Daily life of a cultivation judge

Chapter 145 Yang Qing’s Advice To The Two Siblings

Chapter 145 Yang Qing’s Advice To The Two Siblings


"Figures," Yang Qing muttered to himself. During his interaction with the two siblings, there were a few outliers that he noticed in the way they talked among other things that made him suspect their origins.

"Before I say anything, don't worry you're not in any trouble and I'm not someone from the Empire either or have any remote affiliations with them," Yang Qing softly said trying to calm the two siblings who despite trying to hide it were visibly terrified.

Since his monarch sense was always up he could already feel the shaking of their legs, the elevated heart rates, and even the holding of their breaths. Each and every signal that their body gave out was as clear as day to him through his monarch sense.

When he saw his statement did little to alleviate the tension they had, he couldn't help but sigh in wonder if he was careless or impatient in bringing up the matter. With the way those two were looking at him, it seemed as if given a chance they would jump out the balcony and run to parts unknown.

"Since I've already opened that box, I might as well go all the way," muttered Yang Qing as he picked up a scallion pancake.

"You see I'm not that good with subterfuge or any other techniques related to it but I am pretty good at spotting it. I wasn't good with it at first but with time due to the nature of my job I gained a hands-on experience at it and got really good at it otherwise I'd get reprimanded, fined, and get sent to the field all the time.

So for my sake, I honed my awareness to the point it became a natural habit. Because of it, I find myself subconsciously hyperaware about certain things in my surroundings even without meaning to and I'm naturally curious, so it doesn't help either.

Every nuance, every expression, every gesture, and every word whether inane or important, I take it all in with keenness. Though I'm sure even with all that there are plenty of things that escape my eyes and ears, It's a big world after all but when it comes to you two I'm more than certain you're not from here.

And why would I bring all this up? It's not like it's strange for people to move from country to country and from the flow of people to the city, it doesn't seem like the Empire has a shortage of people immigrating in to settle with the way things are around the world.

The reason I brought the matter up is actually for your sake," said Yang Qing as he took a bite from the scallion pancake.

"Mmmh this is rather nice. You guys should try some with your dumplings. Said Yang Qing as he picked a few and put them on both their plates. When he moved his hands Zhi Da defensively put his hands in front of his sister afraid Yang Qing would try something.

"You need to do better at masking your reactions there Zhi Da. Even if someone had a faint suspicion of your origins, your present reaction would solidify those suspicions further that there is definitely something and it's not small either.

When you approached me earlier you did a better job of hiding your true emotions than you are now. And please drink the ginkgo tea before it gets cold and loses some of its potency. It will help mend your hidden injuries and the overdraft sensation constantly affecting your bodies. When sallow skin tones begin appearing in cultivators even ones at the body refining stage like yours, it's never a simple matter that one can ignore. If you neglect it for too long it will turn into a sequela that will need the services of a skilled medical expert to remove and expensive herbs ranging from the earth grade up to the sky grade," Yang Qing solemnly said as he narrowed his eyes which made the two siblings inadvertently take their cups despite their fears and drink sips subconsciously.

"Before I tell you how I discovered you both are not from here and my reasons for bringing it up there's something I feel I need to tell you both especially you Zhi Da.

Pride means nothing if you have to exchange your life and the life of someone you love just to keep it, especially if that pride prevents you from accepting the help you desperately or admitting that you need it.

You need to ask yourself this, does holding onto that pride help you out of the situation you are in or does it only bury you further?

If it's the latter, is there any use in keeping it? It is okay to ask for and accept help, especially for those in your circumstances, and if you are that burdened by it just make sure to note down every favor you have received and pay it back when you're powerful enough to do so rather than refusing help all because of some misguided notion that it would be rude to do so or you want to get yourself out of the situation with your own two hands.

If the world really worked that way there'd be no need for sects, clans, or other organizations. People would just rise to the top and be hegemons with their own effort and no support whatsoever. But alas it doesn't work that way, though there might be exceptional individuals who are actually able to rise to the top alone but how many are they? and even those that do usually have their own special circumstances that enable them to do so.

Are you one such person Zhi Da? Zhi Luoran?," asked Yang Qing as the two kids lowered their heads in guilt and shame.

If you're not then use everything at your disposal to live not just to survive but live, just as long as it doesn't cross your bottom line as a person.

There's no need for me to add more to that, you're both smart kids so you both know where I'm getting at," Yang Qing meaningfully said as he gently smiled.

He had a feeling the old Wang couple must have tried to help the kids and with their means, there was no way the two kids would still be stuck at the bronze stage of the body refining realm or overdrafted their bodies. The two must have rejected their help.

"We do," Zhi Da solemnly said as he raised his head. Zhi Luoran raised hers a few seconds after though hesitantly with guilt showing on her face. She even started to nervously fiddle with the biscuits to try and deflect the awkwardness she felt from her guilt.

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