Dawn Of Legend:Rise Of An Extra

Chapter 270 270

Chapter 270 270

Chapter 270 270

270 Chapter 270

In a dimly lit room, the sound of a single flickering light bulb echoed through the rough walls.

A woman with snow-white hair and fiery crimson pupil, stood tall before her captive.

A man was bound to a chair, his body battered and bruised, a symbol of the pain he had been inflicted upon.

His skin was peeled leaving behind a reddish grotesque mass of red muscles oozing blood.

The woman circled the man, her eyes filled with both anger and determination. With each step, her boots left an echo in the air, matching the quickening beat of her heart. The room felt suffocating, the tension palpable.

The man tried to open his bloodied eyes and screamed.

"Julian, what are..."


Julian raised her knees and walked the heels of her shoes on Issac's chest punching a hole in it from which blood spurted.

"Don't say my name with those disgusting filthy lips of yours."

"You thought you could get away with it, didn't you?" Julian's voice dripped with a mix of disgust and rage. "You thought you could keep causing trouble without ever facing the consequences."

Issac, his face smudged with dirt and dried blood, remained silent. Fear etched into his eyes, he knew there was no escape from this place.

An intense pain overwhelmed and consumed his sensation like a relentless storm ravaging every fiber of his being.

It was sharp, stabbing agony that pierced through your body, with a throbbing pulsating torment that engulfed one's existence.

It was as if all the nerves all your body pulled apart sending signals of agony to the brain.

What was worse than this was after the pain came the itch tingling all of his body was there. He wanted his arms to scratch the relentless itch but couldn't.

He didn't know what was going on and what he was doing here.

All he remembered was sitting in his room when suddenly a wave of sleep assaulted him. And when he woke up everything around him changed.

Before he could make out and understand what was going on, he was assaulted by fierce chilling blows one after another.

Issac attempted to fight back using his fire bloodline power but to his horror, he was not able to. He was just like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered and Julian didn't show him any mercy breaking and twisting his limbs and trying to inflict as much pain as possible.

At the side laid all kinds of torture tools used by her. Who knew the seemingly naive girl hid such a horrifying interior?

"That's enough...Do you know who I am?" Issac asked with the last bit of sanity while biting his lips to suppress the pain which had already been swollen and bruised.

"I am not gonna take this lying down."


Julian punched Issac, breaking out a part of his skull and exposing the inside of his brain, startling Issac.

Blood along with grey matter spurted out. A part of the head was scraped off by the punch.

"Do you think I care who the hell are you?"

Julian with a cold demonic expression bent her head and looked straight into Issac's eyes.

"You want me to accept your threat but what about mine? Didn't I say you should not touch him?"

Issac, with a pain-stricken expression, understood the reason Julian was doing this now.

"You..you are doing all of this to me for a mere filthy com.."

Unable to bear it any more, Julian extended her slender fingers and grabbed Issac's lower jaw, ripping it apart without any shred of mercy.

Holding the dislocated jaw, Julian crushed it onto Issac who trembled and pulsated with pain.

Issac felt his body gaslighted in pain and cried out in pain but only a choking voice echoed.

Julian threw the shit with disgust and cleaned her hands,"If you dare to call him a filthy criminal one more time, I will rip that tongue of yours."

"Tell me, Issac, do you feel any regret for the pain you've caused?" Julian questioned, her voice cold and unforgiving.

Issac managed a weak nod, his voice barely above a whisper,"Yes…yes, I do."

Julian scoffed, her grip tightening around the whip. "Regret alone does not absolve you of your crimes. It does not erase the pain and despair he felt."

Julian wanted to strike again but seeing Issac's pathetic sight barely hanging onto life, Julian decided that it was better to save the killing torture for next time.

"I will say this once. So, make sure to remember this and etch it into your heart."

"He is my man. I am not taking it too far because you haven't touched him but next time, if you dare to lay your hands on him. I swear in the name of Gods, I am gonna make sure you know what hell is like when you are alive."

Julian then blasted a glass spilling a pungent liquid on Issac and then lit a matchstick, threw it on Issac and left the world that started distorting.josei


In the Vice-President dorm...

Issac, whose body slouched on the chair near the table suddenly opened his eyes wide.

He opened his lips to scream but it was suppressed by a burning pain following a sensation of sting and throbbing.

Like a fish out of water, Issac jumped off from his seat and flapped his body on the floor.




Issac's agonized screams pierced the night as flames licked at his body, engulfing him in an inferno of searing heat.

lightsnοvεl His skin blistered and crackled, sending waves of excruciating pain coursing through him.

Smoke billowed around him, and the acrid scent of burning flesh filled the air. He writhed in anguish, his desperate cries echoing in the darkness, as the intense fire consumed him, leaving a harrowing image etched in the minds of all who witnessed his torment.

His high-pitched wails of anguish and pain followed by sobs reverberated everywhere causing the servants to run at him in horror.



"Help me! I don't want to die!"

"It fucking hurts. It hurts ah...."

"Extinguish the flames…Extinguish th AH!"

Under everyone's eyes, Issac rolled here and there frantically. The servant's minds turned blank seeing their master's pathetic state.

However, above all else, a certain question rose in everyone's mind.

'Where is the fire that Master is asking us to extinguish?'


While Issac's sudden change created chaos in the Vice-

President dorm, in The President's dorms Julian stared at the ceiling with a blank look.

Though all the pain would be transferred into the real body, it was just enough for her to quench her thirst but this wasn't enough to vent her anger.

She wanted to kill...She wanted to hack him into pieces before everyone and grind his meat.

However, she was forced to compromise due to her father unearthing White roots.

So, all she could do was to take help and beat Issac in the Dream realm.

"I didn't think you would do something like that."

A blurry figure emerged and wrapped her arms around Julian's neck and pressed her cheek against hers.

"There is always a first time." Julian spoke coldly.

"I am talking about your bold declaration."

Julian paused a bit and stared at the beautiful half-elf woman.

"Grandma Irina, can't you speak normally? You always trap me with your words."

"I was just asking." Irina giggled with deep curiosity.

"I am an expert in that field with tons of experience so I can help you in that matter."

Julian's lips twitched hearing this. If an Ex-Saintess who should be elusive was saying that she was a love expert, then there was something wrong in her head.

Moreover, she still remembers how much she cried when she attended her funeral only to find the next day that she was fine and just acting dead.

"There is no need to butt in. I as well as he know what we expect from one another and what we should do. Previously, I felt a bit odd and stifled wondering what was going on but after confronting everything I know what this blooming flower feels like."Julian paused a moment sinking into deep memories.

"The only problem is that he's gonna act like a dummy until he feels that he is strong enough to stand by my side. So, until he feels that he is good enough to stand in front of me, he will maintain his distance."Julian sighed helplessly with a sad expression.

Even if she wants to, she can't push him too much as everyone has their points of dignity and resolution to achieve. And looking at it from a different angle, she should be happy as he was also trying his very best.

If he moved first without much status then that means, he was entering her family instead of her going with him.

It was annoying and frustrating. And they also need to interact more to uncover if this was that or some fleeting emotion. So, all they could do was play the game of cat and mouse.

"And I meant that since he worked under me, I had his back. It's you who is just thinking too much." Julian said with a straight face, making Irina laugh aloud.

"My dear, you don't need to think so much. Hi...."

Before Irina could finish, she was interrupted by another person.

Julian smacked her head seeing the figure.

"What's wrong with you? Why do you all barge in instead of knocking?"

Douglas coughed caressing his beard giving Irina a look.

"I felt her presence so I went in."

Douglas then walked forward and whispered into Irina's ears.

"I did what you asked and as per your prediction, that ominous thing chose him but will it be alright? I still can't believe there is such an unlucky guy around us."

Irina just kept smiling instead of replying which made Douglas quite worried.

He already knew the bad luck of the poor guy and with that piece of shit hovering around, he wouldn't be surprised if that guy died by getting struck by thunder tomorrow.

"What are you two whispering about?"Julian asked, looking at the couple's mysterious expressions.

"Nothing...." Both of them answered and started talking with Julian, who felt that these two seemed to be hiding something.

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