
Chapter 26

Chapter 26: Creator

Entry 1

Development has begun on the rEvolution project. Primary focus is on how to increase resistance to radiation and overall endurance, as well as distribution. Initial successes are… promising on all fronts. The work being done is largely based on my own research that was already quite far in development, so that allows a good foundation to build on.

There was a large amount of technical information, and several entries in a row going over the day to day marginal successes and failures of a large project. I skimmed until I found an entry with more significant changes.

Entry 7

Further successes today. We’ve narrowed down our distribution system to two viruses and our experimentation has shown excellent results, if a few drawbacks. The test subjects for the most part are showing increased radiation resistance across the board as well as an improvement to their hardiness. Unfortunately, 3% are showing mutations beyond what we’re shooting for, which is positive in some areas and negative in others. These 3% are showing not only radiation resistance, but immunity to all negative effects. They also have highly increased strength and endurance. Unfortunately it comes at a cost. They are horrific to look at, skin various shades of orange, brown, or red with a texture like exposed muscle. They have teeth sharp enough that one of them actually managed to chew through the metal of its cage. Still, in early stages like this I call it a success. If it’s possible to isolate these changes, it could be very beneficial to the project.

I skimmed several more entries.

Entry 13

We have given the most recent success to our benefactors, rEvolution Virus mark 9. It is the most successful variation so far. It provides significant increases to radiation resistance, as well as an increase to the base physical durability of most subjects. Unfortunately I was unable to isolate the benefits of the 3% who had more significant changes, but I was able to ensure that portion of the population was sterile. I would like to again state my protest to this change here in this log, but I understand that the decision is not up to me or my team. Along with the rEvolution Virus mark 9, I also included an update to the Feed America Virus. It is less stable than the R.EV Mk9, but because the original team working on it in South Dakota was compromised, we were forced to do what we could. It should provide most animal and plantlife with the ability to handle radiation, but beyond that it’s impossible to tell exactly what changes will be made. Still, it’s better than no one having anything to eat, and at least the variation we’ve seen on more traditional livestock are within…acceptable parameters.

Entry 14

The war has begun. Containment of more volatile version of the F.A.V. has been compromised and samples have leaked into the surrounding area. We have sealed off that portion of the bunker.

Entry 15

I had found a way to improve the virus across the board. Unfortunately, it’s too late. My team and I are now trapped in this bunker. Contact has been lost. God, why am I still even writing this.

I pushed myself away from the desk. This person, this lab, was the reason Deadmen existed. We were a mistake made in the attempt to keep people alive. Yeah… that didn’t really impact my worldview. Didn’t matter if we weren’t supposed to be here, here we were. Try and get rid of us.

The log was the answer to what went on in the Black Woods, or at least part of it. Whatever they were experimenting with here had leaked out and affected the surrounding area, leading to the woods around me as well as the ursans. It didn’t explain all of my personal questions about the Rens though, or how their ancestors had wound up in this bunker. I pulled up the personal log, the entries on it were further apart, and there were far fewer overall.

Entry 1

I continue to be disgusted with the lack of prioritization our project has received. I don’t believe a program meant to save all human life on the planet should be playing second fiddle. I know why they’re doing it, Dave and his R.A.S. will only benefit Americans while my project will help everyone, but the thing is, without my project, there won’t fucking be anyone left to be American. They even had the nerve to transfer two microbiologists off my team and onto theirs. It’s stupid. I even gave my project that godawful patriotic name in an attempt to get on the government’s good side. The rEvolution Virus, what a joke. Still, better than trying to make Nationalism quantifiable in an attempt to come up with a good acronym. Morons.

Entry 2

Project is going well in spite of the lack of proper funding and attention. We’ve managed to produce most of the results we wanted, along with some fascinating unintentional mutations. The scope of this project is meant to keep people alive, but what if it could do more than that? What if we could make humanity better than they were before? I advocated for pivoting the research in that direction, and they’re interested, but only if I can remove the physical changes that seem to come with the benefits. I don’t know if I can, but I’m looking into it.

Entry 3josei

They did it. They started the war. Idiots.

Entry 4

There were people in the cave that leads to the bunker. Jonathan heard them screaming and let them in, ignoring all protocol. Can’t really blame him though, the people who’d enforce it are almost certainly dead. The ones he let in though…surprised me. They were all dressed like medieval peasants, knights, lords and ladies. Gave me the first laugh I’ve had since the bombs fell. They didn’t appreciate that much, but they did appreciate having some shelter. We had enough food to last a few months, if we ration it, we may be able to make it one.

Entry 5

I did it. I figured out the changes needed to give people the physical improvements and radiation resistance without the mutations. The gains aren’t as great as they are for the subjects affected by the full suite of mutations, maybe 50%, but it’s still an incredible breakthrough. I don’t know why I kept working on it though, I guess out of habit? Or boredom? I’ve been spending a lot of time with the people we’ve taken in. They’re nice, biggest nerds I’ve ever encountered, but nice. They also have a lot of books and games with them which has helped to keep everyone distracted. Too bad we’re going to run out of food soon.

Entry 6

I solved the food problem. I sealed the bunker and released my improved version of the virus through the filtration system. I kept my office sealed. It worked, but from what I could hear the process was excruciating. Rearranging people at a DNA level hurts them apparently. I’m a coward. I was too afraid to infect myself first and now I’m too afraid of the pain to try it. I’ve heard the bunker door open, and I think everyone has left, running away from what I just did to them. They should be okay, haven’t felt a bomb impact in weeks, and with the virus in their system, they should be able to survive the fallout. I’m alone now.

Entry 7

The R.A.S. activated. Not sure how it reached me, probably got in when we opened the bunker. I looked through the list of jobs that were recommended. Teacher, homemaker, Librarian. I found my way through those recommendations to the other jobs my ‘stats’ qualified me for and selected scientist. Fuck you Dave.

Entry 8

No food left. Too afraid to infect myself. I don’t think I want to be alive on what’s left of the Earth anyway. I’m going to open the door, see the sun again, then take the pill the suits gave me in case I was ever compromised. If anyone’s reading this, you’re welcome, you’d be dead without me.

Well, there was everything I needed. The Ren’s were alive thanks to Dr. Vincent. Hell, I was alive thanks to her. I checked and saw that the notification and threat I’d received earlier and saw it was still there, meaning that while my own curiosity was sated the system still wasn’t. I went back through the logs, this time, taking my time looking at the technical and scientific information I didn’t understand. After that I checked again, this time the notification was gone. It must’ve gotten what it needed.

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