Darius Supreme

Chapter 363 - 363

Chapter 363 - 363

Eventually, the five books all got auctioned off successfully, with many fellows having traded their precious currency and treasures away for more Supreme Coins frequently. 

The first book, Killing Domain had ended up being sold for 276 Supreme Coins, the second one, Instant Restore had gone for 432 SC, the third, Mana Drain for 322 SC, the fourth, Ability Intensification for 598 SC, and the final one, Elemental Ward, for 881 SC. 

After going through this first intense battle, the crowd was eagerly looking forward to what would come next. Deia wasted no time and called for the next tray to be brought over. 

Again, five items were brought out. The first one was a blank magical scroll, the second a blank spell manual that glowed beautifully with mana, the third a proper spell tome that was thick and heavy, the fourth a being of dark parchment that exuded a dangerous vibe and the final item was a polished slab of crystal-like stone that exuded a milky white glow from within. 

The various fellows here did not need Deia to introduce it to them, they were able to recognize these five items on their own. The first was just a blank scroll imbued with magic that could be used to record a spell for one-time use. 

The second was a spell manual which was just a book version of the latter, and what was written inside could stay permanently to be used and reused when learning a spell. 

The third was a larger version of the previous one meant to hold more complex and longer spells, or in the case of simple spells could hold many of them within at once. 

The fourth was something the Demons loved and needed crazily, the precious Soul Paper. Demons used them for all their contracts and agreements between each other as well as their victims- *cough* clients. 

The fifth was something the Gods loved just as much as Demons loved Soul Paper, which was called a Divine Tablet. It served the same function as Soul Paper, but specifically meant for those who used the Faith System. 

Demons and Gods were fundamentally different when it came to these matters. Demons were undying, because their souls had been branded by the law of Armadon. So even if you killed them, unless your purified or destroyed their souls there was no way to deal with them. 

Even then, the higher the rank of the demon, the more resilient their soul. The only two ways to really restrain them at such a stage would be to find out their true name or to use Soul Paper. For a race with traits like theirs, Soul Paper worked the best 

For the Gods, it was the opposite. Their souls and bodies could easily be destroyed, but it was a waste of time as they would eventually be reborn by their Divine Attributes. The Gods did not ascend from mortalhood, but had sort of been spawned as avatars of their Divine Attributes. 

In other words, the 'concept' of wealth had been in existence for a long while, then had birthed Waukeen eventually. The same would be true for all the rest, so as long as the Divine Attributes existed, so too would they. 

As such, one would need to have a way to affect the Divine Attribute itself if one wanted a binding agreement with a God, and the Divine Tablet had this ability. 

As such, the eyes of the Demonic Thralls and the Divine Envoys lit up with passionate fire. They stared at the items relating to their utility on the table with a glare that said that they would be leaving with it by hook or crook. 

"Before we begin, I need to introduce the use of these items. While you may think you know them, you have no clue, which is to be expected. These items here are the pinnacle of the pinnacle, and it cannot get any better than this." Deia remarked arrogantly, making many powers frown.  josei

Deia pointed to the magical scroll. "This scroll has many features, but I will highlight three to save time. Firstly, any spell recorded within will be around twofold stronger than if it were to be used by an average mage with average comprehension." 

"Secondly, it will require fewer materials in terms of magical ink and mana infusion. It can be written on using even normal ink and no mana infusion, but the power boost will naturally be weaker in that case." 

"Thirdly and most importantly, any spell written on it can be used five times! After five cumulative uses, the scroll will crumble to ash." 

Deia didn't wait for the crowd to react. "For the spell manual, any spell of any element can be written within, the spell and book will never deteriorate over time, and finally, a person has an extra 50% chance to comprehend any spell written within." 

Deia then gestured to the spell tome. "The tome is similar in this regard. You can mix spells of different elements within, store up to 50 of them at once and they can be learned 70% easier by any reader." 

Deia then moved onto the Soul Paper. "For these, they also never deteriorate and can lock onto the souls of all beings that exist in the Faustian System. They can also execute more specific commands upon breach, from autonomous torture to degradation, to debt collection and more." 

Deia finally aimed at the Divine Tablet. "The same holds true for these. Any Divine Attribute placed within for an agreement will be subject to a majority of terms listed within and can be executed without failure." 

Deia left out how it could even kill Gods by destroying their Divine Attribute should they falter, because it would shift these items from 'must have' to 'must destroy'. 

After all, it would be the only thing known to exist on Faust so far that could kill them permanently, and they would never allow something like that even if it meant they could deal with each other. 

Because the same weapon that you could use to kill your enemy could very well be used to kill you. 

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