Daily life of a cultivation judge

Chapter 704 Pity It Won't Be For My Sect

Chapter 704 Pity It Won't Be For My Sect

Yang Qing's gaze turned incredulous when he heard those words.

"The thread calamity finding cerulean moth.. I don't seem to have heard of such a spirit beast. From its tone, it may be of the same elk as dragons and phoenixes; one of the descendants of the ancients.

Cannot break a blade of grass but can avoid calamities that even dragons can't evade. Its statement makes escaping sound so grandiose like its defying the will of the heavens.

The survivor is king in the end. If you can detect all the dangers from the past, present, and future, then even with lacking strength, I can see why it dares call itself the last witness. Nothing else matters as long as you live in the end.." muttered Yang Qing with an appreciative nod.

He felt the maxim spoken by what he assumed to be the thread calamity finding cerulean moth resonated with him. He may be a vain person who likes to show off his abilities a little bit here and there, but at the end of it, nothing matters to him more than ensuring his own life. When it came down to it, that was the only metric that he truly valued.

After the voice ended, the cerulean moth turned into motes of light that congealed to form the silhouette of a humanoid figure. Yang Qing couldn't see their features as it looked like an ephemeral ghostly figure but the figure had a rough outline that showed it was a female, who was slightly taller than him by a meter.

The figure had a slender build, even if she didn't have color, she had long hair that cascaded down her back reaching her knees. Yang Qing felt a solitary air coming from her along with a bearing that could only be seen by people who have shouldered a lot of responsibility. He could feel the burden of that weight radiating from her body even though he didn't know what it was she was carrying that it even translated to her silhouette.

He couldn't tell much about her age as she was no more than an indistinctive humanoid mist, but Yang Qing instinctively felt it was someone in her early forties, but whether that was her true age, Yang Qing had strong suspicions it wasn't considering the thread calamity finding cerulean moth from before.

"Her aura seems different from the moth..her origins may not be the same.." muttered Yang Qing as the female silhouette started walking on the river.

Just as Yang Qing was wondering why she had appeared, she spoke, her tone soft and low like the whispers of the moon. It was also filled with melancholy and an unbending will.

"At birth, before I knew even to walk or crawl, I already had enough strength to punch a hole through an adult bear, at two years I was already in the bronze body refining stage, at four I was in the gold body stage, and at six, I already had a diamond body, two years later I stepped into the qi refinement realm, and at thirteen I had already reached the thirteenth stage, the perfect circulation stage..

At fourteen I established a quasi-purple grade pillar and stepped into the foundation establishment member which led me to be the youngest to be admitted as a seed disciple of the Bright Lake Dawn sect in 60,000 years, and at sixteen I became the eleventh person since the sect was established to master the sect's core legacy, the tidal eternal dawn ascendance art to the emergent realm at below thirty years.

At nineteen I stepped into the core formation realm with a quasi-purple-grade core and at twenty-one my mastery of the tidal eternal dawn ascendance art reached the blooming phase, becoming one of five seed disciples who had reached that realm, while also being the youngest of the five.

At twenty-four I touched upon the mysterious truths hidden within the art and at twenty-six I used them to establish my dao road that I used to step into the palace realm.

At twenty-eight I was unrivaled among my seed-disciple peers and at forty-two my mastery of the tidal eternal dawn ascendance art reached perfection and was promoted to a core elder because of it.

I secluded myself for twenty years and when I came out, I became the youngest domain expert the Bright Lake Dawn Sect has seen in 110,000 years and was one of the 23 domain experts the sect had.

With my understanding of our core legacy art and my attainments, I nurtured 22 palace realm disciples by the time I was one hundred years old.

I ventured out for the next 100 years, traveling from the brutal bestial churning sea to the wonderous Millionsfold treasure ocean, to the treacherous green fog region while exploring ruins and mysterious realms in between.

With nothing but my hands, I carved a path and increased my renown around the continent, inspiring terror and awe, in both humans, spirit beasts, and spiritual plants. I was a boon to some and a never-ending nightmare to others.

With a flip of my palm, I reduced thousands of mountains into sand, and with another turn lakes, rivers, and seas were vaporized out of existence in but an instant. Mortals with no cultivation and domain experts were all equal beneath my might.

By the time, I returned to the sect, the continent didn't know me as an elder of the Bright Lake Dawn Sect but I had instead become the Divine Solaris Surge Fairy whose palms burned hotter than the sun.josei

To improve myself I mastered over a hundred blue-grade arts to perfection and created a couple myself. Slowly by slowly, I improved, I could feel it, I could feel my entire being transforming as I approached that gate that I dare not have imagined I would reach. Countless failed to reach it after all, and some of them far more talented than I. But finally, after 2,380 years, I walked through those grand doors, those doors that no one in my sect, despite having been in existence for 800,000 years, no one had ever stepped through it, not even our second ancestor, someone whose talent and records remained unmatched ever since the sect was established. Someone who single-handedly propped the sect into a revered sect around the continent to the point that we could hold our heads high even against those with more history than us.lightsnovel

But even he, with all his splendor and talent, fell short of it. At 2,642 years, I stepped into the soul formation realm, a realm that stopped millions, millions of unparalleled geniuses, millions of sons and daughters of destiny.

When I stepped into that realm, I realized why, why it was so revered, why not many could step into it so easily. The world around you changes when you step into the soul-formation realm. Your perception of things gets a seismic shift.

You feel like everything before you reached the soul formation realm wasn't even real. Everything you see and experience before the soul formation realm is like being inside an egg, with the murmurings of the dao telling you what outside is like. You can imagine it, and you can sense a bit of what passes through the shell's membrane but ultimately you're not seeing or experiencing things for yourself, and reaching the soul formation realm is breaking out of that egg and seeing what is around you.

You gain access to a world that was right before you, but you never had the qualifications to communicate with it. Plucking the stars, bending space across millions of kilometers in but an instant, seeing the entire life of anything be it a rock or a person you can see its entire life's past present, and future with just a look, a body that is nigh indestructible to almost even to calamitous void power, a soul that can grasp everything under the sun in just under a second, grasping any art at the blue grade with just a thought and creating one just as easy.

Everything you could imagine and not imagine becomes possible within that realm and that possibility only grows endless as the river of time, the more you see the vastness of what is around you.

I became the next sect master and as the first soul formation expert to ever come out of the sect, I rose it with me. When an immortal gains ascendancy even their dogs and chickens ascend with them.

With my abilities as a soul formation expert, I paved a path for glory for my sect. Everything I was able to achieve was because of them, and when the time came for me to repay it, I did it several times over.

I simplified and improved every cultivation art we had, ensuring we had nothing that was below the blue grade, sourced countless treasures that were able to do the unimaginable such as even turning waste into a genius, and everything that I could do to lift my sect and ensure an eternal legacy, I did.

We were not a sovereign legacy and I wasn't sure I would be able to pull my sect that far, but I was going to do everything to ensure it was a possibility. My efforts were rewarded and 20,000 years later, another soul formation expert rose from within our midst, one whose talents weren't any less than the sacred creatures, or the dao children.

Our momentum was unstoppable and I thought to myself, surely there was nothing that could impede us. Even those who had deeper foundations and richer history than us had to think twice. I thought now I could wholeheartedly dive into the never-ending mysteries and profundities around me, and see how much I could grow, what heights I could reach.

My heart was lax, even if the heavens fell, I thought regardless of what happened to others, nothing would go beyond my abilities to guarantee a path of life for myself and the sect.

How arrogant and naive I had been... just because I tasted a little power as a soul formation expert, I thought myself indomitable. All throughout my life, I had always been unrivaled, and I assumed the soul formation realm would be the same, unaware of how deep the waters i had stepped into were, and the terrors they hid within it.

By the time, I realized it, it was too late. Everything I knew was shattered, my will which I thought would remain undaunted, was made brittle and collapsed. The continent quaked with fear for what we saw. An unbridled power that showed me what I knew was nothing but a drop in an entire ocean.

Before my end, I remembered about a creature, a creature that did not share in the reputation of those mythical creatures despite being a part of it, a creature so indistinctive that it would escape the minds of the perfect erudite. Untouched by fame, glory, time, fate, and destiny, acknowledged by none.

At that moment, I remembered, a memory I had long forgotten, despite it being the reason I lived to reach the heights I did. It was a memory of when I was a young child, drunk on my abilities, wandered too deep into the mountains, and ended up facing a foe my strength couldn't defeat, nature's wrath.

I don't know if it was the earth getting angry at my unbridled arrogance, wishing to teach me a lesson, but a long-dormant volcano exploded carrying with it the accumulated fury of the earth's core aiming to remind me I was but an insignificant component of it.

The heat it produced felt like the sun had exploded. No matter how much I ran, I couldn't escape it. That sensation of impending death, beckoning you to join it. The unbearable heat and the roars of the volcano that sounded like the roars of a primordial beast viciously ravaging your entire being, trying to cry but unable to as everything within me had melted away.

Choking, crying, trying to gasp at air that had been burned away, looking around and all I could see was flaming death and the earth opening its maw to swallow me. Armageddon had descended.

But in that mess, I saw it, that fragile crystal-like moth, a creature that looked so weak that even a strong breeze looked like it would take away its wings. But that creature, with grace and laxness, gently flew, without hurry or panic like all that happened was predetermined by it. Free and unbridled, it moved, I couldn't help but be so entranced by it, that even without meaning to, my body willed itself to follow it and before I knew it, I was out, with my life intact, but as for that creature whose presence seemed to abide and transcend all, I forgot it, only to remember it when I was at my last.

lightsnοvεl I, Yun Suifen, with all my attainments as the flames, with my last breath burn an incense in tribute to the thread calamity finding cerulean moth. This flame may not be as good as a guide as the cerulean moth, but I hope it will guide a path to life for you, just as I was,...

Pity it won't be for my sect.."

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