Dawn- An age of Darkness

Chapter 382 - Why The Hell Did I Even Ask?

Chapter 382 - Why The Hell Did I Even Ask?

'The heck am I supposed to do now?'

I was sleeping and dreaming no less.

'You there? Yoo hoo!'

And then I realized, I didn't actually know the spirit's name. 

Well, that was something. 

'Did I ever ask her though?'

Yeah, probably not. 

Usually, the spirit hugged me in my sleep, but lately, I hadn't slept at all. 

And she wasn't here, that was for sure. 

This had happened before. I'd gone to places in my sleep, seen things. But during those times I had demigods around me.

So, it was possible there was a demigod in the army. 

But if there was such a guy, why didn't he just come out during the fight?

Maybe he was hiding? Or was it that my powers had increased to a point where I didn't need demigods near be anymore?

There wasn't any way to make sure. 

Either way, this looked like an awfully daunting place. There were some buildings around and some trees. No monsters and the streets looked awfully clean; no dust or sand.

There was a large pond; was it a lake or a pond, I couldn't tell. But the castle- yeah, it was big and it was rather majestic. But wasn't it a bit taller when I saw it in wakefulness?

At least it wasn't hot though. 

I couldn't feel anything for that matter. Not hot, nor cold. Not even the breeze. 

There weren't any sounds either- too quiet. 

Alright- I tried moving forward. 


I couldn't see past the buildings. Everything was just white past the horizon. 'This is separate from the desert?'

The doors of the castle opened on their own without a spec of sound. Even if it hadn't, I'd have probably just gone through it since I didn't have a physical form right now. 

But yeah, I went through. 


The architecture was definitely something I hadn't seen before. It felt awfully Arabic, yet, somehow not. I couldn't pinpoint it but, this place had an odd resemblance to a roman castle I once looted in a game. But the designs were totally out of this world- and that went for this world too. 

But oh well. 

More success!

Success of what?

I had no frigging clue. 


The walls had scribbles. 

The floor had a flowery design and it was awfully shiny, probably white marble. 

Though this place was like three-four stories high, it didn't have any stories. Just one whole floor. The ceiling was high and I couldn't look up. 

Then again, I couldn't move my head much anyway. 

But I still went ahead. 

This place didn't have rooms either, just one long-ass, big ass room, floor whatever. 

There was nothing here, not even a table. 

No windows either, and yet, the room was even brighter than the outside. 

"Welcome." The voice resounded. A clear, feminine voice.

The voice was both awe-inspiring and majestic at the same time. 

It sent shivers down my non-existent spine and almost resonated with me…almost.

I couldn't see where it came from but- but it sure was something else. But I'd heard voices like this before. 

The voices of goddesses. 

"Hi." I tried speaking and, the sound came out on the first attempt. 

'Well, that's new.'

"To have come here, you possess, the ability, I suppose."

"More or less."

"Then, what is the purpose of your visit? Just sightseeing?" A sudden rise of tension in her voice. "Or perhaps you're seeking wisdom?" Why the hell was she sounding so dramatic? "Or maybe even trying to score some points with a goddess!?" Giggles!

Wait, what?

Was I hearing correctly?

And her tone was also something. Who the hell giggles at their own pathetic excuse for a joke?

Was that even a joke?

I cleared my throat. "Just some sightseeing. Though I'd have preferred if I could see the goddess, herself." I took a gamble. 

This voice sounded awfully like a goddess. But I'd only met two living goddesses, and just because those two sounded like this, didn't mean this one was also a goddess. 

"A goddess." She sighed. "Very well."

This place was an empty room. But before me, a throne appeared. A red throne, with a tall neck rest. And on that throne, a girl- a girl who looked almost like an angel- blonde hair. She looked quite like Sisrael- but just younger. At first glance, I thought she was perhaps just another angel, but no, this was the real deal. 

The radiance… was blinding. 




She was a goddess. Her divine mana signature was proof enough. Even though I didn't have a body, I could feel her mana in the air. 

I could feel her divinity. 

"Wouldn't it be better if you had some, clothes?"

She wasn't tied or trapped like the other goddesses. If I recall correctly, the goddess of water was trapped in a ball of water. While the goddess of darkness was chained inside a very dark spot. 

Meanwhile, this girl was just sitting on the throne, her body tilted sideways, just glancing at me, not even a shred of clothing on her. She did have long strands of bandages covering her privates. Was this some sort of cheap way to cosplay mummies or something?

"What!? You're not mesmerized!" She shrunk a little and oddly looked sad. "And to think you'd suggest me to cover myself instead…" She mused. 

The hell was wrong with this woman?

Was she seriously a goddess?


Weirdly I had too high hopes for gods and goddesses even now. 

'I guess, I really am naïve.' Sigh. "Anyway, if this is over, I'll leave I guess."

I didn't have a reason to just stay here. I only came here out of curiosity. Getting involved with gods and goddesses was nothing but trouble anyway. 

I didn't know how I came here, and I didn't have any reason to go on digging. 

I tried backtracking and that too worked. 


"Wait, wait!" the goddess came flying my way. 

And blocked the entrance. The strands of bandages dangled and I almost, almost saw everything. 

It took a lot to avert my eyes. "Yes?"

"You were here to see me right? Well, that has a price you see." She was floating, her hands on her waist. She tried to puff her chest up.  josei

"I see."

I was just humoring her. I showed no signs of waking up. 

So, at this point, I was just killing time, I guess. 

But more importantly, my eyes were almost always being dragged to those places… 'Think of Lianne Daarc… yes… yes… elves… Lianne…" It wasn't working. 

"Right, right. The price is simple. Just get me out of here." She smiled. 

"Get you out of here? Are you crazy?"

She continued smiling. Well, she wasn't denying it, that's for sure. 

I sighed. "Look, I'm just a mortal. You're a goddess. If you can't get out of here, how do you expect me to get you out?"

She tilted her head. "But you're here. surely you possess divine blood?" She came close and sniffed me, and almost gagged a second later. "You have the blood of Trerortra?" She got goosebumps and shrunk slightly, taking a step back. Her prideful chest shrank like a punctured balloon. "I changed my mind, just get out of here."

Well, that sure was something.

"Got some beef with him, I guess?"

I still wasn't waking up. So, there wasn't any point in just running away either.

"Well, technically he's supposed to be my big brother. The guy was kind of crazy about me. He even created angels in my image. Can you imagine that! What a perv!"


"I know right!"

This girl seemed more like a normal girl than a goddess. 

"Then you'll be glad to know that he's dead?"

"Wait, what!" She freaked out for a second. "He's dead!?"

Oh, she was sealed before all that happened. 

"Or more most of the gods and goddesses are dead and are now monsters."

"Eh?" "Huh?" "Wha?" She coughed and took ages to clear her throat. "Are you serious!"

"I am."

She sighed, grimaced, and even groaned. "The hell were those morons doing?" She facepalmed herself. "Serves those assholes right, I guess."

"Why were you sealed? You seem like a nice goddess."

Yeah, definitely not. 

"I might or might not have slept with someone." She looked away, bashfully. "Someone a bit younger than me… and well," She played with her fingers. "Might have been my little brother?" Her voice was awfully, awfully small. 

Yeah, I didn't want to know about that anymore. 

'Why the hell did I even ask?'

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