DC: Don't Utter A Word

Chapter 156

Chapter 156:

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[David Lance POV]

Darkseid guided me through the long, empty halls of his castle in total silence until, finally, we stopped outside of one of many doors along the way.

The door was black and massive, easily towering over a two-story building. On top of that, it almost looked like the door was made from Skulls and cybernetics going through them.

The door opened as soon as he approached it, revealing the room beyond to be empty of any furniture save for the table in the middle of the room and several chairs around it.

As we entered the room, the doors closed behind us as Darkseid continued walking, taking a seat, the one that looked more like a throne than a normal chair.

He sat down calmly, crossing his arms in front of him. "Now then," Darkseid began with a slow exhale. "Tell me why you want to ally yourself with me."

"As I said before, I have a score to settle with the Kryptonian, just as you. Meaning that at least for the moment, our interests in regards to Superman align," I replied through the ring as I inspected the room carefully, looking for any signs of traps or similar.

After all, the fact we shared a common enemy didn't imply he would play nice.

Keeping my eyes on Darkseid, I continued scanning, but no matter where I looked, I couldn't detect anything out of place beside the very unsettling decoration. josei

"But why come to Darkseid?" Darkseid stared at me without moving an inch, his red eyes piercing into mine with laser-like intensity as if waiting for something.

Was he really asking that question? Wasn't the answer obvious?

He had access to technology beyond human understanding, far more powerful than what the Regime possessed. With just that, It wasn't hard to imagine that such technology could help make things easier for me when the time to eliminate Superman came.

On top of that, he had armies at his disposal, valuable assets I could use to separate the Regime's champions from their leader, making it easier to take care of them.

"Your resources," I replied after a moment of careful consideration, deciding it was best to be straightforward with him.

Darkseid remained stoic as his crimson eyes glinted something akin to interest. "My resources are vast. But why would I waste them on you?"

"I wouldn't call it a waste, more like an investment," I replied through a growl.

Darkseid narrowed his gaze slightly before he nodded. "An interesting point of view. But one that means nothing to me."

"I almost defeated him the last time we fought, and at that time, I was nothing more than a wild animal." I continued, clenching my ring hand as the memories of my fight with Superman came to mind, the mere recollection of them feeding my wrath like gasoline to fire. "Since then, I have learned how to use the power of this ring more effectively. Be that as it may, I don't think I can deal with the entire Regime on my own. Which is why I have come to you, Darkseid."

Darkseid crossed his arms as he watched me with an unreadable expression, leaning forward on the table. "How to use a weapon and how to control one are two different matters. You might know how to use the ring now but lack control of it."

"As long as the Kryptonian dies, do you really care if I'm in control?" I asked, pushing back the burning desire to leap at him. He was testing my patience. "Careful, it almost sounds like you care about me. Imagine what that would do to your reputation."

"Do not forget yourself, child. Don't mistake for a second my hospitality to be a sign of weakness," Darkseid said with his voice becoming deeper than normal. "If I am to invest in this mission of yours, I need to ensure the resources are not wasted by a lack of judgment. And your lack of control is a clear liability, a weakness."

"Are you calling me weak, Darkseid," I replied, my ring using a cold, low tone as I struggled to keep myself together.

"Weakness is more than physical affliction. More than not, it implies a failure of character, which is exactly your case," Darkseid replied as he uncrossed his arms, placing them on the armrests of his throne chair. "Even now, you struggle to keep your head in one place. I can feel your rage, beckoning you to attack me like a dumb animal. It's rather disappointing."

My blood boiled at those words, and without noticing, I clenched my fists as I pushed back against my instincts. "Then what is the purpose of your hospitality, Darkseid?"

Darkseid looked at me for a moment before speaking. "I have yet to determine that."

"Well, if you won't help me, I will be taking my leave," I said, grinding my teeth under my closed mouth.

Darkseid simply stared at me with that same unreadable expression. "Don't presume to know the decisions of Darkseid, child. I never said I would not assist you."



"Well, it certainly felt like you were implying it," I replied, glaring at him.

"What you feel or not is inconsequential. What matters is that my interest is piqued," Darkseid replied, paying my glare no mind as he gestured to his side. There, a wall slid up from the ground; as a figure cloaked in shadows and robes appeared.

"DeSaad, show our guest to his room."

DeSaad nodded respectfully before walking towards me. As he neared me, I noticed right away he looked like a burned corpse, a zombie perhaps.

No wonder he used robes and shadows to hide himself, the bastard as puke-inducing.

"I have no time to waste," I said, narrowing my eyes at Darkseid.

"You do if you want my resources," Darkseid replied calmly, meeting my gaze.

"I expect an answer by tomorrow," I replied through my rage, deciding to give the conqueror at least a day to fully decide whether or not he wanted to assist me.

"You dare to make demands?!" DeSaad cried out in anger, raising a hand above his head, ready to attack me, only to be stopped by a simple glance from Darkseid. "I-My apologies, my Lord."

"I like your spirit, but try that again, and things won't end well for you," Darkseid said as he stared right at me. Then he turned to DeSaad. "As for you." Out of nowhere, DeSaad started convulsing on the ground, screaming in pain. "The pain will help you remember your position. If you survive the punishment, that is."

No wonder DeSaad looks the way he does.

Good riddance if you ask me. Hopefully, he'll die.

Though now that I think about it, Darkseid might just have saved his life, if he survives his punishment, that is.

Because had the Conqueror not intervened when he did, the bastard would've died before he could've regretted his choice, as I would have ripped his decomposing head right off his neck before blasting his body into ashes.

"Barda, take our guest to his room," Darkseid ordered, as from the same wall DeSaad had come from, Barda walked in.

"Your wish is my command; Lord Darkseid" Barda bowed in Darkseid's direction before she approached me with her hands behind her back. "Follow me; I will guide you to your room. Your beast awaits for you there."

"Enjoy your accommodations," Darkseid said as I followed Barda out of the room.

One day.

That was all I was going to give him. One day to give me an answer before leaving.

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