Damn Reincarnation

Chapter 174

Chapter 174: Leo Dragonic (1)

Chapter 174: Leo Dragonic (1)

Hyren, the capital Ceres' central district, was the city's most advanced district and also the closest to the palace.

This district was for the rich. The prestigious noble families and the families who had accumulated wealth through trades lived in Hyren.

Although the Lionheart main estate was on the outskirts of the capital, the Dragonic estate was in the center of Hyren.

The Lionhearts’ first ancestor, the Great Vermouth, had naturalized to the Kiehl Empire 300 years ago and worked as an archduke of the Empire. Straut the First, who was the Kiehl emperor at the time, desperately wanted the hero to become his guard and live in proximity to the palace… but Vermouth rejected the emperor’s desperate plea and mostly stayed in the castle on Mountain Uklas, which was located in the southernmost part of Kiehl.

When he had gotten too old, he returned his title of archduke bestowed by the emperor and spent his remaining life in a mansion inside the forest, which was now the Lionheart’s main house.

Unlike Vermouth, Orix Dragonic had never gone to Helmuth even though a full-scale war against the Demon Kings was going on. Ever since he had arrived in Kiehl, he continued to protect Straut the First and worked as a commander of the White Dragon Knightly Order.

For over 300 years, the Dragonics had made their name as the prestigious noble family and the best knight family in Kiehl. Not all Patriarchs had become the emperor’s guard, but the Dragonic family had produced many good knights. Those knights were considered to be one of the best on the continent. Among them, the Dragonic knights, considered the creme of the crop, had enjoyed the honor of guarding the Emperor right by his side.

The current Patriarch, Alchester Dragonic, was known to be as talented as Orix Dragonic, their first ancestor. There was no exaggeration to Alchester’s title of the best knight in the empire. Alchester had been able to use sword force even before he became 20. When he won first place in the Kiehl martial arts competition, he was just 21. Every talented person on the continent had participated in the match, but he had beaten them all.

In recognition of his skill, he had immediately joined the White Dragon Knightly Order. He was 30 when he became the commander of the White Dragon Knightly Order. The newly crowned emperor, Straut the Second, had designated Alchester as the emperor’s guard. This was the story of Alchester Dragonic, the current Dragonic Patriarch.

Though he ate his booger when he was five….’ Eugene bitterly recalled the moment when he had heard too much information.

Although he really wasn’t curious, he ended up hearing it.

Eugene stared at the front gate of the Dragonic estate after getting off the carriage.

The gate was big and tall. Considering just the size of the estate, the Lionheart main estate would be a lot bigger since the Lionhearts had a forest inside their land. Still, the Dragonic estate was magnificent and beautiful even though this place was located in Hyren, the district with the most expensive land values.

“It’s shabby compared to the Lionheart estate,” A Dragonic Knight, who had guided Eugene to the Dragonic estate, spoke shyly.

“I think it is a gorgeous estate.”

The knight had approached the gate before Eugene did.


The gate began to open wide.

Only two people were currently entering the estate, but they were receiving too warm of a welcome. Eugene looked at the knights who had lined up beyond the gate. These were the knights who had pledged their allegiance to the Dragonics, but their numbers were far fewer. The Lionhearts had more knights than them.

‘Only 30, huh? Eugene thought after he had finished counting.

It was because the Lionhearts and the Dragonics were in different situations. The Dragonics were loyal to the empire. They had been working as high-ranking officials for generations. Therefore the number of their knights didn’t matter much to them. After all, the emperor owned the empire. The nobles’ knightly orders were treated like backup armies, which the emperor could use in times of need by issuing a royal decree.

The Lionhearts were the only exception to the law. Maybe the emperor could conscript the knights from the Lionheart collateral families, but even if the emperor issued a royal decree, the White Lion Knights and the Black Lion Knights from the Lionheart main family couldn’t be conscripted. All of this was possible because of a contract signed 300 years ago by the Great Vermouth and the Kiehl Emperor.

[The Lionhearts will not leave the Kiehl Empire.

The Lionhearts will not betray the Kiehl Empire. 

The Kiehl Empire will respect the Lionhearts.

The Kiehl Empire will recognize the Lionhearts’ freedom.]

…300 years had passed since then. People were now living in an age where they could feel the end of the peace that had lasted for a long time. The emperor felt overwhelmed and greedy toward the Lionhearts, who were partially free from royal decree even though they were nobles of Kiehl. On top of that, the Lionhearts had recently undergone an internal change, increasing the number of the main family’s knights in the end. They were becoming more unpleasant in the emperor’s eyes.

‘They are looking at me very fiercely,’ Eugene thought when he saw the lined-up knights.

It was obvious why the knights were acting that way. A week ago, the White Dragon Knightly Order and the White Lion Knightly Order had a competition… and the White Dragon Knights had lost the contest. The main cause of their defeat was Eugene.

‘I thought the competition ended okay. They admitted their defeat and said ‘great job’ to White Lion Knights in the end.’ Eugene tilted his head in confusion.

And, of course, the White Dragon Knights had apologized unreservedly and provided compensation for the altercation they had with the Lionhearts, just like they had promised.

Eugene wasn’t sure if they had compensated with the empire’s money or the money that had been deducted from the White Dragon Knightly Order’s budget. Or maybe the Commander of the White Dragon Knightly Order, Alchester, had paid for it with his own money. Regardless of the source, the White Dragon Knights had delivered their compensation by dozens of carriages. The mistress of the Lionheart clan, Ancilla, had smiled widely and brightly that day.

‘…If this is not about the competition…. Hmm. Ah, they don’t like the fact that I will be teaching the young master of the Dragonics who will become the next Patriarch. I am a stranger, a Lionheart who humiliated their Patriarch several days ago, and just a 20-year-old man.’ 

Chuckling, Eugene walked through the knights’ ranks. Although they were looking daggers at him, it wasn’t enough to intimidate Eugene. Instead, he looked around at the estate’s wide, beautiful garden, feeling relaxed.

“The Patriarch is waiting for you inside the mansion.” A knight guided Eugene to the inside of the mansion.

Meanwhile, as the knight led Eugene to the Dragonic Patriarch, Eugene had to try his best to hold his laughter.

A tall, big statue of Orix was in the center of the garden. When the servants opened the front door for them, there was another statue of Orix in the foyer. Orix’s portraits were even hanging on the wall.

‘…The bastard made the drawings more handsome than he actually was. No way. Did Orix have a sense of rivalry with Vermouth or something?’ Eugene thought in surprise.

His surprise was understandable. The composition of Orix’s portraits was the same as Vermouth’s portraits in all the Lionheart mansions.

“I wanted to greet you from outside the mansion, too,” Alchester spoke with a smile. He stood up right away when Eugene entered his office, which was located on the top floor of the mansion.

“But too many people — from my steward, subordinate knights, to my wife — dissuaded me from doing so…. I didn’t think it would be a big problem, but they thought it wasn’t good for me, the Patriarch, to come to meet you,” Alchester said as he gestured Eugene to sit.

“No wonder the knights looked at me with fiery eyes,” Eugene joked, sitting on the chair that Alchester had pointed at.

Unlike Carmen’s excessively decorated office, Alchester’s office was very neat, almost to a level that could be called plain.

“If you felt it that way… they must have behaved rudely to you. You are the Dragonics’ guest. I’ll apologize on their behalf, so please don’t be too upset.”

“Upset? Not in the slightest.” Eugene waved his hands.

Keeping his smile, Alchester personally poured Eugene a cup of tea. It didn’t seem like he had designs on Eugene. Alchester’s smile was natural and pleasant, even in Eugene’s eyes.

“…I didn’t know you would make such a request,” Alchester spoke delightedly.

Of course, Alchester was having fun.

He had received two letters from the Lionhearts four days ago. One was from Gilead, the Lionheart Patriarch. In his letter, Gilead had extended an olive branch, asking Alchester to forget about the competition’s result since it was over and the altercation, which was the cause of the competition. Gilead even offered to resume communication between the two knightly orders and between the two clans.

Carmen Lionheart had sent the other letter. After mentioning the time she had stayed at the Dragonic estate in the distant past, she had requested to let Eugene Lionheart train at the Dragonic estate through the letter.

Gilead had also made such a request at the end of his letter.

“…I have a son who turned ten this year.” Alchester proceeded to the main issue — Leo Dragonic.

“Yes, I heard about him.”

“My son… his name is Leo. I’m not just saying this because he is my son, but he is quite talented. Although he began to study mana control four years ago, he can already use a little bit of sword energy,” Alchester spoke calmly but was unable to hide his prideful expression. Soon, he looked a little embarrassed when he realized that the most outstanding genius of the Lionhearts was sitting in front of him.

“Forgive me. I had my son during my later years…. I can’t help but brag about my adorable son.”

“Is that so….” Eugene half-heartedly nodded.

“Eugene, I have seen your ability with my own eyes a week ago. There are many good knights among the Dragonics family…. But I believe Lady Carmen made me who I am today with her lessons dozens of years ago.” Alchester closed his eyes as he set a teacup to his lips. It didn’t take long for him to reminisce about the past and recall that moment when he was five.

“…I was five at the time… but my memory is still clear. When Lady Carmen had come to teach me, she was 17. Well, she wasn’t really different from now.”

Eugene stayed silent.

‘Is he saying that in a good way?’ he seriously wondered.

“…During her lessons, Lady Carmen was strict… and unique. Some may use the word ‘peculiar.’ However, it does not change the fact that her lessons are the basis of my ability. I hope you can be such a teacher for Leo.”

“I will do my best.” Eugene nodded.

“Of course, I will also try to teach you something new. …Even though I wonder if I have anything new I can teach you right now….”

Alchester meant what he said. In the competition that had taken place a week ago, Eugene had practically played Eboldt, Captain of the White Dragon Knights. They weren’t using the full extent of their abilities, but their battle was enough for Alchester to see Eugene’s ability.

His skills were mature — no, perfect. When Alchester had studied Eugene’s movements one by one, he couldn’t find a single area where Eugene needed improvement. He used his techniques with versatility. Although he was controlling mana with a rudimentary method, the level of his control was advanced. His body and willpower enabled Eugene to have an extremely high level of mana control. Alchester couldn’t believe a 20-year-old man was able to do so.

‘…Besides, he must already be an expert in magic. He is indeed a genius… the genius among geniuses,’ Alchester thought as he scanned Eugene.

…If he didn’t try his best, Alchester wouldn’t be able to teach anything to Eugene. In order to teach that unfairly smart genius, Alchester had to show Eugene what he got.

Alchester was more than willing to do so. The emperor seemed like he had some complaints against the Lionhearts and Eugene, their rising star. However, Alchester wanted to teach and exchange knowledge with Eugene as a knight and a senior in martial arts. He also hoped his only son idolized Eugene and tried to take after him.

“…I’m glad we were able to confirm that the Rakshasa Princess went out of our country,” Alchester mumbled, putting down his teacup. “Although I never thought… she would use a wagon to move around.”

No one would have thought so. She was the Rakshasa Princess, Iris — a living legend since 300 years ago, an adopted daughter of the Demon King of Fury, the first dark elf, and the only being able to corrupt elves.

…There was no way that anyone thought such a being would hide and move around in the back of the shabby wagon that wasn’t even hers….

“…She did catch everyone off guard… yes….” Eugene was also baffled to hear about Iris’ escape method. He had thought Iris would live up to her title and use elegant ways like… taking over some cities’ warp gates. Regardless of people’s expectations, Iris had hidden in the back of the wagon and tried to sneak into a merchant ship. On top of that, she had gotten caught when the harbor inspectors had checked the ship’s luggage.

“…But she succeeded in the end, right? She seized the ship and set sail.” Eugene shrugged.

He didn’t know why Iris had put herself out to sea.

However, he did hear about what had happened in Helmuth. Before the Kiehl Empire could make a formal complaint to Helmuth, they had notified Kiehl about how Iris had gotten banished from Helmuth since she had lost in a territorial war.

‘…I don’t know if she was really banished, but they sure don’t want to take responsibility for the trouble Iris caused.’ Eugene clicked his tongue mentally.

The Queen of Night Demons, Noir Giabella — the damn succubus crossed Eugene’s mind. Since Iris had become stronger over the 300 years, Noir Giabella must have also gotten stronger.josei

Eugene was reaching the level he had achieved in his past life at a rapid pace. However, he knew that wasn’t enough. That was why he had learned abilities that he didn’t have in his past life. Therefore, Eugene didn’t doubt himself. Eugene had sowed seeds, and those seeds were growing. He was certain he would transcend Hamel’s level when those seeds bloomed completely.

* * *

Eugene had visited the Dragonics to try to contact the dragon that had approached Carmen dozens of years ago. Eugene wasn’t sure who the dragon was, but dragons were so advanced in magic that they were called the race of magic.

Their Draconic ‘created’ magic that didn’t exist in the world. When dragons spoke using Draconic, they made everything come true. Since their magic system differed from ordinary magic, dragons did not require formulas. Humans were not able to use Draconic. Only dragons could cast this magic.

…Then, would non-dragon wizards never be better than dragons? No, Eugene knew a human wizard who was better than dragons — Sienna Merdein. She had banished Black Dragon Raizakia to the dimensional rift even though she was dying.

‘…I can’t search inside the dimensional rift with my magic.’ Eugene tousled his hair.

It was too risky to barge into the Dragon Demon Castle in Helmuth and track Raizakia down. Therefore Eugene needed this dragon. Even Lovellian, the Red Tower Master, wasn’t able to search inside the dimensional rift. No magic in the world enabled wizards to do so. However, a dragon might be able to locate Raizakia in the dimensional rift.

[Will the dragon cooperate?] Mer asked via their mental connection. She didn’t stick her head out from the cloak this time. She liked to walk with her feet, but she also liked to comfortably sit inside the cloak and look at the outside view through the cloak’s gap. Mer fidgeted with Eugene’s fingers as she continued.

[Lady Sienna didn’t talk about dragons much, but I know quite a lot about them. They are a greedy, arrogant race, right?]

‘Dragons are arrogant because they know they are powerful creatures. Well, they are a bunch of lizard bitches if that is the only reason…. The main reason why dragons are revered is that they don’t run away in times of need, Eugene replied.

[What does that mean?]

‘I mean it literally. Do you know what noblesse oblige is?’

[Don’t look down on me. In fact, I’m in real shock because you are using that word, Sir Eugene.]

‘What do you take me for?’

Eugene pinched the back of Mer’s hand; she had kept fidgeting with his fingers.

‘I have studied a lot since I was young. Anyhow, dragons usually ignore humans and other races because they think we are inferior to them. However, they always step up first if the world is about to be fucked.’

They had also stepped up 300 years ago. When people had been completely at a loss for the sudden invasion, dragons had been the first to fly to Helmuth and begin to fight against the Demon Kings.

‘…Dragons and the Demon Kings…are a bad match.’

Similar to how elves could be corrupted by demonic energy, dragons were also negatively influenced by demonic energy. In the end, the dragons had lost to the Demon King of Incarceration and were massacred by the Demon King of Destruction.

‘That was why they couldn’t play a starring role during the war 300 years ago. Dragons learned that they couldn’t win in fights against the Demon Kings. However, they won’t refuse if I ask for their help in a Demon King-related problem.’

[…But… we don’t know how to contact the dragon, do we?]

That was indeed Eugene’s problem right now. Although he could assume that Carmen had met the dragon in the Dragonic estate, Eugene didn’t get to hear how she had met the dragon.

Carmen told Eugene two pieces of information in a way that didn’t infringe on the promise that had been made using Draconic: it was somewhere inside the Dragonic mansion, and people couldn’t go in there without permission.

Since Carmen had said an ordinary visitor couldn’t enter the place… maybe the Dragonic mansion had a special place like the leyline in the Lionheart estate.

Eugene was pretty confident in searching for something since he had Akasha. The magic staff revealed hidden magics and made Eugene understand what those spells were. If Eugene used a search spell on top of that, it was a piece of cake for him to find a hidden space in the estate.

‘…Actually, the easiest way to call a dragon is to smash Akasha.’

Dragons had made Akasha with their fellow dragon’s heart after the dragon had passed away. When they had finished making the staff, they visited the elven sanctuary and personally gifted the staff to Sienna.

Therefore the angry dragon might come to visit Eugene if he destroyed Akasha’s Dragonheart.

‘…But it would be a waste to smash Akasha to just summon a dragon…. There is no guarantee that a dragon will come and cooperate with me.’

“We are here,” Alchester said as he stopped in front of a room. Pointing at a closed door, Alchester turned his head to Eugene. “Leo will be inside the room.”

“Are you not going in there?”

“…I coddle Leo a lot… so you won’t be able to teach properly if I go in with you.” Alchester took a few steps back with an embarrassed face. “So I will return to my office now.”

“I’m asking this just in case, but can I scold him?”

“Don’t worry about it. Leo is so gentle and kind. You wouldn’t need to scold him.”

“Is that so…?” Eugene nodded half-heartedly.

“But if you need to scold him… don’t mind me. You can give him a good scolding.”

‘Huh.’ Eugene thought.

After checking that Alchester had gone far away, Eugene knocked on the door to Leo’s room.

No one reacted; the room was quiet. However, Eugene could sense someone was wriggling inside the room. He knocked once more, but still, no one reacted. Clicking his tongue, Eugene opened the door. When he closed the door from inside the room, Eugene could see a clean, big room. The first thing that caught his attention was a bed too big for a ten-year-old boy.

From underneath the bed, a stream of water was shot in Eugene’s direction.

“He’s a little rascal.” Eugene quickly made an assessment of Leo Dragonic.

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