Dawn Of Legend:Rise Of An Extra

Chapter 22 22

Chapter 22 22:Sparring Session[2]

This was truly a dire situation.

Lucas took a deep breath as he felt countless gazes on him. He felt as if he laid bare open and pictures of him were clicked on repeatedly as if he was an animal kept in a zoo.

As Lucas walked onto the stage, he could notice Helena glaring at him.

No, it was wrong to say glaring as Helena always had that haughty arrogant look and might tell him to reach here quickly to finish things quickly.

At least she is not a bitch who had some sort of double standards.

She treats everyone equally that is….

Every one of them is a waste of her time.

Even after being defeated by Frederick and Charles, she does not give a damn about them and thinks that they won because of the huge resources and support which she lacks.

From Lucas's perspective, she is way better than those two face bitches who would abandon anyone or do anything for profit.

She might be true to her wishes but she does not maintain the facade.

'Wait! What the hell?'

'Why do I remember so much about her out of all others and why am I thinking about all of this currently?'Lucas scolded himself and raised his chin.

Helena, now that he sees her.

She looked quite beautiful and mesmerizing. She was often referred to as a blonde-haired beauty in the book.

'Am I thinking about beauty because I am going to die?'

'No...No...my thoughts are becoming a mess due to anxiety.'

'Focus…. Lucas...Focus.'

'Don't get caught in a beauty trap.Beauty is temporary and the pain one gets from them is eternal.'

As Lucas shook off all kinds of weird thoughts, he tried to think of Samar's swordsmanship.

Samar's were known for their sharp attacks.

Their attacks were sharp and precise but they were neither fast nor carried destructive force.

Their swordsmanship might be fatal with a real sword but she might be at a disadvantage due to blunt metallic swords.

1-Star is the realm when a person starts to feel the mana and its greatness.Advancing to 2-Star gives one better control over his or her mana and the micro-movements. It's only when one reaches 3-Star one would get a great boost in all stats.

"I have a chance..."josei

"Hey, stop wasting time and step in quickly.."


Lucas snapped out of his thoughts on hearing the voice of Assistant Professor Lan and only they realised that he was standing at the edge of the arena.

Lucas stepped in and saw Helena standing in front of him without looking at him.

Helena drew her sword and raised her brows seeing Lucas's messy posture.

Lucas could hear a subtle sound of clicking tongue.

"I think you should accept defeat."

"There is no need to waste time. We already know the results. So, listen to my advice and save yourself from getting beaten."

Lucas in the midst of pulling his sword halted and started deep into Helen's eyes.

He was sure she was not mocking him and it was a piece of sincere advice.

He knew there was no chance of winning and what lay ahead was suffering and humiliation.

For a moment, Helena's image overlapped with a grim reaper.

However, he cannot step back and her words scratched his self-esteem.

He might be cautious but he is not a coward. He was not going to lose anything even if he got beaten up.

And about prestige, does he have any?

The students who were cheering and were filled with anticipation previously now seemed too bored.

"Thanks for your suggestion but I cannot give up," Lucas said, drawing his sword.

"Even if I lose, I cannot give up on learning and rectifying my flaws by losing to you."

"I see," Helen murmured.

"In this case let's begin."

The moment Lucas's ears caught the sound of the whistle, Lucas saw Helena rushing towards him with cold eyes and all the vain bravery and vanity he had shown just a moment ago disappeared.

The next moment, a dull sound resonated and a body flew through the air.

And the body belonged to Lucas as everyone expected.

Lucas tried to block and deflect the strike at the last moment and it was partially successful, the proof was the dull sound that happened due to the collision of the sword.

However, even after this...

With a banging sound like hitting a mattress with a club, the boy's body flew back into the air for 3 metres and then rolled on the ground.

Helena stopped her movement for a second as even she was perplexed.

Cause she knew that she had not put in a lot of strength and just wanted to disengage the boy's sword.

For a moment, she felt as if she was in the wrong.

"Why is he as light as a feather?"


Lucas coughed to release the dust he inhaled due to rolling on the ground.

Fortunately, the arena had a radius of 17 metres and was quite large otherwise he would be eliminated.

'Just this much pushed me back.'

Lucas was surprised himself, however knowing his body condition, it made sense.

Because this bastard's body weight was less than 50kg.

Other's eyes widened as they thought that Helena had put in a lot of strength, however, Lucas getting up on his feet surprised them a bit.

"I know I could not beat you so I will try to hone my skills."

"Let's begin the beating session."Lucas let out a self-deprecating laugh and tightened the grip of his sword.

Lucas strides forward with a messy posture that hurts the eyes of hardcore sword-loving warriors.


The result of the second collision was the same.

Lucas was not sent flying this time however he was pushed back for a few steps.

Lucas tried to take the lead and threw cuts at Helen who easily parried them and moved to the other side.

Jumping on the soles of her feet, she stabbed Lucas glabella.

Lucas lost the grip of his sword in one hand and was sent flying again.

The process kept on repeating and at every clash, Lucas was thrown off his feet.

Sometimes he would be hit directly by the sword, sometimes he would just roll to the side to avoid the sword and sometimes he would be sent flying.

At one time, he was thrown towards the edge however he stabbed his sword into the ground to decrease the force of the momentum and then ran away towards the centre escaping Helen's grasp.

Lucas's hair and clothes became messy and his looks became haggard. However, no matter how much pain was inflicted, he would get up on his feet.

Either way, the man just staggered and got up with a groan.

Helena at first wanted to disengage his sword and force him to accept defeat but after the first clash, the man seemed to hold his sword as if it was his lifeline.

Even when she had hit his wrist causing it to swell, the man held it in one hand and tried to fight back.

Helena had a fair experience when it came to spars however she had never seen a human trying to fight even after getting beaten like this.

People concede after being hit twice but this man whom she had hit countless times was still trying to get up.

He was now at the point where he could not even walk properly and was even coughing blood.


"Stop fighting like a coward."

"Fight me properly instead of avoiding blows," Helena screamed in frustration.

The students who were turning a blind eye to this fight now watched it interestingly and some even started to cheer up for Lucas.

However, for some, this was quite an eyesore sight.

"What kind of dogshit fight is this? Why struggle when you are just going to lose."Charles spat and cursed.


Frederick watched the fight carefully and there was a strange glint in his eyes.

Some, unable to control their excitement, started to cheer and add fuel to make the match more interesting.

"Bro, you can do it."

"Go get back at her."

"We are supporting you."

The cheers which were in favour of Lucas started to get absurd with each passing second until they were reprimanded.

However, some who were jealous of Helena due to some reason tried to provoke Helena and spoke sarcastically making Lucas a scapegoat.

"Grabbing the beauty is our duty."

"Defeat her and win her heart."

"We knew you wanted to impress her."

"We support you."

"Shut up or I will deduct your points."The assistant professor shouted angrily unable to tolerate the nonsense.

Helena bit her lips as the murmurs did not go unnoticed.

Helena, who was infuriated by all this, screamed.

"Are they your friends?"

"What kind of vulgar friends do you have? I thought you were a good guy."

Lucas was bewildered and wanted to explain but before he could do that.

He saw the sword coming at him fiercely. Lucas raises his sword to block however a subtle pain in the knee courses through his body causing him to stumble forward.


A sound that resembled an explosion rang out as Helena's sword hit Lucas's head.

Lucas raised his arm to defend himself but he was a bit late.

A clunking noise was heard and Lucas's posture collapsed and he could not even groan properly.

Lucas's head spun around and his vision became dim.

Unable to withstand the shock his body was sent flying in the horizontal direction and rolling on the ground, his body curled up and wriggled due to the influx of pain.

The sound of erratic breathing accompanied by a groan emerged from him.

Helena put down her sword as she felt that Lucas had passed out.

She felt a bit apologetic however it disappeared as it was not her fault, to begin with as she had tried to show kindness before.

She was about to turn back and leave, when she saw the man's hands move.

Stabbing his sword on the ground, the man supported his body while trying to get up.

Blood dripped down from his head and dyed the ground red.

Helena flinched and goosebumps ran all over her body when her eyes met with a beastly pair of golden eyes shining fiercely.

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