DC: Don't Utter A Word

Chapter 135

Chapter 135:

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[David Lance POV]

As Harley walked toward me, I stood in place, feeling how my entire body had become stronger. My every muscle had thickened without increasing size beyond what I thought was possible.

The increase in power was unfathomable.

Giggling, Harley attacked first, using her bat to hit the ground, creating a cloud of rising dust and debris as the ground around us shattered into a thousand pieces under her attack, taking advantage of this, Harley swung her bat at me, taking full advantage of her superhuman strength, but before her bat could reach me, I jumped back, avoiding the strike.

The dodge caught Harley completely unprepared. "So you took the pill, naughty boy."

I cracked my neck once again, this amount of power would take a few moments to get used to, I would use Harley to do just that.

Grinning, Harley pushed forward, raining on me with a barrage of attacks, however, as much as she attacked, each swing of her bat would hit nothing but the air, creating powerful shock waves that would break anything too close to her swings.

She continued her assault while I simply remained in place, dodging all of her attacks, letting my danger sense guide me as I weaved under her onslaught.

Even my danger sense was more effective now. No, that wasn't it, it was that now I had enough strength to react accordingly, and Harley's attacks lacked any skill beyond an overwhelming desire to hurt me, which in the end made dodging her attacks easier.

"Stop dodging!" Harley complained as another one of her swings hit nothing.

Obliging her request, I grabbed Harley by the hair and smashed her head into the ground, testing my new strength. Normally, I would be worried about doing such things, but the situation here was different; I knew Harley's body was beyond resilient right now, thanks to the pill, meaning I could experiment more than ever.

"That's my bad. I'll admit it; I asked for something and didn't specify," Harley giggled as she stood up, her face bleeding, as she offered a sadistic laugh. josei

After a brief moment of silence, we charged into one another, exchanging blows in a flurry of hits that seemed to have no end; for the common onlooker, Harley was managing to hit me. However, all of her possible hits would end up being parried or redirected before I landed a hit on her, creating a one sided chain of attacks, one that rained on Harley without mercy.

"This is starting to feel… a bit unfair," Harley giggled, blood coming out of her nose and mouth, running down her face in an image of crimson gore.

Without another word, Harley pushed forward, our hands interlocking, as we started to push against one another. "If I can't beat you with my duper martial skills, then I will overwhelm you with raw strength toots!"

Pushing with all of her might, Harley's face began to sweat in the strain, all while I remained in place, bearing a stoic expression, easily keeping up her effort. Realizing she was making no progress, Harley decided to throw a kick to my side. However, before her kick could land on my ribs, I raised my knee, countering her attack and throwing her off balance.

Her attempt failing, Harley found herself sinking deeper into the ground as I pushed her down, taking advantage of the fact she had lost balance.

Once she was on her knees, I released her hands, and before she could process what was happening, my right foot connected with her face, blasting her out of sight with a powerful shock wave that destroyed the area around us even more.

Taking a deep breath, I lowered my body before leaping after her; my fist clenched as I aimed for her falling body. Harley, seeing this, crossed her arms in an X shape before my punch could land on her, blocking the attack. However, the force behind my blow was enough to break through her guard and send her flying back again, this time into a nearby building.

I followed after her with ease; my vision focused on her crashing body as I leaped through the air. Before Harley could get back on her feet, I landed in front of her, my right hand tightly clenching her throat as I lifted her off the ground with one hand before slamming her back first into the ground.

The impact created a large crater on the ground, where Harley lay on her back as I towered over her.

"This… isn't fair, you know? The pills are supposed to get everyone to the same level," Harley said as she struggled to get up, her face contorted in pain.

Ignoring her complaints, I kicked her in the stomach as she struggled to rise up, causing her to curl up in pain as she vomited blood.

I frowned in concern.

I needed to end this now, or I would end up killing her. Perhaps not holding back wasn't the best course of action; like her, I had assumed the pill would leave me on her level, but it appears I am somehow stronger than her.

Taking a step forward, I prepared to deliver the finishing blow, but before I could, Harley managed to get back on her feet, a feral look in her eyes.

"You think you've won? You haven't seen anything yet!" Harley screamed as she charged at me, her fists flying.

Parrying her attacks, one by one, until I delivered a right hook to her gut followed by a powerful uppercut that blasted her through the air, where she landed on the ground unconscious. I breathed a sigh of relief, thankful the fight was over, as I walked over to her in order to check her pulse.

She was still alive, a few fractures here and there from what I could see from a simple glance, but nothing concerning. The fight had taken a lot out of her; I could see that much, I would need to treat her wounds before she woke up, or she would be in for a world of hurt.

Perhaps I could take this chance to interrogate her.

I would need to search her again, this time more thoroughly, to avoid being tricked again.

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