
Book 2 Chapter 61

Book 2 Chapter 61: Recuperation

My ears were ringing, and my body was screaming at me. It took some time for my senses to recover enough for me to realize where I was. I was laying on a pile of branches and leaves. I’d landed in a tree, then subsequently fallen through it. My clothes were in shambles, and my pack was missing, as was the laspistol I’d used to fire the last incendiary shot, and my sword. I forced myself to sit up, fighting the urge to simply lie there and wait for death. The explosion had been loud, and I was certain that the First had to have had some of his men following behind him.

I stood and surveyed the immediate area. The jump pack was still on me, but it seemed to be broken, with no power reading showing when I looked at it. My wrist shield was still there, and fully charged, that was something.

I took what time I could to search for my pack, and found it, shredded to bits in a tree I’d crashed through. I ripped what fabric seemed usable off of it, and tied a small sack together, then shoved all the ammo I could find into it. My shotgun and rifle seemed undamaged, and I tied them together with the last remaining backpack strap. My 9mm was nowhere to be found, and I was in too much pain to search any further. My hands had been shaking the whole time and my feet were wobbling as I struggled to stay conscious. I needed to recover the rest of my kit from its hiding place and move on.

As I walked I saw my sword in the ground ahead of me. It had shattered, only the hilt and a small portion of steel still remaining of it. I picked it up, and tore the Ursan tooth charm from it, tossing the rest to the side. I still had my knife at my waist at least, and that was more useful and easier to carry than a broken sword.

I made it to where I’d buried the data squares, books, and other pieces of unnecessary gear. As I grabbed the pouch I started to hear and smell the approach of more deadmen. I started running, stumbling through the woods. I wasn’t in a condition to fight, and I’d done what I set out to do. I crippled Eden’s Gate, did what I could to free their slaves, and killed their leader. My three objectives were complete. It was no longer a threat to Pott’s, and whatever happened to it from here on wasn’t my responsibility.

I stuck to the deadzone, making my way around Eden’s gate and starting to move toward where I’d first left the Forest of the teeth. I’d need more supplies, but at this point I’d pissed off all of the nearest sources of them, and needed some time to regain my strength before I was up to fighting again. On top of that, the longer I stayed on the Western side of the Cut, the longer I was putting myself in danger, and the higher a chance that the advanced R.A.S. would spread further in the West than I wanted it to.

I moved into the deep forest, just next to the Forest of Teeth. I wasn’t too hungry, wasn’t sure I could eat anyway with the First’s flesh still burning its way through me, but I was miserable in every other way I could be. Shivering, hot, cold, sweating, dry, all of these sensations were happening at once and I didn’t think I could push ahead much longer. I understood now why the First’s people had asked for death as a mercy. I laid down on the ground, putting the sack of ammo, guns, and pouch of data in front of me as I curled into a ball. I grabbed piles of nearby foliage and drew them over myself. Eventually, the pain put me to sleep.

I woke up at night. I wasn’t sure how long had passed. My head was throbbing, I was hungry, and my mouth was dry, but the pain I’d been in seemed to have ended. I took a deep breath before moving, tasting the air to see if anyone or anything was nearby. I sensed no one, but there were animals of some kind nearby. I brushed off the foliage I’d covered myself with and stood up. I reached for my canteen, then remembered it was gone. There was a spring, I knew, just past the forest of teeth, but I’d need a way to carry water if I was going to make it across the Cut. I stood and took a quick note of my kit. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it might be. I had my rifle, shotgun, a knife, a little more ammo than I’d first exited the Cut with, the data squares, and my books. It was enough. I’d been in situations with less before.

I took off the robe I’d been wearing and used the cloth to tie a more acceptable sack for my things. I didn’t exactly need a disguise anymore, and it was shredded across the chest anyway, as was the shirt underneath. I kept the rifle out in my hands, and put the knife back at my waist. I was frustrated that I’d lost the Cerberus, both laspistols, my sword, and my trusty 9mm, but it was better than being dead, and with all the points I was sitting on now, as long as I didn’t level, I should be able to re-supply fairly easily. Not to mention that I was still due half my payment from the Remnants, though I’d be taking my time getting back to them.

I made my way toward where I’d sensed the animals, creeping slowly through the forest and staying upwind of them to mask my approach. When I reached them, I saw four massive vultures, their beaks as thick as my forearm, tearing into the carcass of something now unrecognizable. I slid my sack to the ground and drew my knife. Normally I’d risk firing a shot, but I wanted to conserve ammo, and besides if they were anything like the long legged bird I’d killed before, then a killshot would be difficult.

I felt light, as I moved, and sharp in spite of my headache. I reached the nearest vulture and before it realized what was going on, I grabbed it by the head and cut through its neck. I felt almost no resistance as I did it. The other vultures started to try and fly away, but I grabbed one by the wing and slit him open, then managed to wrangle the other by its talon and smash it into the ground before it could get out of my reach. I blinked, looking at the dead birds and the carcass they were tearing at. It had been over in a second, and they hadn’t even had a chance to put up a fight.

I kneeled, and started the process of butchering them, and the carcass they’d been picking at. It was possibly enough to get me back to the other side of the Cut if I was careful. As I cut them up, I’d occasionally take a bite for myself. The fresh blood helped to clear my dry throat, and my headache started to dwindle. I pulled up my notifications and sheet to review while I worked. At this point, cleaning a dead animal didn’t require my full attention.

I got several Secondary Objective ‘Combat’ notifications, as well as a completed investigation. My Melee weapons, investigation, and pistol ranks had also chimed up a few points, but I skipped through all of the messages quickly to look at my sheet.

6th Level Postman/ 7th Level Marshall

Patriot Points: 1745

SPINES: Be the backbone of America!

Strength- 32

Perception- 21

Intelligence- 15

Nationalism- 4

Endurance- 29

Speed- 23

Job Abilities:

Neither Rain, Sleet, or Snow: You are unhampered by adverse weather

Express: You gain a 5% bonus to movement speed

Special Delivery: You can mark a delivery ‘special’ which will allow you to track it.

Handle with Care: When dealing with a fragile load, activate this ability to steady your hands and arms, to ensure safe delivery.

Under Cover: You may retain your previous class and those with the ability to read previous classes will see whichever class you choose to show.

You're Under Arrest: You may temporarily remove all job based bonuses from a target to ease apprehending them. This person will be highlighted in your vision while this ability is active.

Freeze: Incapacitate a single target for one minute.

The Eyes of the Law: Detect another citizen’s job.

Federal Authority: You cannot be affected by the abilities of others unless you choose to be.

Lie Detector: Monitor other heart rate and physical state to determine whether or not they’re lying.josei


Walking- 38

Pistol- 16

Loading/unloading- 25

Customer Service- 15

Driving- 7

Melee Weapons- 15

Long Guns- 17

Investigation- 11

Tracking- 11


Deadman- Bonus to all physical stats +10, negative to social based skills

Natural weapon- Teeth

Night Vision

Perfected Healing

Enhanced Stamina

Adaptive Empowerment



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No wonder I felt faster and stronger, I was faster and stronger after those SPINES gains. They must’ve come from the chunk I’d taken out of the First. The pain had been extraordinary, and I was still concerned about the scrambled abilities, but it wasn’t something I’d discount as a bonus any time soon. Part of me even regretted that there wasn’t any more of him to consume, though I wasn’t sure if I could withstand the pain a second time, particularly while trying to survive in enemy territory. Nor was I certain that all the changes would be positive.

I finished getting all the meat together, and turned my focus back to crossing the Forest of Teeth. It was likely I could get more supplies on this side of it, but I was tired. Tired of Eden, and of everything on this side. I wanted to make my way back, report everything that had happened on this side of the Cut to Pott’s, possibly with some large omissions, and… have a conversation with Nico that I wasn’t sure how to begin.

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