Death… And Me

Chapter 2442 After So Many Years

Chapter 2442 After So Many Years

Chapter 2442 After So Many Years

"W-What happened?" One of the Death Spirit Copies felt his mind muddled, finding it hard to focus on the happenings around him. Only after a few seconds did he manage to recover. "This..."

He saw Roan near to him and his companions, still confused. "What did you do to us?"

The other Death Spirits also had the same questions in their minds, not knowing how they suddenly fell into slumber. "Something is not right about these guys. We need to report to the Organization."

Roan nodded. "You can do whatever you want. Just try to not bother that idiot over there. He was the one who put you to sleep a moment ago and almost drained all your Death Energy. One of you should go back to do the report, while the rest should go back to the planet and continue your jobs."

The Death Spirits looked at each other and nodded. At the very least, they understood Roan's group wasn't a force they could mess with. One of them quickly opened a Death Door and let to the Organization, while the rest didn't waste time and used their own Death Doors to return to their working area.

Rean approached Roan and couldn't help but ask. "Is there a need for this many Death Spirits in this place?"

"Yes," Roan answered. "Did you forget? By the time you left, this planet had around eight billion people, more or less, not to mention all the animals and insects. Just how many of them die every day? A single Death Spirit would go crazy if he had to guide all the souls on a planet so overpopulated as this."

"I see..." Rean nodded and also thought about the Organization. It truly should have a ridiculous number of Death Spirit Copies to take care of half of the Universe. "Anyway, shall we go down?"

Roan glanced at Anfrou, who unconsciously took a step back. "Y-You just go and do whatever you want. I'll be waiting here."

Roan then disappeared, returning to the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm. This was Rean's planet, and his Divine Sense could cover it entirely. If there was something to find here, Rean could do it on his own.

Rean then looked at Essefy and Kentucky. "What about you two? It's not like you need to follow me down there."

Kentucky immediately flew to Rean's side. "And lose the chance to see how the planet you lived in your previous life looked like? No chance! This was the planet responsible for your communication system in the cultivation world." josei

Essefy, on the other hand, wasn't that much interested. "Guess I'll take a look around this galaxy. It is not every day I have the ability to open Spatial Gates myself. I want to feel it a bit more. Should I meet you here in a day's time?"

Rean didn't mind. "Yeah, it should be enough. But can you find your way back here without Anfrou's guide? Using Spatial Gates to travel the void is a lot more complicated than you think, especially since a galaxy isn't a static place. It is traveling through the void at a huge speed. A day later, this planet and solar system will be far away from where it is now."

Essefy nodded with confidence. "Master already told me how to locate myself in such an environment once he saw I was getting close to the Space-Time Realm. Don't worry; I can find my way back without a problem."

"Since that's the case, I have nothing else to say. Have fun... and make sure to keep yourself safe," Rean said. "The Vruves probably came to this side of the Universe as well, after all."

Essefy quickly opened a spatial gate as he nodded. "Sure thing. Now then, until later." Right after, he entered it and disappeared inside before the Spatial Gate closed.

"Let's go down, Kentucky." Rean began to descend. "Also, be extremely careful."

"I know," Kentucky nodded. "Your father lived here before, so there might be some trap left behind or something like that."

Rean shook his head, though. "That's not what I meant. This planet is full of people and animals who don't even know cultivation exists. Simply put, they are extremely fragile compared to literally any person o beast on the other side. Even the mortals on the other side of the Universe are many times stronger just because they were born and grew up in an environment with cultivation energies. That said, if you don't control your strength, you might truly smash a person to death without even noticing. Just the Divine Energy leaking from your body should be enough to kill quite a few lives around you, so make sure to completely suppress it."

"I see..." Kentucky truly hadn't thought about that. "Alright, I will take care to not hurt anyone."

Rean didn't use his Divine Sense when he descended into the planet, though. When he arrived, he used his Divine Sense Bending skill to see if he could detect any Divine Senses looking around the planet. Yet, there was nothing. The Death Spirit Copies couldn't use Divine Sense, so Rean obviously didn't feel them either.

However, there was no guarantee there wasn't some cultivator or similar on this planet due to his father's presence in the past. Who knows? It might even have someone from outside the Universe as well. Since this possibility existed, Rean refrained from using his Divine Sense to not alert the other part. Obviously, he told Kentucky to do the same.

As for why the Death Spirits were able to find them outside as soon as they arrived, that was basically because of the Death Door. It used Death Energy, and the oscillations of Death Energy caught the attention of the Death Spirits earlier, which led to that outcome.

Rean quickly flew to his continent, arriving in his old city in just a few seconds. Looking at it from above, he couldn't help but sigh. "It has become quite big. I guess it's to be expected after so many years..."

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