Dark King

Chapter 289

Chapter 289

Chapter 289

Dudian was dumbounfed as he stood still.

He stood up like an idiot. Even his heartbeat was still.

The ferocious figure that had appeared in front of him had brought chaos into his mind. Normally, even if a level 30 monster appeared he would be able to think of a way to counterattack it. But his one was a monster which existed in the legends. Its presence was overhelming as the darkness itself. He was almost suffocated.

The ‘splitter’ whose body swayed like seagrass looked at the little ‘ants’ in front of it. It didn’t pause for long as it suddenly rushed out. It’s scythe like limbs swept over Dudian.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

First Dudian felt the wind. Afterwards it was like electricity hit him. His body and mind was late to respond. At the same time he felt that he was flying. The next moment pain followed from all over his body.

Dudian’s body turned 720 degress and his eyes buzzed. He lost consciousness.

Bam! Bam!

His body percieved the violent bumps which brought sense to him. Dudian slowly opened his eyes while he coughed a few mouthful of blood. Smell and sense of pungent acidic fluids made him nauseous.

Dudian gradually recovered. The first reaction that went through his mind was: “Am I dead?”

Although he was in a dark place but it didn’t affect his vision. He saw the horrorful hell-like scene in front of him. There were broken limbs of different monsters, bloodless corpses and variaty of distorted organs laying around. There were few hideous looking heads of monster staring at himself. josei


A head of a jungle lizard rolled down.

The jungle lizards were the most common type of the monsters to encounter at this part of the ruins.

“Where am I?” Dudidan whispered.

Dudian blankly looked around but couldn’t locate his position. He looked up at the weak light coming off from above. He saw the jagged limbs of the splitter. A creepy feeling amassed in his heart as he looked at the monster which was far away from him at the top of the pit. Did it brought me here in its mouth?

The idea emerged in his mind but it faded away the next moment. Why didn’t it chew and ate me? Is it ‘splitter’s eating habbit to accumulate certain number of preys and swallow them afterwards?

He understood that no matter what the reality was it wouldn’t play into his hand. He suddenly thought of Scar. He looked down and around. He checked carefully around the circle. There were few monsters in the stump. Scar’s body was lying by them. However one of his arms was missing while there was a large wound on his chest.

Because of fear and adrenaline rush Dudian totally had forgotten to check himself. He remember that when splitter attacked them he felt pain. He bowed down to check his abdomen where pain was originating from. There was a finger long wound that had pierced his hunter armor. Blood was slowly oozing out from it but he was able to endure the pain. Most probably he didn’t feel much pain because the scythes of the splitter had toxins which could paralyse its prey.

In addition to the abdomen there was a huge wound on his left shoulder. His arm was almost cut off.

Dudian quickly reached for the first aid kit which he carried on his back pocket.

He unlocked the first aid kit and took out disinfectant and gauze. He was about to wrap around the wound when he was thrown to the ground. His cheek almost collided with a broken limb of a monster. The limb was staind with sticky blood. It exuded a fishy smell.

Dudian was surprised as he hung the first aid kit in haste. He lyed around like a frog to stabilize his body while he nervously watched the organs scattered around. A some kind of juice was dropping onto his neck. It was cold and slippery with a pungent smell.


He heard the shrill screams that echoed from outside.

Because of the roar the anxiety in Dudian’s heart loosened a bit. He speculated that splitter wasn’t going to eat them immediately as it was hunting other monsters.

It didn’t take long for few elephant-like huge figure fall down from the top of the pit.

Dudian was scared as he moved to the side to escape the monsters that would be thrown in the future. His body wouldn’t be able to stand such a pressure if any of those huge monsters fell onto him.

Bam! Bam!

Huge shadows fell down and hit the position which was close to Dudian’s original location. Scar’s body was smashed under one of those huge shadows. The blood splashed around as Scar’s body submerged inside the corpses. Most of them looked like mud and were beyond recognition.

Blood rushed into his brain and Dudian’s face turned very ugly as he observed Scar’s body disappear into nothingness. He was angry but he clearly understood that in the absence of power, tenacious will and confidence were just empty talk. It was just a joke.

At this time few more crooked limbs and distorted organs fall down from top.

Although he wasn’t outside and couldn’t observe the splitter but from these several reaction he speculated that splitter was in hurry.

Dudian looked at these few shadows which just fell down. They were the spotted dogs that had fled from the earlier time. However it seems splitter caught only four of them while the rest was able to escape.

It seemes that it was able to kill those four spotted dogs in just few breaths of time.

There were number of sharp scars on their bodies and all of the attacks were made on fatal points.

Sounds of bumps stopped.

The bodies of the monsters suddenly rolled. Dudian’s body hit another monster which was covered in blood.

It didn’t take long for another body to fall down. It was a spotted dog.

Dudian was scared. It seems that no one of the cunning spotted dogs would be able to escape this predator.

The last spotted dog which was thrown in was alive too. It wasn’t hit in fatal points but there was a huge scar on it and most of its bones were broken. It was very difficult for the spotted dog to move in this sealed environment.

Dudian was staring at it when the spotted dog noticed Dudian’s existence.

One human and the other mutated monster. They stared at each other but no one dare to speak out.

The sound of bumps continued as several more monsters were thrown to the pit. Some of them were large creatures. These large ones had number of fatal injuries. Few of them were dying while the rest have long been killed. In addition to them there were few injured variant skeletons which were thrown inside. They immediately begin to bite, chew and eat the flew as soon as they landed.

How much is it going to eat?

The dark sealed place become more crowded as bodies of other monsters were thrown in. The blood smell was more concentrated. Dudian was getting nervous as he constantly adjusted his position so as not to be hit by the bodies of the monster fall down. Moreover he had to be careful and guard against the ones which had a drop of life in them.

The spotted dog that was alive had long been smashed down by the huge body of another monster.

Dudian wasn’t happy to see this cunning monster die. Actually he felt sad as he saw it get killed. The truth was that at this moment he was no different than that monster. All creatures were food in the presence of the absolute masters of this jungle.

The bodies of the monsters began to hoard and fill the pit.

Dudian adjusted his posture as he hid in the edge of the jagged place. He was quietly waiting for the opportunity that may arise at any moment.

He expected that at some point splitter would stop hunting and bringing other monsters when it thought that it was enough. Actually it was bringing dead bodies at a consant rate. After some time no further violent fluctuations occurred. It was obvious to Dudian that the storage capacity was full. Perhaps it was time for the splitter to return to its nest.

Dudian was nervous as fear began to nurture in his heart. He knew that ‘black snow season’ was coming. The beasts usual collected food in advance for the winter. They would hoard them in their caves like some cold-blooded animals, eat them afterwards and hibernate. Maybe the ‘splitter’ had such a behaviour! Maybe it really prepared for the black snow season and that’s why it didn’t eat the monsters on spot but brought back to its nest.

Countless ideas stormed in his mind in this dark and stenchy place. The more he thought the greater he fell into despair.

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