Darius Supreme

Chapter 380 - 380

Chapter 380 - 380

Today, the usually quiet area in the inner section was quite bustling. Many people stood around the area where the Safemoon Academy was located, with more coming over, expressions of anxiety, worry, and determination on their faces. 

Either they came with wards or in the case of majority, they had come on their own. The crowds outside were automatically split up by preconceived notions, those with similar backgrounds and statuses outside the city and within separating themselves from others. 

Apart from some Guard Androids and MaidBots, there was no other workforce in the academy that those outside could see through the gates. This left them speechless, as it seemed inconceivable that the entire school was run by these things. 

Admittedly, they could handle all miscellaneous tasks and play the roles of janitors and the like, but they weren't going to be the teachers, were they? 

After all, apart from the general outline of the Safemoon Academy, the kind of resources it had, and the kind of requirements it demanded, most did not know much else about it. 

Just when the large clock on the academy jumped to 8 am, the gates of the large academy swung open. Martin then informed everyone directly that they were to enter the academy ground and wait for the Principal. 

Tense and anticipatory, they all shuffled inside in a hurry, observing the beautifully advertised academy for themselves. They had to admit, the ground they treaded on alone was already amazing. 

From the gates, there was a large pathway that could support two carriages easily, and it was paved with yellow-white bricks that radiated a strange energy. More than a few were clueless as to what this was, but the rich ones here had their expressions change greatly. 

This was… Mind Stone! 

Oh my days, they actually paved their bloody road with Mind Stone! 

This was a rare item that was used to build mediation rooms in most top mage academies, for it would calm the mind of the person within and allow them to maintain a focused state. 

Such academies would have students pay using internal currency or state currency for using such rooms for a few hours at most, never for free. The public ones would be made of heavily diluted Mind Stone mixes, enough that they could say they had done something for their students. 

Yet here… just the road… why? 

The various peoples continued walking for almost 5 minutes before they reached the main courtyard. There was a fountain here that was spewing a strange pale liquid, while the area outside the courtyard - and the road they had just walked on for that matter - was filled with healthy blue and yellow grasses. 

Once again, those in the know were left flabbergasted. That water in the fountain, wasn't that Pure Water? Water without any impurities nor defects that was said to exist during the primordial times? 

The fountain itself was made of Power Stone, the counterpart to Mind Stone. It would allow those who were near it to feel refreshed in body, reinvigorating them and removing fatigue. 

Coupled with the Pure Water within, anyone who took a rest here would likely be able to run a marathon after a few seconds and a single sip, right? 

The grass that was used for decoration was even more absurd, for those looked like Alola grass. Alola grass was a unique breed of garden grass that was supposed to be exclusively found in Unyris. 

Animals and beasts that grazed on them would eventually gain sentience and have a chance to purify their bloodlines. The scent this grass produced would easily waft in the wind and do the same for humanoids, but to a weaker and much slower degree. 

They had only walked 5 minutes, less than a mile distance, and everything they had seen so far was even more expensive than the fees this academy had been asking for x10. Those who had come here intending to negotiate or lobby the academy into lowering fees felt their tongues tied. 

If any other academy in Fallon would go so far as to ensure the beneficial life of their students while in school, how would they be able to worry? 

Just take all my damn money, for even if my son/daughter is the laziest and stupidest person, they would still become quite powerful upon spending a few terms here! 

To be honest, the ground of Safemoon Academy wasn't large compared to even the smallest ones on Fallon. The entire thing looked like a small castle instead of what should have been a sprawling series of buildings. 

Soon, the large double doors that led into the building itself were opened. Out came Principal Elijah McNickles who wore a casual smile on his face, and had his arms confidently folded behind his back.  josei

After drinking Lunar Dew raw for so long, his outer appearance no longer matched his actual age. Now, he looked no different from an adult in his early thirties, with healthy black hair, powerful blue eyes, and sharp brows that showed his manliness. 

His face was angular and there was not a single bit of chub anywhere. His wrinkles and frown lines had long receded, as if the man had literally walked back through time to his younger self instead of just drinking some fancy juice. 

"Welcome to our Safemoon Academy! My name is Elijah McNickles, the Principal of this institute of knowledge and the one in charge of your children and wards for the next few years of their life." The former Seneschal introduced himself with a smirk, while playing with his curly mustache. 

He then gazed at the people lined before him with a piercing light, especially those with puffed-up chests with fancy clothing. 

"I am happy to see so many of you today, however I would prefer not to have to waste my time, so let me make something perfectly clear right now. Here in Safemoon, especially in this academy, I am God!" 

"I do not care in the slightest where you come from, who you are, or who you think you will be, here you are subject to my rules and will also suffer the same punishment as everyone else if you flout them." 

Despite many frowning at that, he continued. "Here in Safemoon Academy, we do not care about your displeasure, you have two choices, accept our terms or get out, there are thousands who will beg us to take your place." 

"We collect the same amount of fees from you whether you are a beggar from the streets or the legitimate son of a God. However much you can digest and benefit depends on one thing, your own hard work!" 

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