Cursed Immortality

Chapter 166 Nightmare Knight Legion (1)

Chapter 166 Nightmare Knight Legion (1)

On his remaining day of stay, Jacob didn't tour the city, he only came out just for his meals, and even that was because Douglas invited him.

Although this behavior raised some suspicion in Douglas's mind, but he couldn't just condemn the guy for his lack of interest. Nevertheless, Douglas never stopped monitoring, and people behind him were also on high alert.

If Jacob had tried to escape or left a certain perimeter, it would've not ended well for him.

The Easter City was highly guarded, and escaping it was night impossible with the City Magistrate present and on high alert.

However, since Jacob didn't show any strange movement, nothing happened. Finally, the day arrived when he was again led in another black army jeet with a newcomer joining Jacob and Douglas.

This person was another mountain troll named Nathanael, but he was slim, unlike Douglas. Yet, he gave Jacob a feeling of apprehension with that nasty smile on his face and the way he talked like he was a servant of people.

However, Jacob could tell this person was dark from the inside, as if he was suppressing his true self, and Jacob knew too well about it.

"So, Mr. Jack, are you prepared?" Nathanael asked with a smile as he glanced at masked Jacob from the front seat mirror.

According to Douglas, Nathanael was his friend in Easter City and also a Ranked Captain in the Golden Sword Army. He was here because he also had something to do in the Nightmare Knight Legion.

Jacob impassively replied, "I'm always prepared."

"Haha, that's the spirit, my foreign friend. We should always be prepared for the worse. That's the way of a warrior." Nathanael warmly stated.

"Indeed." Jacob plainly replied.

Although he didn't know why this guy was with them, he didn't like him from the moment, he saw him and even wanted to kill him.

Afterward, Nathanael didn't ask more questions since he could feel Jacob wasn't a chatterbox, and neither could he get something out of him. He was just too indifferent.

Douglas was also having some misgivings about Jacob's actual personality now.

They were headed toward one of the city's tallest skyscrapers in the center of Easter City.

When they reached closer, it was a hundred-story black color building. It was structured like a broad sword, and a large golden emblem was in the center of this black building. It was a golden shield pierced by all sorts of cold weapons in black colors.

It was the emblem of the Zodiac Warrior Alliance, a shield that could remain intact after piercing by various weapons.

But what astonished Jacob was the large black arena beside this building because it had huge crimson letters on top of it, 'Warrior Nightmare Arena' with the alliance emblem.

When he saw Jacob looking at the black arena, Nathanael said, "It is one of the specialties of the Zodiac Warrior Alliance, the Warrior Nightmare Arena, where anyone could fight and win unimaginable wealth.

"There is one arena in each province of our country located in the most prominent locations like the Easter City.

"Furthermore, the biggest attraction of the Warrior Nightmare Arena is the Death Match, where anyone can kill without being worried about the consequences!" He flashed a meaningful smile at Jacob at the end.

Jacob merely glanced at Nathanael before he nodded without giving any reply.

Everyone knew the Zodiac Warrior Alliance was a battle organization, and all their members were trained fighters. So, seeing the Warrior Nightmare Arena didn't give Jacob much shock.

From ancient times, warriors liked to compete with each other to see who was the strongest and this arena just gave them a chance to find out while also winning wealth.

Furthermore, conflicts between warriors were also quite normal, and sometimes death was the only solution.

The Warrior Nightmare Arena was an excellent way to make it all legal so the others won't scheme against each other and drag others down.

There was a large wall which was surrounding the whole Nightmare Knight Legion's territory, which one could only see when they were a few miles away.

There were also large black gates with the shield emblem, made with a strange metal that could glow in the dark and glittered in the day.

Right now, the gates were opened, and all kinds of people were going inside because today was the monthly entrance test of the Nightmare Knight Legion, and many wanted to become nightmare knights because they had too many perks!

Unlike the Common Plains, there weren't any black knight academies in Rare Plains because there wasn't any need for them.

Even though the population of common tier species was more significant than the rare tier species, they were far more powerful than those at the Common Plains because of the environmental difference.

Although Jacob hadn't noticed it because of his powerful physique, but just the gravity in Rare Plains was five times heavier than the Common Plains!

Furthermore, these four powers of the rare freedom plains were like the three kingdoms of the Uncommon Region.

Anyhow, any means of transport wasn't allowed to enter inside, even the military. So, they had to park the jeep half a mile away in the underground parking lot.

Afterward, they just walked like other people. Nathanael and Douglas weren't wearing any military uniform, so no one paid much attention to them.

Jacob also observes the people around him; they all give off powerful feelings, and some are as strong as Douglas.

According to Douglas, most of them were retaking the entrance test, making him wonder what could make a rare-tier-8 fighter fail a mere entrance test.

However, what Douglas didn't reveal to Jacob was that the entrance test of the Nightmare Knight Legion wasn't just about physical strength; there were some other aspects involved.

They just wanted to see if Jacob had magic potential or not and afterward pass the test on not all depends on Jacob.

However, if he failed to pass the entrance test, he won't get another chance unless he became a level-2 citizen like these people around him.

In fact, they hid more than half of the information from Jacob, which wasn't on the star information sea. So, Jacob had even less chance to come in contact with this information.

But Jacob never believed in everything they said as well, he had asked Douglas if he was also a 1-Star Nightmare Knight, and his answer was simple, no.

So, he had assumed that either Douglas wasn't interested or he didn't have the skills to pass the test both things had fifty/fifty chances.

But now that he saw some fighters on the same level as Douglas, he knew it might be the latter case.

As they entered the gate, they were blocked by a burly barbarian with a fierce face, an emblem of the alliance with one golden star attached to his chest armor. He also holds a black device in his hand.

It was clear he was a 1-Star Nightmare Knight.

He moved the black device in front of them and coldly said, "Registered your Star Network ID."

Nathanael suddenly took out the same kind of emblem the Barbarian was wearing from his pocket and said with an amiable smile, "You look new, comrade, but only my little friend is here for the entrance test."

The Barbarian was startled for a moment before he nodded, "You may go inside with one visitor."

"All the best, we'll be rooting for you," said Nathanael encouragingly before he and Douglas left Jacob alone and walked toward the main building.

"Your Star Network ID." The Barbarian demanded coldly again.

Jacob felt much better when he was alone, and just like others, he pressed his star watch on the device before that device scanned his star watch and his ID appeared on the device.

"Your exam type, Common or Rare?" He asked Jacob coldly.

Since many people were here for just the Rank-1 to Rank-9 Nightmare Knight Exam, which was for common species, not for 1-Star Nightmare Knight Rank, which was specific for Rare Tier Species.

However, others could still choose to either take a lower-rank test or jump to a higher rank. There wasn't any restriction by the alliance.

But there was a significant difference; the Rare Entrance Test involved a Magic Talent Test!

Jacob was astonished since no one told him about this choice, and he was only informed about taking the 1-Star Nightmare Knight Rank exam by Douglas.

Despite his discontent, he still replied, "Rare."

The Barbarian nodded and pressed on the rare type.josei

The next moment, a black paper ticket with golden words was generated from the device, and the barbarian handed it to Jacob, "Alright, your participant number is 97. Head toward the Warrior Nightmare Arena. Your exam location is on Floor-2, Area, E-30. Just show them your participant ticket, and they'll guide you."

Done saying he ignored Jacob and started registering other participants. There were tens of such people registering those who were here for entrance exams.

It was done to make the registration process quicker and make the place less crowded.

Furthermore, some of these people were here just to try their luck, so this first test was the fastest way to separate them from those with true potential!

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