Dark Phoenix Prince

Chapter 143

Chapter 143: Choosing a leader

One more day passed.

Inside the pavilion, Alu removed the cloth covering his eyes.

After which, he took a deep breath and calmed down.

A few minutes later, he spoke in a low voice.

"Open." He says.

After saying that, his always closed eyes began to open slightly.

Even when it was only slightly open, his eyes immediately flashed a red light that lit up the entire pavilion.

He could see again.

But only a moment passed.

"Ahhhh...." He suddenly let out a loud scream.

He suddenly felt as if his eyes had been pierced by thousands of poison needles.

He didn't know how much pain he had felt in the past, but he was sure the pain in his eyes this time was literally thousands of times more painful than the pain he had ever felt.

He could only scream for a moment before he lost consciousness. Even his soul was shaken by the pain.

The mysterious figure who gave him those eyes said that he/she was only able to open his/her eyes when he/she entered the Heavenly Nirvana stage. But he clearly wanted to accomplish something better than that mysterious figure.

If he could not surpass that mysterious figure, his future destiny might not be any different from that mysterious figure.

Unfortunately he was still overestimating himself.

He even fainted just because he opened his eyes a little.

If no one woke him up, he would probably pass out for a long time.

Luckily he wasn't in a remote place that no one knew about.

In the temple of fire, if he doesn't appear for a long time, someone will definitely come to see him.

"Son, wake up." He heard a familiar old voice.

When his soul sense reactivated, he found Old Egan sitting beside him.

The old man was currently staring at his body with a confused expression.

"Son, do you know that this old man has just used soul healing pills that can even heal my soul if my soul is injured." He says.

His words took Alu by surprise.

Now he finally realized how badly injured he had been. If he wasn't found, he would probably pass out for ten years.

Just thinking about it made Alu, who was rarely afraid, tremble with fear.

"Sorry." He apologized in an innocent tone.

"Heheh." Old Egan just chuckled. He didn't look like he wanted to keep asking questions.

"All right, now is the time to go to the Rising Sun city. You know, people have been waiting for you for a long time." He says.

And his words this time made Alu immediately stand up with a panicked expression.

"W-what." He almost screamed in panic.

"Very well son, this old man will send you away." Old Egan said once again.

He waved his palm at Alu as he spoke.


Alu suddenly felt spiritual energy enveloping his body. After that, he found an open portal beside him. His body then moved into the portal.


The Five Elements Sect was divided into five mountains. But those mountains are really only their core region. Outside the five mountains, there were tens of thousands of enormous mountains surrounding the five mountains.

Each of those tens of thousands of mountains produced abundant spiritual energy, which was then sent to the core region of the sect.

The sect's location itself was in an extremely remote place on the continent of the Rising Sun.

In order to reach the territory of the Five Elements sect, one had to pass through many extremely dangerous areas.

Even most cultivators of the ninth layer of Nirvana stage were unable to pass through that dangerous area without suffering many injuries.

At the end of the mountains, at this moment an enormous ship was flying amidst the countless clouds.

On the hull of the ship was the symbol of the Five Elements sect and the ship also emitted a majestic aura that even the ninth layer of nirvana could not help but lower their heads.

At this moment, there were quite a few people just below the ship.

The people were divided into five groups where each group wore clothes of different colors.

They were naturally disciples of the Five Elements sect.

The ones wearing red are from the temple of fire, yellow from the temple of earth, green from the temple of wind, blue from the temple of water, and purple from the temple of lightning.

Nearly everyone in the five groups appeared to be twenty to thirty years old.

Apart from the fire temple group, the other four groups had leaders standing before them.

Each of these leaders looked to be in their twenties and they exuded the aura of the fifth layer of Nirvana.

The thing that caught the most attention was the strange symbol on their foreheads.

These symbols exude a mysterious elemental aura that makes other elemental users feel like they want to submit to them.

Two of them are male and the other two are female.

The leaders of the temple of wind and temple of lightning were women while the leaders of the earth and water temples were men.josei

At this moment, they and the people behind them stared at the fire temple people.

They look like they just talked about something.

Needless to say, they naturally talked about Alu.

"The holy son of our fire temple will definitely come." Those were the last words the fire temple disciples said.

Just as the other temple disciples wanted to speak again, something suddenly appeared right in their midst. It is a portal.

Right after the portal appeared, a young, blindfolded figure suddenly walked out of the portal.



The fire temple disciples immediately rejoiced when they saw the young figure. But the other temple disciples immediately fell silent.

"So young." In the end, they only said those words.

Alu's reputation in the sect was already known to everyone. Even though they all knew that he was very young, they were still very surprised when he saw him.

"This child has only turned sixteen years old." Several people spoke.

Alu who just appeared looked around in confusion.

The moment he realized where he was, he immediately greeted everyone around him.

"Greetings, senior brothers and sisters." He said in a polite tone and graceful manner.

While on the surface he was greeting them, he was actually secretly observing the four people standing in front of each group. The symbol on their forehead caught his eye.

"Indeed, the Five Elements Sect's elemental essence power is truly mysterious." He says.

Of course, the elemental essences of the other temples had long been taken by the masters of those temples. Because of this, the functions of the holy sons and daughters in other temples were quite different from those of the holy sons of the fire temple.

In other temples, their holy son or daughter would directly inherit the elemental essence from their masters.

The reason they raised these heirs naturally was because they hoped that one day they could fully control the elemental essence of their temple and become peerless masters.

When the older generation can't do it anymore, they can only hope in the younger generation.

Unfortunately even after raising many holy sons and daughters, the end result was still far from their expectations. Not to mention producing extraordinary heirs, hardly even heirs who could surpass temple masters.

The other temple disciples were still silent even after Alu greeted them.

They only reacted again when they saw Chelsea arrive beside Alu.

Angela also walked with Chelsea. But ever since she had become Alu's slave, she didn't dare to act so aggressively anymore.

After Chelsea arrived beside Alu, she looked up at the holy sons and daughters of another temple.

Her gaze then stopped at the woman wearing the green gauh. She is the holy daughter of the wind temple.

Among the holy sons and daughters, she was the one who stood out the most. Not only does she look absolutely gorgeous, her temperament also looks amazing.

She was not cold but gave a feeling as if she could not be touched and seen but still felt.

"What about Miss Camelia, what do you think of our new holy son?" She asked a question that Alu didn't understand.

He didn't understand the meaning of Chelsea's words because he had just arrived.

The woman called Camelia didn't glance at Chelsea when Chelsea spoke to her. Her gaze was still fixed on Alu.

But she finally shook her head.

She then looked at Chelsea. "Why do you ask me? Didn't you make a pact with them." She answered.

While saying that, she looked at the other three people.

"Well, after all, they said you were the strongest among our sect's holy sons and daughters. They wouldn't argue anymore if you said it." Chelsea replied.

The yellow robed youth suddenly stepped forward and spoke. "I don't mind him being our leader as long as he's stronger than us. I don't care about his intelligence, his age, or whatever, I only care about his strength."

"Oh." Alu finally understood what they were discussing.

It turned out that they discussed who would be the leader.

Each of the holy sons or daughters presided over their respective temples. But they are one sect in the end. Therefore, one more leader was needed who would lead them all.

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