Dawn Of Legend:Rise Of An Extra

Chapter 52 52

Chapter 52 52:Trapped In Unknown[4]

Lucas skidded through the contents, which seemed like a personal diary beginning with some random bullshit.

[Those crazy assholes dismissed my research and kicked me out. Bloody bitches, I worked day and night to make normal unawakened ones capable enough to take on unawakened ones but these assholes not only banned me but also threw me out like trash.]

[I will make you realize. I will make you regret it…..I will make you bleed tears of regret…haha…]

"A psychopath madman," Lucas muttered, wiping out the beads of sweat from his forehead.

His mother often reminded him that you can offend a mafia or even the head of the country but never offend a psychopath as in previous cases you already know your future but in later cases, you will be forced into such a situation that you would not know what hit you. Your death and life would be uncertain and they will torture you mentally filling your heart with misery and agony.

Lucas picked up another paper and blew the dust off the cover.

[Research Documentation]

The thick bundles contain recipes of potions that would grant inhuman power.

Lucas picked up and flipped the pages. The earlier pages were a mess filled with scribbled tangled words that were crossed over and over again.

The handwriting was similar to that of a doctor and Lucas had a headache understanding the most, however, the last one was quite clear.

[Super sensory potion]

Lucas's eyes struck on the heading and he frowned upon reading the description.

What was written on it was not just a simple recipe but also its efficiency along with side effects and studies followed by clinical trials of results and errors recorded in detail.

[This potion heightened the user's senses by interfering with sensory receptors. A normal human could achieve sensory growth up to a 4-Star realm.]

[Side effects:Auditory pain, dimming vision in sunlight, excessive stimulus triggering increased pain, sudden seizures, bleeding from sensory receptors]

Lucas groaned seeing the horrifying trails.

60 out of 63 experiments showed symptoms of paranoia with absurd hallucinations and later becoming imbecile after a few days.

The last page contained the advanced version which was successful and also works on awakened ones though it increases the senses by a minor realm.

Lucas's hands trembled for a bit.

"This...This guy conducted an illegal trial and killed hundreds just to test potion. How many did this guy kill for conducting all the tests mentioned here?"

"And is this an abandoned facility or a test site?"

Fear crept into his heart, and a bizarre suffocating sensation tightened around him. He did not want to continue further and read the dark side of humanity but he had to if he wanted to get out here.

Moreover, he could hand it over to the respective authority and let them look for this organization.

Lucas pulled out another one and skimmed through it.

After the potion, it was about a monster who was changed morphologically by various procedures which were followed by human experiments and changing the genomic expression causing severe mutation.

The death toll almost reached a thousand.

All the experiments had one goal in common, which was to brainwash the weak unawakened ones and turn them into a killing machine that could be used by that organization.

The appearance of the test subject of the human experiment was described in detail and its figure is drawn after its failure.

A human with dry wrinkled skin filled with rashes of dark spots. Eyes bulged out, silt mouth and lips made bigger till ears, tongue scratch, sickening scales were all over the body.

On the next page changes in the body were administered.

The reaction rate increases dramatically.

Vision and hearing increase.

Pupils aggregate and become green allowing them to see at night.

Improve strength and mobility.

[Passed subject code:Alpha 123]

Lucas kept turning the pages

They changed tactics next and tried to stitch monster parts into humans however human organs and cells show a mismatch causing instant death.

Several disfigured figures were drawn which made Lucas nauseous. Fortunately, his stomach was empty otherwise he would have already spat everything.

At last, after going through many books he found the thing he was searching for.

A monster was present down the basement of the place, which guards the door.

It is at early 2-Star and one of the earliest successful experiments but its lost mind and his body morphed into that of a grotesque figure.

Lucas did not find any description of the monster but this was enough for him.

From the notes, he discerned that this was an artificial dungeon in the middle of the city used to cater to human experiments very long ago. Now, it was used for the storage of monsters that would be transported later.

"I don't underhand one thing."

"Which criminal syndicate is this? Omen did not have the sign of serpent or is this sub-branch?"

It was not weird for a world to have several thousand illegal organizations playing the baddie in the background. Most of them were crushed before they could rise while only a handful became strong enough to affect society.

Of them, Omen was at the forefront of all notorious deeds. It was a utopia for villains. Though there was no mention of any other, one can't neglect the possibility of their presence lurking in the darkness.

"This place is safe because a magical circle is carved at the edge which keeps monsters away."

Lucas took the books and research materials. He decided to keep the potions manual for himself while handing over the rest to others.

Lucas came out of the room and looked for a door leading to the basement and walked down the hallways.

There was no window at the end of the corridor. He prepared himself mentally and loaded his gun, putting the dagger on the straps near his ankle, he prepared his heart.

Potions were already brought and ready to use. He had harvested a lot of experience points so there was no need to be stingy.

At the end of the hallway, one can see a place where shadows of pillars have fallen, leading underground.

His heartbeat beat strongly to the point that he wondered if the beating sound would echo in the place.

He stood in front of the stairs going down the basement and took a deep breath. It was dark with no light reaching the place. There were also no torches flickering around.

As Lucas climbed down diving deeper, he saw a dimly lit ceiling, lit with mana stones whose life span was almost over making the room light a bit fainter than the candle.

In the silence, something stirred making Lucas's ears stand up.

A hissing sound echoed followed by a chewing sound. Walking slowly and taking gentle steps, trying to avoid making sounds, Lucas strides toward the source of the sound.

At the end of the small hallway, one can see the thick rusted iron door that was half closed.

Lucas slid his head through the gap to take a look and saw a large space as big as a hallway with bars at the edge on both sides of the room as if it was another prison.

In the center near a pillar, a greenish-black figure with a slimy tail wriggling around, squatted down on the ground.

Lucas's mouth opened wide but no sound came out of it. His heart choked on witnessing the scene.

Around the green figure, several scattered parched corpses were emitting a strong stench all over the place.

The corpses looked of human origin. The corpses were disfigured and pimple-like bumps had horrible spots over them that made one sick.

The creature seemed to be engaged in its daily activity and kept on chewing, unaware of Lucas's presence.

Lucas decided to sneak attack, he squeezed his body out of the small opening and raised his pistol aiming at its head while moving against the wall looking for a suitable position to fire.

Lucas walked nimbly but before he could shoot, his left elbow touched the side of the wall behind him.


The bricks behind him collapsed onto the floor and a huge hole was dug open in the wall, burying Lucas in a layer of dust and debris.

Lucas freaked out as it was just a soft touch but the wall collapsed due to which he reacted a bit late.

He jumped aside avoiding the major chunks of the falls.

The sound alerted the humphed green figure to jump up in surprise and stared down at the being who disturbed it.


A deathly silence prevailed for a moment which was broken by a loud shriek of the figure.

Now that Lucas saw the front image, it looked like a mini Hulk. Its arm bulged with muscle with ends having sharp claws, and had a long tail-whipping around with a long sharp snout.


Roaring in anger, it stomped the ground shooting straight at Lucas who activated his flash step and dodged aside.


The might of its punch broke through the whole structure of the wall.

Dust and debris flew making it cough in discomfort. It pulled its hand and turned back only to be greeted by a barrage of orange balls hurling at him, and slamming against him, the fire spreading all over its body and covering it in flames.


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