Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 283 The Most Evil Ability in History

Chapter 283 The Most Evil Ability in History

Chapter 283 The Most Evil Ability in History

In order to absorb this Eternal Frost Crystal, Roy first thought of devouring and digesting it directly.

However, ignoring how to swallow a sword into his stomach, after studying it, Roy found that he could not digest this thing because it could not melt at all.

It would be troublesome if he could not digest such a large piece of ice and freeze his stomach instead...

As for transforming the shape of the Eternal Frost Crystal and then using it to make items such as rings or embedding it into the Cold Winter Armor, Roy thought about it, but he later gave up on this idea.

Of course, it was possible to create equipment, but this way, it was equivalent to Roy using magic power to stimulate the cold aura within. The effect of this was merely a simple release of the cold aura. At that time, he would be unable to shape the cold aura at all. It could not become ice bullets and ice spears, nor could it form ice storms, nor could it even combine with the T-Virus and take shape as the Magic Power Virus.

This was not what Roy wanted. He wanted to use the Eternal Frost Crystal to completely lower the temperature created by his magic power. In other words, he wanted to integrate the power of the Eternal Frost Crystal into the frost magic power circuit in his body. This way, the cold temperature created by any frost magic could reach the low temperature of the Eternal Frost Crystal. The advantages of doing so were self-evident. Other things aside, the Cold Winter Armor he used his magic power to create would benefit.

As Roy’s abilities increased, he could not consider problems one by one. When evolving any ability, it was best if he could consider other abilities at the same time. This was the most cost-effective solution.

Of course, this plan was definitely much more difficult to conceive. Over the past few days, Roy had thought of more than a dozen plans, but none of them seemed too feasible.

After thinking about it, Roy finally realized that digesting and absorbing it was actually the most reliable because the stomach of a demon was quite special. Not only could it digest ordinary flesh and blood as food, but it could also digest special energy such as souls. Moreover, this energy could often be converted and stored in the demon heart to increase the level of magic power.

In the final analysis, the Eternal Frost Crystal was still energy at its roots, but it was crystallized, and this crystalline state was eternal. Thus, Roy believed that as long as he could change the unmeltable property of the Eternal Frost Crystal, he could digest and absorb it. And he was confident that he would be able to integrate the energy of the Eternal Frost Crystal into his body.

The key now was how to turn this Eternal Frost Crystal into something that he could ‘eat’...

After thinking about it for a long time, Roy suddenly had a flash of inspiration! Right! Something to eat... maybe he could use that move!

Roy went to work right away. He put down the Sword of Frost and opened the system interface.

This time, he planned to make a... skill!

As for the carrier of this skill, Roy looked around and finally looked at his tail...

“Old pal, I’ll have to trouble you again!” Roy sighed.

As the fifth limb on Roy’s body... ah, no, it should be the sixth limb. Roy’s tail could be said to suffer frequent misfortunes, and it was even more hardworking than the fifth limb... The tails of other demons were at most sturdy and powerful, and they only played a minor supporting role in combat. But look at Roy’s. He had used the knife on it a few times. In the beginning, he transformed it into a triangular blade. Then he used it as the carrier for Dragon Slayer Magic, and dragon scales had to appear from time to time. It was no longer a proper demon tail. But now, Roy’s eyes were fixed on it again...

Fortunately, Roy did not create any strange designs this time. He only drew a demonstration animation that released bright purple electric light from his tail in the dynamic interface.

Then Roy began to define the attributes of this skill.

Transfiguration Beam:

The beam has the speed of light. People and objects hit by the light will change shape in the following ways.

Candy Incantation: When the user shouts ‘turn into candy’, the people and objects illuminated by the beam will become candy.

Chocolate Incantation: When the user shouts ‘turn into chocolate,’ the people and objects illuminated by the beam will become chocolate.

Regardless of what the illuminated people and objects looked like before, they would become the same substance as the incantation used while retaining their original characteristics and abilities.

Yes, that’s right. The skill Roy designed this time was the Transfiguration Beam of Majin Buu!

His idea was very simple. Can’t melt the Eternal Frost Crystal? Then I’ll turn you into meltable chocolate. At the same time, this piece of chocolate still retained the characteristics of the original Eternal Frost Crystal. When he threw it into his mouth, it had to melt even if it did not melt!

This Transfiguration Beam was quite magical. To be honest, Roy had no idea if he could materialize it, but this did not stop him from defining the attributes first.

The reason why he chose this ability was that he knew the system could trace his memories to supplement and perfect it. Roy only needed to make rough definitions and leave the rest to the system. This way, he could save a lot of effort. Otherwise, Roy would probably go crazy from describing the effects in words for a more complicated skill like this one.

Majin Buu’s Transfiguration Beam in the original work seemed to take effect only on living people. Of course, this would not work for Roy, so he specifically set the definitions so that it could take effect on objects, and the scope of use of this skill became broader.

Of course, the result was that in the first test to materialize it, the progress given by the system was only 0.000000001%.

It had to be known that Roy currently had about 120,000 souls. These were the souls he collected through the Soul Attracting Flag when he attacked Dendera Fortress. Such materialization progress meant that Roy would have to pay countless souls to achieve this ability according to the currently defined attributes.

Therefore, he had to limit this ability to reduce the consumption of souls.

The most powerful limitation was definitely a time limit. In Roy’s definitions, this transfiguration effect was permanent, so the consumption of souls was naturally terrifying.

Therefore, Roy’s first limitation was ‘Transfiguration duration is one minute, and the time decreases or increases depending on the difference in strength between the two sides. The minimum time is one second, and the maximum is three minutes’.

As soon as he added this attribute, the difficulty of materialization immediately reduced dramatically.

The second limitation attribute was ‘For intelligent beings with souls and consciousness, retain their souls and consciousness’.

With this attribute, the consumption of souls fell again! Roy tried once more and found that the 120,000 souls he held could already materialize this ability to 82%! This meant that he could now materialize it with about 130,000 to 140,000, at most 150,000 souls!

When Roy saw this number, he was overjoyed. Although this ability was similar to the mages’ Polymorph’ spell, the 150,000 souls was not for nothing. It was much more awesome than Polymorph.

First, this Transfiguration Beam could be released against any physical material. Second, this ability had the special effect of ‘insta-killing’ enemies. If it was an opponent whose strength was about the same as his, the Transfiguration Beam could turn them into food for at least a minute. As long as the enemy who became candy or chocolate could not react in time, could not escape immediately, and was caught by him, he only needed to throw it into his mouth to bite and eat. Then he could easily kill his opponent.

If it was an enemy stronger than him, or even an enemy much stronger than him, he could still force them to transform for a second. Although Roy might not necessarily be able to kill them during this time, he could buy a very crucial amount of time for himself.

For example, when he went to the Charred Council back then, if he had thought of creating this skill at the time, he could have used the Transfiguration Beam to transform Raphael for a second when Raphael attacked, and then Roy could have used Flash to leave and escape quickly...

Therefore, this skill was not as simple as the Polymorph spell. It was a powerful ability that combined killing enemies and saving lives!

“Everyone!” Roy shouted in high spirits after leaving the library. “Rafaro! Cassandra! Fat Tiger! Benia! Julia! Come here!”

After Julia and the others rushed over, Roy immediately ordered, “All of you, spread out and collect souls for me. Whether they’re animal spirits or other souls, no matter what method you use, in short, bring me about thirty thousand souls before dark!”

Although Julia and Benia did not know what Roy wanted souls for, they did not have any doubts. They nodded and set off. Cassandra and Fat Tiger were the same. Only Rafaro roared angrily, “Damn it, Osiris! You can’t treat me like a dog. I am the great Faceless Rafaro. I’m only cooperating with you, not your subordinate!”

However, before he finished speaking, Roy had already flashed above his head. With one fist, his huge dragon head smashed into the ground with a bang. Roy’s face was ferocious as he said murderously, “Rafaro, don’t challenge my patience! Either you go out and collect souls for me, or I’ll use your soul to make up for a hundred souls!”

As the saying goes, if the child doesn’t listen, he will be obedient after a beating! josei

It was the same for Rafaro now. When he saw that Roy might really kill him, he immediately gave in. But he still roared angrily, “You’ll pay for this one day!” Then he obediently flew into the sky and headed for the distant forest...

It was good to have subordinates. When souls were lacking, Roy did not need to go out and collect them himself. He only needed to leave it to them.

Cassandra took the undead army out, and Benia brought out a portion of the low and middle-rank demons that she had recently summoned to help Roy collect souls. Now, Roy was alone in Dendera Fortress.

Taking advantage of this moment, Roy continued to perfect the Transfiguration Beam ability. Roy did not need to modify anything else. He only added some incantations because he felt that just candy and chocolate did not seem too good.

And these incantations would not actually cause the consumption of souls to increase too much because it was just a difference in shape. According to Roy’s estimate, each additional incantation might cost a few dozen souls at most, so Roy could now boldly increase the number of incantations.

Due to the characteristics of the Transfiguration Beam, it was not always necessary to turn the opponents into food. The incantation to turn enemies into food was for eliminating them, and the other non-food spells were for disrupting the enemies and protecting himself.

Therefore, Roy added White Rabbit Creamy Candy Incantation, Fruit Pudding Incantation, Fat Otaku Happy Water Incantation, Stuffed Toy Incantation, and so on to the Transfiguration Beam. In the end, he even added Cross-Dressing Big Brother Incantation!

Just like that, the most evil ability in history was born...

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