Dao of the Bizarre Immortal

Chapter 141 - Shaman

Chapter 141 - Shaman

Chapter 141 - Shaman

His words shocked both Bai Lingmiao and Chun Xiaoman. His own wife had been tormented for so long, and yet he still doesn’t want to treat her?

Bai Lingmiao thought about it for a moment as she held her drum. “Sir, if she really has been possessed, it’s better if we try to exorcize whatever is possessing her. It doesn’t feel good to be possessed, and her life is in constant danger. I don’t need any rewards from this, but let me at least try.”

Zhao Qin frowned at her words. He intentionally placed the tea cup on the table. “Chengxing, send them off.”

Hearing this, Wang Chengxing stepped forward and blocked the two ladies from his master. He smiled, “It’s dangerous at night. Let me personally send you back. Where do both of you live?”

Chun Xiaoman sighed. She knew there was no persuading them at this point. She gently tugged at Bai Lingmiao and approached the door.


At that moment, a shrill cry pierced through, startling everyone. At the same time, Zhao Qin’s face became even more gloomy.

On the other hand, after she heard the pain in the woman’s voice, Bai Lingmiao couldn't bear it anymore. She turned around and tried to persuade Zhao Qin one more time. “Master Zhao, at the very least let me try it once. I swear that even if we aren’t able to treat her, she will not be harmed. The Immortals aren’t heartless.”

Chun Xiaoman nodded as she tried to assist Bai Lingmiao. “Since you’ve tried every other option, why not let us try? What if we manage to exorcize whatever is possessing her?”

She suddenly thought of something causing a sad expression to appear on her face. “Or are you saying that you don’t treat her as a—” josei


Even before Chun Xiaoman could finish her sentence, Zhao Qin’s fist smashed the entire table into smithereens. He was glaring at her angrily, his raging aura suppressing everyone in the room.

“I never lift my hands against girls, but if you continue to be rude, then you will be the first lady I’ve hurt in my life,” warned Zhao Qin.

“Hihi~” At that moment, a smirk sounded from the dark corridor, instantly alerting everyone.

“Who’s there? Formation!” Zhao Qin shouted, causing the two men guarding the door to immediately send a signal.

Within moments, more than ten strong men rushed in with various weapons in their hands. The group consisted of shield bearers at the front and spearmen at the back. It could be seen that their teamwork was impeccable.

Under everyone’s watchful gaze, a pair of blood-red shoes stepped out from the darkness and into the candle light. The owner of the pair of shoes continued to walk in, revealing a red-veiled bride.

As they watched her, everyone had goosebumps. They knew that they were against something abnormal. They were all experienced escorts, and most of them had encountered the supernatural at least once during their missions. This was why they had their own counter measures against them.

“Raise the ink net! Bring in the black dogs!” shouted one of them.

At the same time, the sound of an unswirling thread was heard as various ink-drenched cotton threads sealed came together in the form of a large net and a couple of growling black dogs were brought in.

“Wait a moment, this is a misunderstanding,” said Bai Lingmiao nervously as she walked past the ink net and guided the Second Deity into the room.

The closer Bai Lingmiao got, the further back the escorts retreated, their weapons held high.

“This is my sister. She has no ill will.” Bai Lingmiao tried her best to explain, but it wasn’t much use.

Just then, a mustached escort whispered to Zhao Qin. “Master... Shaman...”

Hearing his disciple, Zhao Qin’s expression slowly began to change.

Sensing the tense atmosphere, Bai Lingmiao sighed. “Xiaoman, why don’t we go back?”

Bai Lingmiao was worried. Not because she was worried about being injured by the escorts, but because she knew that if Senior Li were to catch wind of this, the situation would take a devastating turn.

Senior Li already had so much trouble of his own and she didn’t want to cause any more trouble for him.

Chun Xiaoman was also someone who could read the room quite well. At this point, her original goals were inconsequential. Thus, she too walked out from the ink net, intending to leave the escort office with Bai Lingmiao.

“Young ladies! Wait!”

At that moment, Zhao Qin called for them. His current demeanor had completely changed as he politely asked them to come back. “I do indeed require your assistance to heal my wife. Name your price, as long as she can be cured.”

“Erm...” Both Bai Lingmiao and Chun Xiaoman were shocked at his sudden change in demeanor.

“If that is the case—” began Bai Lingmiao.

However, just as she was about to make her request, she was interrupted by Xiaoman. “Let us discuss with our comrades.”

Xiaoman felt it would be safer if they called in everybody. The sudden change in Zhao Qin’s demeanor was quite weird.

Half an hour later, their entire group was at the escort office. This time around, they were treated much more politely. The entire escort office was brightly lit up while all of the escorts and their disciples stood in rows as they welcomed them.

Zhao Qin asked them to follow him as they walked through the corridors toward a hut. As they walked, Zhao Qin tried to butter them up. “Young lady, what you said is correct. We should at least try or we would never know if your method could work.”

Hearing this, Bai Lingmiao could only smile nervously as she nodded. This was partly because of the grand welcome, and partly because this would be her first attempt at exorcism. It would be embarrassing if she couldn’t exorcize whatever it was that was possessing Zhao Qin’s wife.

While the escort office looked big, it was surprisingly modest. To the left of the training grounds was a small hut. This was where Zhao Qin had locked up his wife.


The door was opened, giving way to sounds of someone sobbing.

At that moment, one of the escorts lit up a lantern, illuminating the inside of the hut. The interior of the hut caused everyone to be shocked.

The hut wasn’t very big while its walls and floor were padded with thick hay. It looked relatively clean, a sign that it was maintained regularly.

At this moment, a disheveled and dirty old woman with white hair was shuffling inside the hut. The chains that bound her leg looked quite rusty as she dragged them across the floor while sobbing. She completely ignored everyone.

“She has been like this ever since thirty years ago. At this point, I’m completely stumped.” Zhao Qin’s face was filled with bitterness.

“Master Zhao, please relax. I will do what I can,” said Bai Lingmiao nervously as she took a quick glance at the red-veiled Second Deity standing behind her.

After a while, Bai Lingmiao took a deep breath and approached her Second Deity before lifting up her red veil.

The men were all curious to see what was beneath the red veil. However, they were disappointed when they saw that there was another red veil with a mandarin duck embroidered on it.

At that moment, Bai Lingmiao took a deep breath and covered her head with the red veil before passing the drum to the Second Deity.

Meanwhile, Chun Xiaoman used her sword to make some space for Bai Lingmiao. “Everyone, stand back.”

As they sensed the change in the atmosphere, everyone in the escort office held their breath in anticipation.

After a moment, the Second Deity used her black fingernails and rapped the drum as a shrill voice rumbled from under the red veil. “Summon~ The~ Gods~”

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