Daily life of a cultivation judge

Chapter 711 Leaving The Deer Mountain Range (1)

Chapter 711 Leaving The Deer Mountain Range (1)

Ellie hearing the unveiled threat and recognizing the greedy glint flashing in Yang Qing's eyes as he made the threat, quieted down as she turned her body away from Shi Hai to face the pond.

She knew well enough that Yang Qing wasn't bluffing. He really would deny her the sizzling meat, and that greedy glint only someone of his kind could understand told her he was even hoping she would create a fuss so he could eat her share. Were she more powerful, she would have done the same thing too, in fact, she would have taken the entire thing and flown away and eaten it by herself.


Yang Qing clicked his tongue in disappointment as he joined the rest to prepare. At some point, a cheery Meifeng, and a Gu Xing who seemed much more relaxed than she was when they arrived, joined them.

It wasn't long before they were done and started conversing amongst each other with laughs and a jubilant atmosphere spreading all around. Meifeng seemed much more relaxed as time went by, no doubt her conversation with Gu Xing helped, that and the thousand-leaf bamboo rice wine Yang Qing had taken out to tide them over as they waited for Shi Hai to finish, which he didn't seem to be too far from doing.

Luo Meili and Su Jinjing were able to break down Meifeng's walls and soon they were giggling and trading stories with their stories centering around Yang Qing's shenanigans who in typical fashion had a few theatric performances of his own to said stories. It wasn't long before Meifeng was completely comfortable with everyone, even with administrator Mo Guang, whom she said had the same sort of aura as Lady Gild.

Yang Qing couldn't help but sigh in gratification as he saw Meifeng chatting away. For as old as she was, she was no different than a four-year-old when it came to how innocently pure she was. She couldn't conceal how she felt. Her actions and emotions could easily be read.

Looking at how she was excitedly talking with everyone, one would find it hard to believe that she had been trembling as a twig a few moments earlier. With how scared she had been, it wouldn't have been a stretch to think that she would have even forgotten her name had Yang Qing left it to her to do her introductions.

lightsΝοvel "For as shy and wary as she is around strangers, she seems most comfortable around people. Hopefully, Gu Xing can keep her company after I'm gone. Maybe I could have Administrator Mo Guang check in on her every now and then.

But with skylark, crescent-winged moth, and diamond around, she shouldn't be too lonely, especially with their spirituality growing at the speeds their growing at. Cultivation-wise, it would be quite some time before they are remotely close to her level, but in terms of spirit, as long as they are able to communicate with her and understand her, it should be more than enough.." thought Yang Qing.

Yang Qing admired the purity of Meifeng and her cheerful spirit, which was something he hoped she would be able to retain for quite a long time, and he would try and do as much as he could to ensure she retained it, as difficult as he was.

His thoughts were soon interrupted by Shi Hai's voice as he announced the goat was done. Yang Qing turned to see a golden brown work of art, that trickled with juices that may have well been dews from heaven itself and an aroma that words couldn't describe. Even his stomach didn't know how quite to respond to the sensory bombardment he was receiving. It was overwhelmed to the point of confusion.

Sensing the gazes falling on him, Yang Qing forcefully sealed his senses, especially smell so he could contain himself and think clearly.

He looked around him with the same carefree goofy smile he liked wearing before sending threatening glares at Ellie, as it should to which she threw one of her own. As fellow gluttons words needed to be said for them to understand what was going through each other's minds.

Meifeng giggled at the exchange between the two which turned infectious as the rest joined in the laughter.

Yang Qing cleared his throat partly in embarrassment and partly to prepare himself to speak.lightsnovel

"I am not particularly good at this, so forgive the simplicity and plainness of it all.." Yang Qing humbly said.

"My time here at the Deer Mountain Range is about to come to an end in the next few hours... "Yang Qing paused when he saw Meifeng suddenly sulk.

"Don't worry Meifeng, we can still keep in touch using the communication talisman I gave you.. You can always call me anytime you want, and if you want, you can also talk with Meili and Jinjing, who I know would also appreciate hearing from you" said Yang Qing in a soft gentle tone.

"We will, in fact, I will be making those calls myself, so make sure you pick up, Meifeng.." said Su Jinjing with a cheerful smile.

"I will too.." said Luo Meili with a gentle smile.

Their demeanors helped improve Meifeng's mood as her sulking face thawed away slightly and a smile slowly bloomed in its place. After a slight hesitation and steeling herself, in a low shy tone, she said,josei

"You all better answer when I call.." her gaze intently falling on Yang Qing.

"We will.." said Yang Qing with a smile before he resumed his speech. The quicker he finished it the better. He couldn't wait to sink his teeth in every meal around, especially the grilled goat.

"I wonder if senior Ye Xun is coming?"he wondered as the stoic gold eagle guard flashed in his mind.

"As I was saying, my time here would soon be ending with today being the last day. When I came here, I wasn't particularly ecstatic about it... those who know me, know why.."

He wasn't about to openly declare his cowardice in front of everyone, not with Meifeng looking. She already thought he was some unfathomable expert who wouldn't waiver even if the sky were to fall and he wasn't about to destroy that image.

The statement drew smiles from Luo Meili and Su Jinjing who shook their heads, while Ellie threw a mocking look his way which Yang Qing filed away to use later.

"Anyhow, my experience here has been worthwhile and will stay with me for the rest of my life. I gained more than I could ever give, and this place has a special place in my heart because of you. Thank you for your hospitality, friendship, and the memories you helped me create.

I pay grievances and gratitude in kind, should you ever need help please don't hesitate to ask, because I wouldn't hesitate to ask it of you. That's what friends do. So for my last day here...for now, may we make it as memorable as we can transforming it into a treasure that lasts each one of us a lifetime.

To the moments we have and more to come.." Yang Qing said as he lifted his cup of wine in the air which was mirrored by the rest before they simultaneously downed their wines.

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