Darius Supreme

Chapter 361 - 361

Chapter 361 - 361

There was a short period of silence in which both Deia's smiled slightly and spoke the same word in the same tone at the same time. 


The black-clad Deia then turned to the crowd and addressed them slovenly. "Well, lovely people of Faust, let me present to you the first items of the day." 

She then gestured to the books on the tray with a casual wave of her hand. "These five spell tomes contain abilities that are special, not just in what they will allow you to do, but also in their potential as there is no limit to their growth!" 

The crowd immediately burst into excited chatter, but it was mostly Fallon-based residents who did. Those from other continents shook their heads in disappointment but understood the logic. 

After all, at the end of the day, this Pandora's Box Auction House was built in a city on the Fallon Continent, so even if some goods were universal, most would be specialized for those on the continent itself as they would be the main source of business. 

"Now I can guess what most of you must be thinking, so let me give y'all some more background on these lovely things. First of all, they automatically work with any power system in Faust, converting themselves on two conditions." 

"The first is if your power system is based on the laws of another continent innately, you will learn the spell within in a way that is compatible with your system. Secondly, if you originate from any system, upon entering a different continent with alien power systems, the spell will automatically convert itself." Deia finished with a smile. 

By the time she was done, the entire auction house was pin-drop silent as they couldn't believe what they had heard. It was impossible, simply impossible for such a thing to exist! 

It was already a great feat that Darius' Awakening Scrolls and Spark Potions could work with every system, but these spell tomes could too? So they could become the same as Omnyouji Arts from Houto, Immortal Spells from Pan, or even Elemental Laws from Unyris? 

Unprecedented! Unbelievable! 

The last one quite literally. 

Many people created an uproar, refusing to believe Deia's words. After all, who didn't know that auctioneers loved hyping up items to seem like they were more valuable than they were in order to gain the most profit. 

If one came back later complaining that it wasn't exactly as stated, such fellows would shrug but never give refunds. No one wanted to make a wasted purchase and allow themselves to get duped for free. 

Deia folded her arms and bore with the crowd's anger until they slowly quietened down. They then waited for her to explain herself, which she did. 

"I see you doubt me. Fine then, would one of the esteemed appraisers wish to come down and share their opinion?" Deia requested one of the VIP rooms with a smile.  josei

Soon, one of the auction rooms opened up and an old woman with wrinkles and greying hair tied into a bun came forth. She was clad in a grey-ish white stola and wore glasses on the bridge of her nose. 

Despite her age, she was as tall as Deia, which was quite an achievement since Deia could tower over most of her fellow women with ease. 

Many parties took a deep breath. With a professional like this here, they would not doubt any verdict given because the name of the mighty Appraiser Guild would be dragged into the mud otherwise! 

"My name is Gwen Gisele. I am an A-Rank Appraiser who had been working for 400 years in the guild, and am also known as the 45th Elder. I shall appraise your items and see if  they hold a candle to your claims." 

It was clear the old woman was a bit skeptical, but she didn't want to be rude. Even if these items were a scam, what most of the parties originally came here for was not! No need to offend the party behind this auction, but there was also no need to act weak! 

The place remained quiet as Gwen manifested a strange blue-black domain, and her eyes split into a rhombus shape, her cornea erased completely and taken over by her pupils. 

She then gazed at the five books, touching them and flipping through them casually, her expression becoming more and more solemn as she did so. 

The crowd became more agitated by this point, as they had already gotten their answer from her actions. Eventually, Gwen stopped her actions and turned to the crowd with a sigh. 

"The remarks made by the auctioneer are correct. I have detected the presence of the laws of everyone's power system in our world, and faintly more. I am guessing that beyond what is known, it should be applicable in other means." 

This meant little to the majority here, but the topmost powerhouses had their eyes flash with graveness. As they were aware of more things, they knew some of the hidden facts about Faust and the truths that were covered up by the lies. 

To know that these items could cover such a means told them that the power behind Darius was at the level of the top. In other words, the false conjectures they had made had been further reinforced, and now even if Darius came out to say he was the one, many would ridicule him. 

"Also, these spell tomes do indeed possess the potential to grow as long as one puts in more effort into them. They aren't exactly spells either, but more like passive traits that are always active regardless of input." Gwen finished, quietly returning to her room at the top. 

At this time, the auction hall buzzed with energy as many parties were left speechless by these hard-hitting revelations. These spells were always active? Didn't that mean that they would not have to bother using them consciously? 

"Now that there are no more questions about the validity of our product, we shall begin. These five spell tomes will be auctioned one by one." 

"The first one is called the Killer's Domain. It creates a small area around the user and anyone who enters inside will be weakened significantly while their prowess will be greatly enhanced the more damage they deal." 

Deia smiled sensually. "Oh, and before I forget to mention it, every kill boosts the overall damage by at least one fold!" 

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