Damn Reincarnation

Chapter 27.1

Chapter 27.1

Although Eugene had set out to find Gilead immediately, he couldn’t just barge straight into Gilead’s office. While casually exchanging greetings with the main family’s servants, Eugene sent through a request to meet with Gilead. Before long, the Head Butler arrived to personally escort Eugene to Gilead’s office.

“You should really think it over before deciding,” Cyan attempted to persuade Eugene.

“I’ve already given this matter a lot of thought before coming to my decision,” said Eugene.

Cyan took a deep breath and swallowed his protests. Now that he thought about it, it was ridiculous that he was trying to hold onto Eugene and prevent him from leaving. If that monster were to turn his hand towards learning magic, wouldn’t that mean his training in the martial arts would slow down?

‘That would actually be better for me,’ Cyan realized.

Although Eugene’s progress might be ahead of his for the moment, Cyan would also rise to the Third Star within the next few years. So Cyan decided to see Eugene’s departure as more of an opportunity. Of course, Cyan had no intention of being satisfied with just reaching the Third Star of the White Flame Formula. He hoped to have somehow reached the Fourth Star by the time he became an adult.

‘…But can I really?’

Truthfully speaking, he had his doubts. In the history of the Lionheart clan, there wasn’t a single person who had ever managed to reach the Fourth Star of the White Flame Formula while in their teens. Even the family ancestors who had made a name for themselves as geniuses, and even Gilead and Gion, had all been stalled at the Third Star before they had become adults.

In other words, just being able to rise to the Third Star of the White Flame Formula at this age was enough for him to be compared to his genius predecessors.

However, such thoughts merely filled Cyan’s mouth with a bitter taste. Eugene and Cyan were both currently seventeen, but today, Eugene had already risen to the Third Star of the White Flame Formula.

That was an unprecedented speed of advancement…. It wasn’t like this was the first time that that monstrous child had left his mark in the history of the direct line, but…. Cyan gave a heavy sigh as he turned to stare at Eugene’s back. Eugene was currently in the middle of waiting for a reply from the other side of the door before he could enter Gilead’s office.

‘…I too….’

Cyan forced himself to swallow another sigh that almost fell from his lips and faced forward once more. It had already been four years since Eugene had joined the main family. Since then, Cyan had suffered countless defeats to this absurd brother of his, with whom he didn’t even share a single drop of blood.

These successive defeats had taught the young Cyan an unquestionable lesson. Despair is nothing but nourishment for further despair. Instead of spending any time in despair, shedding even a single drop of sweat in an effort to improve was far more useful.

“…Tsk…,” Cyan clicked his tongue as he recalled an unpleasant memory.

This wasn’t a lesson that Cyan had managed to learn all by himself. When he was still a child, the despair from his inability to defeat Eugene had led Cyan to hide in his room and cower beneath his blankets. However, Eugene had thrown open the door, barged into his room, and kicked Cyan in the ass.


-Do you really think that I’ll just play around while you do shit like this?


Even if Cyan was consumed by despair, Eugene would continue to train without taking even a single day off. As such, the difference between them would only continue to grow. 

After Cyan reminded himself of this lesson, he left Eugene to his own affairs and headed to the gymnasium.

“What are you doing here so early in the morning?” Gilead welcomed Eugene into the room with a bright smile on his face.

Instead of getting to the point immediately, Eugene first bowed his head and said, “I’ve come because I have something that I would like to report to you.”

“Report?” Gilead asked, tilting his head to the side as his eyes gleamed with curiosity.

He was curious about what kind of surprise his adopted son would be bringing him this time.

As he sat down on the sofa, Eugene began speaking, “Just this morning, I reached the Third Star of the White Flame Formula.”

At these words, Gilead unconsciously leaped up from his seat.

“Is that true?” he demanded.

“Yes, sir, it is,” admitted Eugene.

Gilead rushed over with hurried strides. Meeting his unspoken request, Eugene began resonating the stars circling his heart. As white flames engulfed Eugene’s body, Gilead took a deep breath in astonishment before bursting out laughing.

“…Ha… hahaha!”

After taking in Eugene as his adopted son, Gilead had gone through so many different things that he had thought that he could no longer be surprised by anything. However, once again, Gilead couldn’t help but be astonished. Was it really possible for him to reach the Third Star of the White Flame Formula at just seventeen years of age? Even among all his predecessors, no one had managed the Third Star at Eugene’s young age. 

As Gilead plopped down on the seat in front of Eugeen, he shook his head.

“…Adopting you into the main family… might just be the best thing that I have ever done,” Gilead admitted.

“This is all thanks to the Patriarch’s support,” Eugene replied with a faint smile.

Although four years had passed since he’d been adopted, Eugene had yet to call Gilead ‘father.’ The only one he called ‘father’ was his biological parent, Gerhard.

Gilead didn’t feel any unpleasantness due to this. Instead, he approved of Eugene’s filial piety to his biological father and was proud of how considerate his adopted son was. But if only such an impressive child was truly his son… then no one would raise any objections to Eugene becoming the next Patriarch. On the contrary, everyone would actually be united under the opinion that Eugene should become the Patriarch.

‘…I shouldn’t have such thoughts,’ Gilead attempted to discard this dangerous idea with a shake of his head.

Such careless thoughts would lead to bloodshed and death. For the clan, and of course, his family as well, Gilead didn’t want to force his children to have to bare their knives at each other.

After he finished casting off such thoughts, Gilead continued, “…My support, you say…. I don’t believe that I gave you anything too impressive. So this achievement is all the result of your hard work.”

“But it was all thanks to the Patriarch’s support that I was able to work so hard,” Eugene argued.

After carefully examining Eugene’s smiling face, Gilead burst out laughing.

“It looks like there’s something you need,” he observed.

Without any hesitation, Eugene confessed, “I want to learn magic.”

In the past, he had had to pay attention to maintaining his childish facade while speaking to Gilead, but now there was no longer any need for that. Eugene had grown up quite a bit, and Gilead had gotten used to Eugene’s forthrightness over the past four years.

“…Magic?” Gilead asked.

Despite all this, Gilead wouldn’t find it so easy to grant Eugene’s current desire as he would any other request. The confusion that Gilead initially felt was the same as Cyan’s. Why did Eugene suddenly want to learn magic? After all, Eugene had never once expressed any desire to learn magic during these past four years.

“…Are you serious when you say this?” asked Gilead.

“Yes, sir,” Eugene confirmed.

“But why? No one from our family’s entire line was able to reach the Third Star of the White Flame Formula at your age. If you continue to work as hard as you have been, you might be able to rise to the Fourth Star before you become an adult.”

“I’ll still be able to train hard, even while I’m learning magic,” Eugene stated without any uncertainty.

Although this might seem arrogant, in Eugene’s opinion, someone like him had the right to say such a thing.

“Sir Patriarch. In the four years since I was adopted into the main family, I have never once left your care,” Eugene said as he straightened his back and faced Gilead firmly. “Today, as I was advancing to the Third Star, I realized something. If I continue to stay at the main estate and keep practicing as I have been, I don’t believe that I will continue to show the same amount of growth.”

“…Hm…,” Gilead hummed in consideration.

“I am extremely lacking in real-life experience,” Eugene concluded.

Although Eugene’s voice was calm as he said this, Gilead felt a surging vitality coming from these words that matched Eugene’s young age. Eugene’s voice was full of his sincerity and desire for growth.

Eugene confidently continued his argument, “I want to learn much more, especially about magic. While it is something that I have never studied before, I know that it is also a discipline that uses mana. Although I don’t yet know if I have any great talent for magic, I believe that by venturing into magic, I’ll be able to view mana from a different perspective than the one I’ve had until now.”

“…” Gilead stayed silent.

“Even if I don’t make much progress in it, just by learning a new discipline, I believe that it will still be a great experience for me. I am sure that all of this won’t be in vain. That is why I have dared to make such a request,” Eugene stopped talking at this point and stared at Gilead with sparkling eyes; then, he placed his hands on his knees and bowed his head low. “I sincerely beseech you.”

“…Haha,” Gilead let out another laugh. Then, as he shook his head from side to side, he continued speaking, “Raise your head. Do you really think that there is any need for you to bow your head just for a small request like this?”

“Yes, Patriarch.”

“Even if I am your Patriarch, how can I pour cold water on your burning desire to learn and grow? Eugene, I understand what you’re trying to say. So if you really want to learn magic, then… I’ll just have to give you my permission to learn.”

Eugene shook his bowed head in relief and smiled. Of course, when he raised his head, there was no trace of amusement left on his face.

“So then, how exactly do you want to go about learning magic?” Gilead asked.

“That’s…,” Eugene trailed off.

“Since you’ve already come to ask for my permission, you must have thought it through already, no?”

“I want to go to Aroth.”

Although Gilead had expected this, he couldn’t hide his uneasy reaction when Eugene mentioned the Magic Kingdom of Aroth. If you wanted to learn magic, then Aroth was definitely the best place to go. …And if it wasn’t for what his eldest son, Eward, had experienced in Aroth, Gilead wouldn’t have felt any discomfort from these words.

“…Aroth, you say…,” Gilead murmured.

“I don’t need anything else, just your permission,” Eugene continued speaking quickly.

From here on, Eugene knew that he needed to be careful with his words. Eward was Gilead’s soft spot. Even though he was the eldest son, Eward hadn’t made any outstanding achievements in the martial arts; and despite showing interest in magic ever since he was young, the eldest son had failed to show much progress in magic as well.

Although he had stayed in Aroth ever since he was sent there four years ago, Eward hadn’t been able to escape the heavy weight of the Lionheart clan’s prestigious name and instead had been made into a laughing stock for having only managed to enter the tower through his connections.

Eugene didn’t want to get involved with Eward. He only wanted to go to Aroth to learn magic and follow any clues left behind by Sienna.

However, if the word ‘Aroth’ was spoken anywhere in the main estate, whoever heard it instantly thought of Eward. So he needed to be very careful, as Eugene didn’t want to create any pointless misunderstandings.josei

Gilead eventually shook off his unease and said, “…If that’s what you want, then I can only give you permission to go there. Allow me to inform Lovellian first, though.”

“Although I’m grateful for your thoughts, I don’t want to receive too much in terms of support,” Eugene paused for a moment to examine Gilead’s expression before continuing. “…To be honest… it feels like any assistance would be very burdensome, and Master Lovellian should be quite busy as well. If possible, I would like to try studying quietly on my own without any assistance from Master Lovellian.”

“That would actually be quite difficult,” Gilead said, unable to stop a wry smile forming on his face. “Even if you leave the main estate, you are still a member of the Lionheart clan. The moment you arrive in Aroth, many of Aroth’s wizards will be paying attention to you. Even if you refuse it, a lot of people will approach you to make connections to the Lionheart clan.”

“Then I just won’t accept their offers,” Eugene said determinedly.

“…Your convictions are praiseworthy,” Gilead complimented with a sigh.

How good would it be if his eldest son could be like that? As dangerous thoughts rose up in his head once more, Gilead shook his head to clear it.

“…Eugene, just promise me one thing,” Gilead requested.

“What is it?” Eugene asked.

“Do not get involved with black magic.”

In Aroth, there was a Black Tower of Magic where black wizards gathered. There weren’t any disturbing rumors that matched their sinister reputation, and unlike in the distant past, the public opinion of them wasn’t too bad. However, the Lionheart clan had been founded by the Great Vermouth. Although some of the collateral branches had chosen to specialize in magic, black magic was still forbidden to the clan as an unwritten rule.

“I also despise black magic,” Eugene replied without any hesitation.

Gilead nodded in relief and said, “As long as you can promise me that, I won’t lift a finger, so you’ll be free to leave for Aroth in whichever way you desire. I won’t even inform Lovellian. …I hope you won’t have to personally experience the same sorts of troubles that Eward did. Is there anything else you would like to request?”

“I would like to shamelessly ask for an allowance.”

“How long do you plan on staying in Aroth?”

“I’ll need to go there first and start studying to get a rough idea of how long it will take me, but I don’t think I’ll be returning before becoming an adult.”

“That means you intend on staying for at least a few years.”

“Well, that’s the only way I’ll be able to actually learn something,” Eugene confirmed with a laugh.

“Hm, that certainly seems true. However, since magic is a completely different discipline from what you’ve been taught so far… it will be impossible for you to make any progress if you go into this half-heartedly,” Gilead warned Eugene.

He had never learned any magic in his past life. As such, even Eugene didn’t have the confidence to say that he would be able to make rapid progress.

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