
Book 2 Chapter 16

Book 2 Chapter 16: Moving Ahead

I looked up at her face, luckily when I’d lost control I’d left her head relatively intact. All of the Khan’s wives I’d met were what the average waster might consider beautiful, and Jantai had been no exception. Even with the scar in her forehead, she had the kind of physical charisma that drew the eye. Of course, now everyone's eyes were even more drawn to her, since her head was now on a stake in the center of Fette.

I kept my eyes on it for a brief moment, her mouth was hanging open and covered in flies, and her eyes had gone from a vibrant mad green to a milky white. I’d cut her neck evenly when I’d removed the head, it was already mostly off the body, but that seemed the best way to remove the tooth marks I’d left when I’d lost control.

I’d slept well, my exhaustion allowing me to stay asleep even as the screams of men and women being drawn and quartered rang out throughout the city. It obviously would’ve been easier and more efficient to do multiple executions at once, but that wasn’t the point. The point was fear and theater. I heard another engine rev, and the screaming started back up. I sighed, and moved along on my way.

Work was continuing in Fette at the same pace as always, with only a more somber atmosphere around everything. Heads either pointed down or looking left and right with a touch of anger and paranoia. I moved around the edges of the ongoing execution, not bothering to look at it. You’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all.

The Khan was sitting on a dais, watching each execution with calm indifference. His wives were nowhere to be seen, though I imagined that was more because of how long the executions had been ongoing rather than anyone having a weak stomach. The Khan himself had a small cup next to him, and a few pieces of bacon, one of which he picked up and nibbled on as the prisoner’s screams finally ended. He looked at me, and lifted his cup, drinking to clear his throat. I could smell even from where I was standing that it was coffee. Being Khan had its perks, though I looking over to the now dismembered man in the center of the cleared square, it had its costs as well.

“Donovan.” He nodded at me and gestured for me to get on the dais and come closer.

I climbed it. “Khan.”

“You’ve recovered well.”

“Just needed sleep and food.”

The Khan nodded. I knew he’d already spoken to the Rens, and Deux, I was the last person there for the initial assault that he needed to talk to. After all the work Deux, myself, and the Rens did, the Khan’s force only needed to do some cleanup, which they accomplished with gusto. After that came a sweep of the camp, more interrogations, and a slew of new names which added even more conspirators to the mix. The biggest surprise was how well armed the Widows had been, and I had a feeling that was what his interviews were about.

“The camp. Tell me what happened.”

“I slipped in with Deux and the Rens. Got spotted. Got tortured. Broke out. Killed a lot of people. Jumped onto a bus that was trying to leave. Killed more people.”

The Khan nodded. “The weapons they used?”

“They had mines, automatic weapons, gun emplacements, along with the usual waster trash.”


“She drilled a hole in my teeth. Flipped a bus with me in it. Unloaded a pistol into my chest.”

He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. “Your tooth looks fine.”

I frowned and brought my hand up to my missing canine, only to find it was still there. It seemed…sharper.

“Couldn't bring her in alive?”

I shook my head. “Her injuries were too much.”

“Why not bring the whole body?”

“Head’s lighter.”

The Khan’s eyes drifted to the stake at the far end of the square, but his expression didn’t change. Deux had been the one to find me on the road, walking back with Jantai’s head in one hand and blood dripping from my mouth. He hadn’t said anything, just given me a bag for the head, and a piece of cloth to clean up with.

“You went back to the camp after you recovered?”

I nodded. I’d taken Betty back that way to look over everything left in the camp and to collect what loot I felt I was owed. I’d managed to recover my full kit, which had been spread out among the corpses. They hadn’t bothered to clean any of the guns.

“What else did you find?”

His eyes moved fully to me, and I knew this was the important question, one he already knew the answer to.

“They were supplied by STAR. I noticed a few of the bodies were wearing the black boots their military uses, and on closer inspection I recognize the buses they have as being the same type I recently saw in STAR territory. I wouldn’t be surprised if the interrogations revealed as much.”

“They did.”

I nodded.

“They sought to weaken the Horde so that they may conquer us.” He chuckled. “Giving us a way to weed out the weak and disloyal will only strengthen us.” He paused for a few moments. “They sent us a message.”

“The Remnants?”

“They state that the plan was placed in motion by the previous administration and they wish to open a dialogue in good faith.” He scratched at his chin. “What do you think of that?”

“I think they’ve been talking with STAR for a long time.”

“That is my thought as well… you may go.”

I tipped my hat and turned to leave. As I walked back to my room in the palace I heard the next victim being dragged to the center of the square, and the chains being secured to each of his limbs as the engines began to rev.

Back in the room, Deux was sitting up in my bed, somehow eating and smoking at the same time. He had a bandage on his leg, but the shot went clean through and he didn’t seem to be having any trouble getting around. He was out of his simple undertaker robe and wearing a shirt covered in wavy lines with the band name ‘Happiness Corp’ on the front. He was also wearing thick black sunglasses and massaging one of his temples. The amount of redeye he’d taken was likely enough to kill a dozen humans, but for him it just amounted to a severe headache and bloodshot eyes. Next to him was a pile of Radio Equipment he’d scavenged from the Widow’s camp.

“What are you planning on doing with all that?” I’d asked when I’d first seen him hauling it.

“Just considering broadening people’s horizons a bit is all,” had been his response.

I went over to the small table and chair, opened my pack, grabbed one of my notebooks and took down some notes about the route I’d taken to and from the Widows camp, then I leaned back and brought up my Citizen Sheet. I had a number of notifications I hadn’t managed to check.

Excellent work Marshall! You’ve successfully performed a secondary goal of your job ‘Combat’! You’ve earned 60 Patriot Points!

Excellent work Marshall! You’ve successfully performed the primary goal of your job ‘Completing Investigations’! You’ve earned 400 Patriot Points!

Congratulations Citizen! You have earned a rank in loading/unloading! Even the statue of liberty was shipped here one piece at a time

Congratulations Citizen! You have earned a rank in Investigation! Here in the US we have the right to question everything, except freedom!

Congratulations Citizen! You have earned a rank in Long guns! Good job exercising your 2nd amendment rights!

Congratulations Citizen! You have earned a rank in Melee Weapons! From Bowie knives to Pickett’s charge, the US may have been too advanced for swords, but it’s spilled blood for freedom!

Congratulations Citizen! You’ve earned a level in Marshall, Justice is an American tradition. You have received +1 Strength, +1 Intelligence, and +1 Perception.

7th level also unlocks

Lie Detector: Monitor other heart rate and physical state to determine whether or not they’re lying

With all those changes I decided it would be a good idea to check the rest of my sheet.

5th Level Postman/ 7th Level Marshall

Patriot Points: 135

SPINES: Be the backbone of America!

Strength- 25

Perception- 20

Intelligence- 15

Nationalism- 4

Endurance- 23

Speed- 17

Job Abilities:

Neither Rain, Sleet, or Snow: You are unhampered by adverse weather

Express: You gain a 5% bonus to movement speed

Special Delivery: You can mark a delivery ‘special’ which will allow you to track it.

Under Cover: You may retain your previous class and those with the ability to read previous classes will see whichever class you choose to show.

You're Under Arrest: You may temporarily remove all job based bonuses from a target to ease apprehending them.

Freeze: Incapacitate a single target for one minute

The Eyes of the Law: Detect another citizen’s job

Federal Authority: You cannot be affected by the abilities of others unless you choose to be

Lie Detector: Monitor other heart rate and physical state to determine whether or not they’re lying


Walking- 35

Pistol- 12

Loading/unloading- 23

Customer Service- 14

Driving- 7

Melee Weapons- 9

Long Guns- 11josei

Investigation- 13

Tracking- 7


Deadman- Bonus to all physical stats +5, negative to social based skills

Natural weapon- Teeth

Night Vision

Accelerated Healing

Enhanced Stamina

Adaptive Empowerment

That was a lot of movement. It seemed like my growth came in bursts more often than gradual changes now, which made sense given how tied it was to investigations which tended to be large dumps of points. The ‘adaptive empowerment’ ability was definitely what I’d used to break out of the chains I’d been tied with when I was tortured. It seemed to also boost my healing and general toughness as well. It was useful, but when active it seemed to speed up losing control. I started throwing things back in my pack, holstering my guns, and making sure I was good on supplies.

“You ready to head back to Pott’s?” I asked.

“Let’s go,” said Deux, standing up. “I don’t know how many death screams my head can take.”

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