Death… And Me

Chapter 2447 Another Three

Chapter 2447 Another Three

Chapter 2447 Another Three

Rean couldn't help but get somewhat angry. "How could he leave this thing in this place? Although such a small fragment wouldn't cause the planet to explode or anything, it sure would at least destroy the city above before it sank to the center of the planet."

Kentucky found it strange. "Why exactly would he leave it here, indeed? After all, he could have simply moved everything into a Spatial Ring or his own Pocket Dimensional Realm. That way, there wouldn't really be any movement of the robot."

Rean agreed with Kentucky. "Yes, that's another reason why I'm angry. He could at least have thrown this thing somewhere else in the Universe using this method."

Surprisingly, the facility's system corrected Rean. -The Zashion Model can not be moved through spatial methods with its isolation chamber damaged.-

Kentucky and Rean didn't expect that. "Why?" josei

-Its gravitational power causes both space and time to distort around it, making it impossible to move through such methods. The Isolation Chamber usually prevents such powers from interfering during the transportation of the Zashion Model, which allows it to be moved into Spatial Rings or Dimensional Realms. However, with its damage, the next attempt to move it through such methods would most likely completely break the already damaged equipment. The system recommends that users should not attempt to move the Zashion Model.-

"This..." Rean looked at the robot and bitterly smiled. Not only he won't be able to move it, but if he tries, everyone on this planet will be fucked. "System, can you at least give an estimation if something will happen in the near future?"


-Based on the damage to the isolation chamber, the system predicts that it should not break in the next five hundred years. However, the estimation of time can not be trusted as most of the sensors are broken or damaged. The system highly recommends the user bring the repairing materials to fix the Zashion Model with its newest schematics. The last scheduled upgrade has been delayed.-

Well, that was obvious. The Ruins of the Stars was sabotaged a long time ago, so this thing definitely didn't get any of its upgrades that were supposed to come during all this time. "It's fine. We can only hope nothing happens in the meantime. Besides, five hundred years is just the most conservative estimation; it might as well take thousands of years before the isolation chamber truly breaks."

"Still... such a shame." Rean obviously wanted to use the robot and see if he could also harness the power of a black hole. Just the fact this thing could get close without being destroyed down to its atoms was already impressive enough. "Oh well, so be it."

"What do we do now?" Kentucky asked.

Rean pondered a bit. "System, do you have any information regarding Romario Faran's plans after he left the facility? Especially things like a possible location or residence."


-Based on the fragment archives that remained, subject Romario Faran was looking for a way to cross to the other side of the Universe. According to the information, the extinction sphere, which is a natural phenomenon, was destroyed, causing the split.-

-There is also some information regarding the angel race that was used in the nurturing of soul worms. The probability is that subject Romario Faran is in the Heavens where angels are located. The system can not verify whether Romario Faran succeeded in traversing to the other side or not.-

Rean sighed in disappointment. Everything the facility's system said he already knew. However, it was then that the system added one last piece.

-There is also some information regarding the Temporal Path, which seems to be some kind of spatial transportation feature on the other side of the Universe. More information is necessary about this subject.-

Rean's eyes lit up. "Right! Turen was able to open a gap inside the Temporal Path and live inside without anyone bothering him. If there is a safe place for Romario to be, that has to be the Temporal Path!"

Kentucky agreed although he didn't seem that excited. "It's definitely worth a shot. The only doubt is how will we find him there and what will we do if we find him."

Rean's excitement immediately died down. "Sigh... Indeed... I doubt that old fool will want to hear what I have to say. If anything, he might even try to attack me and you guys to recover the fragment from the Floating Islands of Time."

"You don't need to worry about that now," Kentucky quickly tried to improve the mood. "As long as we know where to search, we can work on a plan. For now, one of our main objectives was fulfilled. We now know where we could try to look for your father."

Rean was happy to hear that. "Yes, you are right." He then turned to the system once again. "System, other than the nurturing of soul worms and the research of Manipulation of Celestial Laws, was this place being used for anything else by Romario Faran?"

-This facility is also equipped with a cryogenic time stasis chamber. Subject Romario Faran used this equipment a total of four times during the years. Mainly, he used the chambers during the construction of the facilities.-

Rean nodded. They found Tanxan inside of one of those chambers. Well, it had a different name back in the Ruin of the Stars, but they should have the same function Rean thought. If Tanxan was able to survive to this day inside them, let alone Romario, who only used it to wait a few tens or hundreds of years.

Kentucky then asked something else. "Right. Do you have any information about Romario Faran's family?"

Rean obviously got interested. "Indeed, perhaps he left some information about us."


"Sigh..." It seemed like Rean's father didn't imput any information of him or his mother in this system. "Alright, alright. Is there anything else I should know?"

-At the moment, there are three subjects using the cryogenic time stasis chamber. One subject has been inside for 1276 years. The other two Subjects have been inside for... database was damaged. The system can't calculate the working time of the other two cryogenic time stasis chambers.-

"What?!" Rean and Kentucky immediately opened their mouths wide.

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