Damn Reincarnation

Chapter 342

Chapter 342: Ciel Lionheart (1)

Chapter 342: Ciel Lionheart (1)

Firstly, she dismissed the guards and servants of the mansion. Though it was a sudden move, they were promised generous severance. As such, they accepted their layoffs without much ado.

Having emerged victorious in yesterday's match, Ciel had racked up enough points to challenge higher-ranking gladiators. As such, she publicly announced that she would train in a secret place for the upcoming ranking tournament.

Of course, Ciel had no intention of preparing for the ranking tournament. There was no way it would take place anyway. Though not yet known to the world, it wouldn’t be long before the formal announcement of the Pirate Empress’ subjugation was made public, with the Dwarf Guild actively pressuring for it.

Most likely, other top-ranked gladiators would participate in the expedition as well.

Ranked first was Ortus, the Commander of the Violent Tide Knights. As the strongest and most exceptional knight in Shimuin, Ortus would have no choice but to lead the expedition, whether he liked it or not.

Ranked second was not a knight but a mercenary, Ivic Slad, the leader of the Slad Mercenaries. He was known as the Mercenary King. There was no way such a formidable figure, who actively sought out wars, would miss such a large-scale event.

From what Ciel gathered, none of the high-ranking gladiators, including the six ranked above her, were reluctant to participate in the expedition. Everyone would be present except for the one ranked fourth — who was speculated to be dead or kidnapped by Iris.

"Phew." Ciel wiped the sweat off her forehead.

She had never turned down training, not even when she was with the Lionheart clan in the Black Lion Castle. However, the new curriculum she had developed since joining Shimuin was undoubtedly far more rigorous than her previous training.

Even Carmen, who had adjusted the curriculum, seemed taken aback, and Dezra, who had started with her, had left trembling after failing to last for more than four days.

However, for nearly a year now, Ciel hadn't once shied away from the demanding training. The training grounds of the mansion weren't that harsh an environment and allowed her to gradually increase the intensity while squeezing every bit of strength and spirit.


With her body and spirit immersed in training, her mind wandered with many thoughts.

She thought it was highly likely that the expedition would lead to the death of the Pirate Empress.

She honestly didn't see much chance if the expedition were composed solely of Shimuin's warriors. However, with Carmen, Eugene, Kristina, and even the Wise Sienna joining the expedition, the expeditionary forces were elevated to another level.

‘But what about me?'

Ciel released the sword she was holding, exposing her rough palms. She used those hands to gently wipe her body, which was dripping sweat like rain. She didn't want to think of herself as insignificant or small.

But right now, she couldn't help but think that way.

Ciel Lionheart.

She was a descendant of the renowned Lionheart lineage. She was the disciple of the Silver Lion, Carmen Lionheart, and the youngest Black Lion. Likewise, she was also the youngest of the Twelve Finest of Shimuin.

However, the moniker “youngest” inherently reflected the possibility of her being immature or inexperienced. Ciel didn't deny this fact. She was still twenty-one years old and hadn't accumulated enough experience.

‘Could I be of help?’

That thought had plagued Ciel since dawn. She wished not to dwell upon such ponderings, and if possible, she wanted to look away, to ignore the burgeoning thoughts. But she couldn't. No matter how much she tried to dismiss the doubts, they kept coming with full force.

‘Can I really go with them?’

It was Ciel who had first declared her wish to accompany them. And she had no intention to retract them now. After all, merely following was something anyone could do. As for the dangers? If one stayed concealed well enough, perils could be evaded. But Ciel's desire wasn't so simple. She wished to stand alongside Eugene. Just as her elder brother, Cyan, had done, Ciel wanted to brave wars and face perils with Eugene.

She had received a letter from her brother. It had been filled with tales from the Samar Forest, but more than her brother's exploits, the letter mentioned Eugene's prowess and strength.

Ciel envied her brother. In the end, Cyan fought alongside Eugene, achieving victory and growing into a formidable warrior. Through this, he showcased his achievements to Eugene and received recognition.

For as long as she could remember, or perhaps since the very beginning, this had been the relationship between Eugene and the twins. Though the three of them were of the same age and siblings, they had never stood on equal footing. It had been natural for Cyan and Ciel to follow behind Eugene and seek his acknowledgment for their hard-won achievements.


You’ve improved quite a bit.


Ciel had never taken offense to that remark. On the contrary, hearing it felt good as if the vast chasm between them lessened with each word of praise.

But such were the tales of their youth. A child's ambitions differed from those of an adult, both in magnitude and direction. Ciel was no longer the same child.

In that barren, snow-covered land, when she had bawled her eyes out, Ciel had come to realize that she was no longer the little girl who would simply beam with joy from Eugene's praise.

"Useless thoughts."

A voice called from above. Ciel looked up while wiping the sweat from her palms. If it were in Kiehl, the last month of the year would greet them with snow or biting cold winds. But in Shimuin, even December was marked by a scorching sun.

Under the brilliant sky, her vision slightly narrowed against the harsh sunlight. She caught sight of Eugene. He was leaning halfway out of a window while observing her.

"I can sense your distractions,” said Eugene.

"What on earth are you on about?" asked Ciel.

"Are you pretending not to know, or do you genuinely not know? If it's the latter, I'd be quite disappointed." His voice was filled with mischief.

Pouting, Ciel used her foot to kick up the sword from the ground. "Just lost in thought for a moment," she grumbled while catching her sword mid-air. Eugene grinned, leaning even further out from the window.

“Can you afford to show yourself like this?” asked Ciel.

“What's the problem with it?” said Eugene.

“You wanted to stay hidden, remember? Though I fired all the guards and servants, my mansion is still under the watchful eyes of the paparazzi, isn’t it?” reminded Ciel.

“Don’t worry about it,” said Eugene.

Sienna had already set up various spells throughout the mansion and its periphery from the morning. Even the famed tower heads of Aroth wouldn't be able to peer inside the mansion’s walls.

“This magic sure is handy, isn’t it?” commented Ciel.

“Why? Regret not learning it yourself?”

“Too late now. At least I’ve honed my sword skills. If I'd dabbled in magic and wasn't destined for it, I'd have been worse off.”

Ciel smirked while lifting her shirt to reveal a chiseled abdomen to Eugene, who quickly turned his head, caught off guard. It wasn’t weird for Ciel to wipe off her sweat using her shirt. But right now, she was clearly doing so with a specific intention.

Ciel felt a cheeky sense of satisfaction when she noticed Eugene’s momentary embarrassment.

“Acting like this at your age?” said Eugene.

“What’s the problem? You never cared when we were younger,” retorted Ciel.

“When did I ever? Reveal your skin like that after sweating, and you'll catch a cold,” said Eugene.

“A cold? In this heat?” said Ciel.

“Summer colds are usually the worst,” Eugene grumbled before tossing a dry towel to Ciel, who caught it effortlessly, all while gripping her shirt with her teeth.

“Are you trying to show off your abs?” asked Eugene. His half-averted gaze caught Ciel’s abs glistening from the sweat, and he remarked, “Sorry, but my abs look better than yours.”

“What? I'm not trying to show off. It's just hot, alright?” cried Ciel.

That wasn't entirely true. Ciel found amusement in Eugene's attempts to avoid her gaze and wanted to continue eliciting reactions. Eugene had seen enough of Ciel's playful antics since they were kids. But to use one's body for such jests at this age….

“Where did you learn such lousy things from?” Eugene grumbled before pointing a finger at Ciel. A swift gust of wind burst from Eugene's fingertip, then swirled around Ciel. The lingering sweat evaporated, and the shirt Ciel had bitten onto found its way back to its proper place.

After confirming her bare skin was no longer visible, Eugene locked eyes with Ciel.

“Keep exposing yourself like that, and no one will want to marry you,” he said.

“What do you mean?”

“It's about time you thought about settling down. I heard Cyan will be returning to Ruhr soon,” continued Eugene.

“What? He's planning to marry the young princess of Ruhr?” Ciel responded in sheer disbelief.

The princess, Ayla Ruhr, was the daughter of the Beast King Aman Ruhr. Ciel had encountered her once before she departed from Ruhr. Thankfully, Princess Ayla didn’t resemble her fierce ancestor Molon or her father, the Beast King, and was graced with a unique charm and beauty.

She was lovely and endearing.

She was a lovely and endearing girl of just eleven years.

"It's not an immediate marriage," Eugene mentioned. "I've heard they're just getting betrothed for now. They'll marry when Princess Ayla turns seventeen."


"To think I'll have a sister-in-law ten years younger than me…," Ciel mused.

"But they say she has a kind disposition, right?"

"I was also kind at eleven years old," Ciel smirked.

Eugene recalled the younger Ciel and playfully countered, "I don't particularly remember you being that way."

"At least she's better than the princess of Shimuin, right?"

Princess Scalia of Shimuin had once been a potential marriage partner for Cyan. However, the engagement had been called off when Cyan vehemently expressed his disapproval of her.

"Indeed, she's a better choice than that half-mad princess," Eugene agreed readily.

Ciel felt the same aversion towards Scalia. She remembered the scenes of Scalia mercilessly slaughtering mercenaries in the snowy plains. They had been encouraged by the nightmares induced by the Queen of the Night Demons, the resultant insomnia and stress…. But none of it could justify the massacres she committed.

Moreover, Ciel couldn't confidently say that Scalia didn't revel in such bloodshed. Scalia’s demeanor while hunting for food in the snow-covered plains had not seemed ordinary to her.

"Betrothal, huh?"

Setting aside the age of the young princess, the very idea of her older twin brother, whom she had grown up with, getting betrothed felt odd to Ciel.


Walking over to the window, Ciel draped the towel she received from Eugene around her neck before flashing a smile, "Speaking of which, there were some marriage propositions for me as well."


"Oh, nothing formal within the family. As I said, it was something akin to a marriage proposition. Just a light suggestion, you might say…." Ciel was curious about Eugene's reaction and continued with a mischievous tone while leaning by the window. "Ahem, you actually know him. Well, you're acquainted."


"Dior Hyman, the son of Sir Ortus. He’s twenty-three. He might not have a high-ranking position, but that's only because he doesn't partake in the battles. In reality, he's quite renowned for his skills," Ciel said casually.

Say something, show some reaction.?Ciel feigned nonchalance but observed Eugene keenly as she pushed further, "Sir Ortus suggested it several times. He has suggested that Dior and I have dinner together. The reason is quite apparent, isn't it?"

Eugene sighed, "Well…."

"Actually, it’s not just Sir Ortus. While in Shimuin, I received several such propositions. Well… although I never accepted any proposals, many have pestered me with requests to meet their accomplished sons. "

It seemed they had aged without noticing.

Eugene felt a complex swirl of emotions as he gazed down at Ciel. Ciel was unable to discern exactly what sentiment was hidden behind his expression.

'Did I say something unnecessary?'

Ciel shook her head while clearing her throat. "Well... I haven't thought about marriage at all. But…."

How about you?

She wanted to ask but found herself voiceless. It wasn’t an out-of-place question. It was merely a simple inquiry in line with their current conversation.

‘I don’t want to hear his answer,’ Ciel realized suddenly.

The fear loomed over her. The image from the night before constantly replayed in her mind.

She remembered how physically close Saint Kristina and the Wise Sienna had been to Eugene. What exactly did it mean? Were they allowed to do that??She neither knew nor wished to know. She feared the truth.

Ciel hesitated, then composed her expression before looking up. "If you're free, come down here,” she said.

There was no need to press him for an answer. She’d always been perceptive, so she would come to know the truth before long.

Smiling as though nothing was amiss, Ciel said, "Aren't you feeling stuffy staying in the room?"

"I was just about getting bored," responded Eugene.

"Then why didn’t you go out with Lady Sienna and Lady Kristina?" asked Ciel.

"Why would I follow the girls shopping?"

"Well, you could help carry their purchases." Ciel grinned at Eugene while rolling up her sweat-soaked sleeve before continuing, "Aha... You avoided it, thinking you might be swayed by them?"

"Not at all,” responded Eugene.

"Sure, sure. Regarding last night’s discussion, I think it’s a good idea."

"Stop your nonsense," Eugene said with a solemn expression. His shoulders trembled momentarily. "You expect me to crossdress? Do you think that makes any sense at all?"

It was a topic from their conversation the previous evening.

Eugene, Sienna, and Kristina decided not to formally join the expedition but to join through Carmen and Ciel. While entering the expeditionary forces required a rigorous check for ordinary warriors, Carmen could easily bypass it.

Whether as free knights, mercenaries, or retainers, Eugene's group would join Carmen and Ciel for the punitive expedition. However, there was a minor issue — Eugene was the only man in the group.

"If you’re hiding your identity, why not do it thoroughly? Who would suspect the illustrious Eugene Lionheart, the Hero, to join the expedition while disguised as a woman?" said Ciel.

"Anyone in their right mind wouldn’t!" Eugene exclaimed.

"Exactly! Even the Pirate Empress wouldn't suspect it. Just imagine; you in disguise as a woman and suddenly revealing yourself in front of the Empress, drawing the Holy Sword—" Ciel burst into laughter when she visualized the image. “If I were the Pirate Queen, I would be so stunned that I wouldn't even have the time to flee."

Eugene pressed his lips together, unable to muster a reply.

Reluctant as he was to admit it — there was a semblance of truth in Ciel's words…. But still, cross-dressing? Wasn't that a step too far?

"There's a myth from the north," Ciel began, "of a fierce god whose hammer was stolen by a giant. To retrieve it, the god cross-dressed and infiltrated the giant's lair, masquerading as the giant's bride." josei

"What about it?" Eugene countered.

"Even that valiant and wild god dressed as a woman for his cause. What prevents a mere mortal like you from doing the same? Think about it, Eugene. Cross-dressing might just be the manliest act that only a man can perform."

"Quit your nonsense. No matter how I think of it, I don’t see a need to cross-dress. I could disguise myself as a mercenary, or if push comes to shove, just stow away."

"To join the expeditionary force as a mercenary, you'd need a ranking. Even with Lady Carmen's influence, it's a hard thing to meddle with. That's why Lady Sienna and Saint Kristina chose to board the ship as Lady Carmen's attendants."

"If it's about ranking, register me as a gladiator now. Just give me a few days, and I guarantee my name will be among the top hundred," Eugene spoke through gritted teeth. "And as for you, Ciel, always teasing me…. Do you really wish to see me crossdressed that badly?"

"Yes, I'd love to see it."

"Have you lost your mind?"

"Why? You might pull it off quite well. Granted, your stature and muscles could be an issue, but your face…. Well, it's rather pretty, isn't it?"

"Enough with the nonsense. Draw the Phantom Rain Sword."

Eugene was done discussing the topic of cross-dressing. Undoing the cuffs and rolling up his sleeves, he beckoned Ciel closer.

"I noticed from our duel yesterday and your training today that your swordsmanship has improved. Let's spar. It's been a while."

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