Dark Moon Era

Chapter 300 - This Is Embarrassing…

Chapter 300 - This Is Embarrassing…

Chapter 300: This Is Embarrassing...

“Today, the air feels a little sweeter.”

That was the first thing the lady owner said. Her voice was unlike the clear and naive voice of a girl. Instead, it sounded slightly heavy with a tinge of coarseness like the epitome of maturity. It only felt right for a woman like her to have such an alluring voice.

Right after her words subsided, the crowd went wild. They put their hands in the air and shouted her name, Madam Qing.

The air feels sweet? Tang Ling did not taste or smell any sweetness in the air. While the question lingered in his head, he followed the crowd to chant Madam Qing’s name as he searched for the origin of the gaze.

No one noticed his little movements.

Madam Qing sat her voluptuous body down on the stage flirtatiously. She continued, “Why the sweetness? I think it’s because Medley Sea Day is coming and every family is starting to prepare the traditional Cero fragrant soup.”

“That must be it. The soup has added sweetness to the air. The taste is like many years ago when the bashful and youthful hearts moved for the first time. Whenever their lover is in sight, even the air tasted sweet. Here’s to love and for all of you—Loving You.”

Madam Qing smiled mysteriously after the introduction and it attracted a frantic response from the crowd once more. Tang Ling stopped following because he had found his target while she was talking.

In the corner of the second floor, he saw a girl with a thin veil over her face. Even with the veil, Tang Ling could clearly sense that the girl was looking at himself brazenly and boldly.

Who is she? An enemy? Someone I crossed? Or just some stranger?

Tang Ling also looked at her, hoping to get a clue or an answer.

Their gazes met in the air of the Dreamy Visitor brazenly.

It was then that the music on stage sounded, and after some dreamy murmurs, Madam Qing started her song which she dedicated to love.

Loving you is easy ’cause you’re beautiful

And making love with you is all I wanna do

Loving you...

Anyone would agree that she had an enchanting voice. The melancholic song that she sang earlier pulled everyone into the sea of sorrow, and when she sang this sweet love song, the air in the Dreamy Visitor started to feel sweet as if honey was floating in the air.”read comics on our Read.live”

However, Tang Ling did not feel the sweetness at all because he was bothered by the doubts in his heart. Isn’t the person on the second floor a little too bold? I looked at her and warned her with my gaze. I told her that I noticed her, but she doesn’t seem to care...

The girl exchanged gazes with him brazenly, and as though she was afraid that he did not notice her, she pointed at him with her fingers.

Hoho? What is she trying to do?

Tang Ling was not worried. The Stardust Council’s pursuit would never reach Darkness Port, and even if they did, they would never dare to make such a bold move.

The reason was simple. If all the major factions of the world could simply kill and catch anyone they wanted in Darkness Port, then the name of freedom and the protection that the port city offered would be ruined. One must know that everything in Darkness Port was built on top of such ideals.

Besides, Tang Ling had Boss Huang on his side!

Therefore, he fiercely put his thumb over his neck at the girl on the second floor to imply that if she continued looking at him, he would not hold back anymore.

Higan was not angry at Tang Ling’s response at all. Instead, she found it funny, so she chuckled again. Her chuckle attracted the gazes from her surroundings once more, but as the music lingered in the air, the anger within the men around here was wiped away. As a matter of fact, they found Higan’s chuckle flirtatious. It sounded youthful and somewhat naive. Her presence might be different from Madam Qing’s on the stage, but she could fare off pretty well on her own.

No one else can make me feel the colors that you bring.

Stay with me while we grow old and we will each day in springtime

‘Cause loving you...


The lady owner continued singing. As though her voice had some mysterious magic, everyone in Dreamy Visitor was wrapped in a warm and subtle feeling.

Slightly annoyed, Tang Ling turned away. The enemy is laughing at me? Why is she laughing at me?

After going through countless slaughters and battles, he had never seen an opponent like her. It felt a little troublesome because he could not get a clear glimpse of her purpose. However, no matter why his enemy was laughing at him, he should settle Boss Huang’s matter first.

Tang Ling returned to his calm self and looked at the stage.

Madam Qing’s song was nearing its end as he shifted his attention back to the stage. As the lady owner ended the elegant and ethereal high pitch that was difficult for normal people to imitate, she ended the entire performance with a murmuring chant.

The crowd was silenced for two seconds before the thunderous applause came. The sweet love song was performed to perfection. It reminded everyone about the beauty of love and their hearts were softened a little.

Nevertheless, Tang Ling did not feel anything.

After the performance, he opened the box with the Sea Kiran flower and dashed towards the stage, but before he could reach Madam Qing, two men, who possessed the strength of at least a rank 2 Purple Moon Warriors, stopped him.

When Madam Qing saw Tang Ling being stopped, she did not say anything either. It seemed like she was going to end the night’s performance with some speech and leave the stage.

Damn it, what kind of mission is this? It’s so difficult! Tang Ling cursed in his heart while he waved the Sea Kiran flower in the air with his hand. He shouted, “Madam, I’m here to deliver a flower, if I don’t deliver it to you, I will end badly.”

Madam Qing’s gaze paused at the flower. Whether it was the flower that invoked her memories or she did not want to put Tang Ling in a difficult situation, she asked him softly, “End badly?”

Tang Ling was a smart boy who would seize the chance whenever it was presented before him. Right after he caught her attention, he shouted, “Yes, the person who told me to deliver the flower said that if I don’t complete my task, he will, he will...”

Tang Ling rushed towards the stage as he pleaded, and with Madam Qing’s permission, the guards did not hold him back anymore. Stealing a quick glance around sleazily, he decided to stop in front of the mic like what Boss Huang told him to. What he was about to say must be heard by everyone in the Dreamy Visitor.

“What will he do?” Madam Qing sat on the tall stool on stage with one leg crossed on top of the other while her eyes were filled with a ridiculing gaze.

At the same time, Higan was also looking at the stage and her gaze burned hot like coals. The smile on her face never faded. Is he here to deliver a flower to the lady owner?

What will he do? Uh... Tang Ling started to feel nervous. How would he know what Boss Huang would do to him? The words escaped his mouth in a pinch, “He will...he will miss you day and night and will eventually die because he will stop eating.”

This time around, his voice spread through the mic and was heard by the crowd.

A heated discussion followed after they heard what he said.

There was a man in Darkness Port so infatuated with Madam Qing that not only did he spend a fortune just to buy a Sea Kiran flower, he would even stop eating because of missing her? Wasn’t she always in Dreamy Visitor? If the man missed her so much, why did he not come down and look at her himself?

“Hohoho?” Madam Qing covered her mouth and chuckled. She then said, “But, my dear boy, if the man dies because he doesn’t eat, what does that have to do with you?”

What the hell? How do I know what it has to do with me? If that old fox really dies because he doesn’t eat, I would kindly take over his library!

As the wishful thinking popped up in his mind, Boss Huang’s words followed. A bright idea suddenly hit him and he said affectionately, “Because he’s my idol! If he dies, I’ll lose the meaning of life, like a ship losing the signal of the lighthouse at sea. Isn’t it horrible, Madam?”

Tang Ling really wanted to give himself a big thumbs up for his quick wit. Boss Huang would have been proud of him.

“Oh? He’s your idol? Who is he then? I can’t simply accept flowers from an unknown man, can I?” Madam Qing smiled delightfully.

“Uh...let me find the correct words...” Tang Ling forgot his lines at the critical moment. It must be the attention of the crowd that drove him anxious.

“Oh yeah, I got it.” He tapped his forehead. It would not do him good to take too much time to think about it, so he simply made up the words. After all, Boss Huang had told him to praise him as much as possible.

“He...is a handsome man with a generous heart. Many women are fond of him, yet he’s never spared them a glance. He is powerful and honest in doing business. He has the heart of justice and a steady man with a mature heart. He is...Boss Huang!” Tang Ling was appalled by his own words.

Someone in the crowd responded quickly, “Which Boss Huang? Why does this boss that the kid mentioned feel like someone disgusting?”

“Yeah, I have the same feeling too. The kid sounds like he was reciting a script. It made me sick.”


On the contrary, Higan kept giggling on the second floor while disregarding everyone else’s gaze.

The young boy with the mask was so interesting and quick-witted. His words were interesting, and it gave her the urge to get closer to him.

All Higan did was laugh and she did not voice her own thoughts. If she spoke her mind like how Tang Ling uttered the embarrassing words in front of the mic, she would probably get a less friendly answer because she might be the only one in the Dreamy Visitor who thought as such.

As her laughter continued, the men around here started to feel weird. Was it that funny? Why did the girl keep laughing at the kid on stage?

Right after the embarrassing speech, Madam Qing did not answer passionately. She bit her nails and said, “Oh? Boss Huang? Which Boss Huang is so infatuated with me?”

“Ahem, he is none other than my idol, the owner of Dvesha Moha, Huang Dao, Boss Huang!”

Right after Tang Ling revealed the identity of Boss Huang, the crowd exploded.

Tang Ling had heard a lot of discussions about the boss and most of them shared a similar sentiment.

“That disgusting old freak! That old pervert!”

“Isn’t he the pervert that did something to the Hai family’s flowery sisters? Hmm...”

“If he wasn’t that powerful, I’d go and beat him up ten times a day!”

Well, this just got embarrassing...

Standing center stage, Tang Ling suddenly felt ashamed for following Boss Huang. josei

Madam Qing reacted calmly as she smiled and said, “You’ve heard it yourself, so I don’t think I can accept his flower.”

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