Dark Moon Era

Chapter 129 - Happiness

Chapter 129 - Happiness

Chapter 129: Happiness

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Indeed, Tang Ling’s hidden ability was the gift to transform. Excluding the transformation in his dream, he only ever had one transformation in reality.

However, was it truly just one?

Tang Ling lined up at the entrance to the secret tunnel with two more jumping chickens and hopping rabbits that he had just hunted.

Entrance No. 9 was opened today, and it led directly towards the Hope Barrier.

Tang Ling only ran into another warrior once in the huge left forest, yet there were always a dozen more others lined up at the entrance at all times.

Now that he thought about it, it was not inexplicable either. The left forest was massive, and Tang Ling focused more on exploration, so he would only hunt when it was convenient for him. Other people or warriors might not be interested in dangerous explorations, hence the chances of him running into others would be greatly decreased.

Tang Ling was not concerned about the question anymore. Instead, he was interested in something else about himself.

A past incident back at the settlement bothered him. Back then, he was surrounded by black-toothed rats and had somehow fallen unconscious, but when he woke up, all the rats were dead and he had even eaten at least half a rat.

It was the biggest unsolved mystery and secret that bothered Tang Ling before that fateful night.

Now, after he had gained more knowledge, he suspected that it must have been his ability that caused the blackout, that was if he could even consider it an ability.

If he could somehow verify it, Tang Ling would be able to get a definite result of his body with his Precise Instinct. After his transformation, his physical qualities, or more precisely, his well-rounded abilities, would increase by at least four times.

The most pronounced result would be his strength. If he originally could punch with the force of 100 kgs, he would achieve a punching force of 400 kgs after the transformation.

As for his speed, if he could run 10 meters per second before, he would be able to run 25 meters per second after the transformation. Although it was not exactly four times his original speed, the upgrade was also astonishing.

It was hard to precisely measure his reflexes though since he was not able to maintain a clear mind after the transformation, but it should be twice as quick or more.

Tang Ling got the numbers after he compared his opponents to himself and also the relatively clear memories he had in his dream. If he could somehow verify that incident with the black-toothed rats, given how familiar he was with the rodents, he would be able to increase the credibility of the data and numbers. josei

“Hey, Tang Ling, did today’s catch surprise you?” While Tang Ling was deep in his thoughts, the warrior in charge of inspecting at the entrance called out to him.

Tang Ling was so engrossed that he did not notice that it was his turn for the inspection.

Although he had been through the inspection many times, he could not help but feel nervous this time. It would be the first time he was bringing something of value through the Hope Barrier, so he hoped that the badge that Tony gave him would be of use.

If it was useless, exposing the items would be a small matter, but he would ruin the low profile that he had maintained for so long.

On the contrary, if the existence of the black market was an unspoken rule, even if the warrior in charge noticed anything, he would not cause a ruckus.

With that thought in mind, Tang Ling smiled goofily at the warrior before walking through the door frame that was similar to the security inspection device from the old civilization.

The strange thing was that when he was examined by the scanner, since he was wearing the black badge inside his battle uniform, the scanner did not pick up the dagger and the brass knuckles.

His Precise Instinct was able to discern that the black badge was emitting a very faint energy wave when the scanner examined him.

It must be the energy wave that shielded the dagger and the brass knuckles from the scanner.

So, what about the materials that he hunted? What about the crystal? Could the black badge shield them as well?

It seemed like he must ask Tony about it at their next meeting.

One thing was for sure though. The black badge could not cover things with great value, and Tony did mention it before.

Tang Ling puffed out a breath after he passed the inspection. He could not help but exclaim secretly at his luck once more. He did not just get a crystal in his hunt, but he even met Tony the trader. It felt like a great swing of fortune!


At the Hope Barrier, it was midnight at the lousiest cave in the First Reserved Camp where Tang Ling was.

Instructor Thuja’s stamina class earlier put everyone from the Fierce Dragon Squad through hellish training. Even though they were exhausted from the training, they did not go to sleep.

Instead, everyone’s eyes were gleaming like wolves in the dark as they stared at the fire on the ground.

They never doubted the cold at night in the Hope Barrier. Even though they were inside the cave, the spine-chilling cold was not something the caves could shelter them from especially since the walls were not as thick and tall as the sector walls of the safety sector.

However, the fire built on the ground was not for warming the cave. It was to cook food.

The ventilation pipes sucked the smoke from the fire but not the fragrance of the food.

There was a pot hanging over the fire, in which the jumping chicken was stewed to perfection as its fragrant oil filled the surface of the stew. Combined with a sprinkling of vegetables that Tang Ling traded with half a jumping chicken at the farm, the fragrance was very alluring.

“If a little salt is added to the stew, the taste will skyrocket. I guarantee you!” said Orston as he licked his lips. He usually ate apples like they were not precious fruits, but after staying in the First Reserved Camp for 20 over days, his desire for food drove him closer to Tang Ling.

“That hopping rabbit is beautifully roasted.” The words escaped Yu’s clenched teeth as he stroked the knife in his hand. He planned to slice off the most delicious rabbit’s hind legs with his knife when the glistening roast rabbit was done, or so he thought.

Amir was beside Yu, gulping. Christina could not help but chuckle when she heard how loud he was.

Vian and Andy were the chefs of the meal since they did not want to waste the food Tang Ling had secured.

As for Tang Ling, the sponsor, his legs stuck out of his little cave as while he snored loudly.

“Since he’s been so hardworking lately, let’s wake him up later,” Orston grumbled.

“The chicken and rabbit drumsticks are Tang Ling’s. If not for him, we wouldn’t have anything good to eat. I heard he even spent a third of his Hope credits for these.” Vian was worried that Tang Ling would not get his share of the food.

“Why!?” Orston and Yu cried together and objected to Vian favoring Tang Ling while everyone else laughed at them.

In fact, the food at the First Reserved Camp was much better than that in the sealed training camp. However, due to efficiency and cost-performance ratio, everyone traded their resources for nutrition liquids or pastes.

A warrior should not be gluttonous! However, it did not mean that they should neglect their hunger.

Moreover, as they grew stronger, their appetite and requirement for food increased greatly. A week’s worth of resources were no longer able to satisfy everyone’s needs.

Therefore, the food that Tang Ling generously sponsored excited everyone and made them feel joy being together.

Even Tang Ling’s snoring sounded extra melodic with the crackling hearth.

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