jack will soon join our ranks, I don't mind revealing this classified information.

"The Wiser Species has something to do with supernatural powers which we called Magic!

"To be called a Wiser Species, it required sensing the presence of Magic which is, in fact, elements like fire, water, soil, wind, and such around us. Therefore, the higher tier a wiser species is, the more proficient they are in controlling Magic.

"We measure this magic power with something called Magic Measuring Device, but that device could only measure the presence of Magic that has already been awakened. It could not tell if someone had the potential to be wiser or not.

"However, the Nightmare Knight Legion had such a device, and now you might understand why we want to take the entrance test." Douglas meaningfully stated with an impassive expression.

'I knew it!' Jacob's eyes flashed intensely, but he pretended to be surprised, "I never thought such powers existed in this world. I was too ignorant and arrogant."

He took a deep breath before he said with a hint of anticipation, "So, as long as I have this magic potential, I'll get Level-2 citizenship directly?"

Douglas wasn't surprised seeing Jacob's expression since anyone would be excited after learning about Magic. However, he also knew the more disappointed one would be when one found out they had no destiny with this fable concept.

Nevertheless, it was still yet to be seen if Jacob's species had such potential, so some essential figures of the country were secretly paying attention to Jacob.

Douglas replied impassively, "Indeed, a Wiser species is quite rare in rare freedom plains, and they're considered strategic resources, so they were also given the most lavish treatment as well. I hope now Mr. Jacob won't hold back on us. We all are doing this for everyone's sake.

"If Mr. Jacob also has the potential of Magic, then you'll be appointed as a Rank-1 Nightmare Magic Knight Instantly. Even the Nightmare Knight Legion treated a Magic Knight quite generously and trained them with everything they had.

"As for higher ranks and deeper knowledge of wiser species, you'll know if you become a magic knight, or this information would only be meaningless to you." He stated plainly.

"I understand." Jacob pretended to be pumped while, in reality, he was feeling confused.

'Immortika said every rare species could awake an element or something like that, but this guy saying this device could reveal one magic potential, yet they're still rare.

'Immortika won't lie about something like this. So, this device is clearly flawed. I wondered if it could detect my yet-to-be-awaken element?' Jacob mused gravely.

Now that he had confirmed his doubts, he knew there was ample information he wanted out there, and all he had to do was to acquire it.

It also made Jacob quite hopeful about collecting those magic cores.

Now all was left to take this test, acquire those identity badges, and join those private star servers. As for what the end result will be, Jacob wasn't too worried about it.

Even if the final result ends up with him not getting the Nightmare Magic Knight Rank, he would be glad since this would make all those unwanted attentions disappear, and no one will pay much attention to him anymore.

Afterward, Jacob asked some common questions about the provinces and cities they were going to for this test, and Douglas answered as long as Jacob didn't stir up some sensitive topic.

After twelve hours of driving and passing many plain fields and some small forest roads, they finally reached a place where Jacob saw more gas vehicles moving on a vast road that looked just like the modern civilization he remembered.

Soon, they reached a check post where many troll soldiers were holding firearms.

But seeing the military jeep, no one stopped in their tracks and let them pass when Douglas's flashed a badge on his star watch.

After passing this check post, Jacob buildings, and some skyscrapers on the horizon, they reached the biggest city of East Golden Sword Province, Easter City!

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