Cursed Immortality

Chapter 284 The Walking Disaster (8)

Chapter 284 The Walking Disaster (8)

The remnant of the Killer Skull Society and the Universal Mercenaries were all gathered together, forming a huge group.

The top ten A-rank skulls also managed to keep themselves alive because the moment they sensed the situation turning worse, they also decided to retreat.

But alas, leaving was easier said than done as their numbers continued to decrease even faster. Hence, they had no choice but to team up with the universal mercenaries who were not in any better position than them, if not worse.

"Bastard, come out if you dare!" A Universal Mercenary Giant who was also the number one ranked among the agency roared out loud furiously. Fire Cannon was like a brother to him, and now he was probably dead, so he was quite eager to have a go at Jacob.

But he was rational enough not to go out alone since even he, as a giant, could tell the other party was not any less strong than a giant like him.


A strange voice suddenly rang in the vicinity drawing everyone's attention, and in unison, they all looked in the direction of this voice.

They only saw an object like a shooting star, and the next moment, that shooting star suddenly started to descend right in their direction with terrifying speed.

"What is..."


Someone roared, but alas, the shooting star was simply too fast, and no one was able to react fast enough as it landed right in the middle of their gathering point, and the next moment,


A terrifying explosion occurred, making the ground shake as if a terrifying earthquake just came out of nowhere. A mushroom cloud rose within the vicinity.

Everyone in the vicinity of a hundred meters rises to the ground, and a terrifying shock wave blows away all the trees.

Jacob, who had already collected the mortar, stood while leaning with a thick tree without having any intention to move despite the incoming shockwave with a dust cloud.



A terrifying wind blew past his position, mixed with dust and heat from the explosion, but it wasn't able to move the thick tree or Jacob, who just stood there.

He looked at the book and asked dismissively, "How many managed to survive?"

"Those 128 extraordinary-tier-6 are still breathing, but barely I guess. While those 219 small fries are raised down to 18, and they are all giants, as expected from those big logs."

Jacob nodded, "I suspected as much. I never intended to kill 128 extraordinary-tier-6s since they are the richest of the bunch. Let's collect..."

However, before Jacob could speak, he saw the writing on the book suddenly change.

"Oh? Someone is coming in this way, and that person's heart matches what you need. I never thought so many guys would be wasting their potential in this shitty place. Well, you can make their life worth it... hahaha!" Immortika suddenly wrote.

Jacob's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he only asked one word before the Iron Titan Sniper appeared in his hand, "Where?"

"What the hell is going on in this place?" A-0, clad in black body armor while his face was hidden under a mantle, looked in the direction of the dust cloud with a grim expression.

He exited the dark city and wanted to oversee the entire operation himself, but for some reason, he lost contact with A-1 a couple of minutes ago. Not only he but even everyone involved in the mission couldn't be contacted.

However, he got the general location from A-1 before the contact was lost, so he was rushing in this direction when he heard that terrifying explosion and started to feel something was amiss.

"Don't tell me they can't even apprehend one fucking rat?!" He muttered in indignation.

However, when A-0 was only over a mile away from the explosion focal point, he suddenly felt his heart palpitate, and the fine hair on his body stood with goosebumps. His unique racial danger sense roared in alarm.

This ability was something that he depended on most, and he knew it couldn't be wrong as it had safe him thousands of times from life-threatening dangers.

Without hesitation, he gave in to his instincts and twisted his body and lunged with a sidestep, and smacked into a three.

But the moment he just sidestepped, an object at a terrifying speed suddenly brushed past his mantle and barely missed his head and landed on the trees behind and blew it away like it was a water balloon and only just one tree anything that came in that object way blew like that for hundreds of meters.

A-0 finally stabilized himself and looked at the damage behind him with a horrified expression, and his heart sank to rock bottom.

However, his heart skipped a beat again, and his legs moved on their own. But, this time, he wasn't as lucky as before. Even though he managed to dodge the bullet from blowing his head, it still managed to graze his left cheekbone and even blow away his ear left ear.

At this moment, the mantle and mask on his face crumbled, revealing A-0's ghastly face. He had a lion-like face, but his skin was pale yellow, but the most eye-catching feature was his chameleon-like eyes.

He looked extremely pale as half of his face was almost blown just now as blood was gushing from the wound, dying his face and neck crimson giving him a ghostly appearance.

In his entire life, A-0 probably had never come this close to dying, nor did he dream that someone was capable of pushing him to this kind of state, especially in this place, not by a long shot. He never thought the small chore would turn out to be a deadly mistake.

But the impossible had happened, and now he was facing the threat of dying, and he was stunned because his head was ringing from the last brush of the deadly bullet.

However, his survival instincts kicked in, and he ran on pure grit to live while trying to regain his senses and calm his nerves. Nothing made sense anymore to him as he just wanted to live!

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