Death Guns In Another World

1080 Chapter 1027

1080 Chapter 1027

The Dark realm finally disappeared. Alex was greeted by a brand new scene.

This was an endless universe. From a distance, one could see the faint planet, just like the planets of the solar system on Earth, but it was countless times larger as if it was a real universe. A unique and beautiful world.

The previous feeling of eternity, immortality, imperishable, past, and future… reappeared and intensified countless times.

''Where the hell is this? Where am I?'' Alex couldn't help but voice this out. However, there was no one present to answer this question, he could only proceed forward, whatever place this was it must be somewhere important he had this feeling.

Alex kept wandering but did not find anything until a few minutes later. Upon seeing that thing he showed an astonished expression. It couldn't be helped.

A mysterious thing appeared far away.

It appeared to be a human body.

Alex's first impression of this human body was 'gigantic'.

Huge, vast, even…boundless.

In fact, he was far away from the 'human body, but even looking at it from a distance, he could feel the unimaginable size.

The strange thing was that this human body had no life at all. It seemed to be dead or it had fallen into a deep sleep.

At the moment of seeing the human form, he simultaneously had a trembling deep in their souls as if he had to look up at this corpse whenever and wherever it was.

Relying on his powerful will Alex succeeded in gradually suppressing the abnormality in his soul, but another feeling surged- This 'corpse' contained a might that could not be described in words. A gaze or even a thought could completely annihilate him.

At this realization, Alex couldn't help shivering, and he subconsciously used his heterochromia eyes, upon doing this the corpse's shape suddenly changed. It was not a corpse, but countless stars. To be precise, a solar system resembles that of Earth.

A complete solar system, or rather, a small universe!

The 'small universe' was surrounded by a magnificent might like the enormous energy in the real universe, but there was no trace of life or faith as if it was completely dormant.

With a slight distraction, the 'small universe' in his eyes changed back to 'corpse'.

He couldn't see the face nor the gender, but he could clearly sense the existence of the 'human shape'.

Even the Eye of Truth still existing in his left eye couldn't keep peeping at the power of the 'small universe'. If this 'corpse' is really a complete life entity, it must be some kind of supreme existence, then his (her) current state is an eternal sleep. Or is he (she)truly dead?

The 'corpse' was not stationary; it slowly flew toward his side.

Alex didn't dare to get close to peep. Not only because of the trembling due to looking up at it, but also because the huge 'corpse' gave him a strong sense of danger. He instinctively realized that although the 'corpse' had no life breath, the terrifying might contained in it was a real existence. With his current strength, let alone attacking or exploring the 'small universe', as long as he got close to a certain extent, he would be completely turned into the dust of the universe under the terrifying strength.

All of a sudden, he only felt a shake, and he seemed to be in a new boundless space. Faint clouds surged on the ground, exuding powerful energy everywhere as if every grass and tree was an extremely terrifying presence.

In the sky, there seemed to be a pair of eyes slowly opening. Those eyes with indescribable power looked down at everything on the ground.

In an instant, the previous trembling of the soul reappeared, and it was a hundred times stronger. A strong feeling of awe appeared in Alex's heart, it was mixed with a bit of fear as well. While resisting, an ancient voice sounded in his ears. It was a prophetic line, Alex had this feeling upon hearing them.

'When kingdoms collide, the young one shall bring a rise in immorality and a reunion of enemies.'

Although he had no idea what this prophetic line meant as the moment he was more concerned about something, he had to get rid of the trembling over his soul, he must stop whatever was trying to erode his consciousness.

At a critical moment, he regained his consciousness began to operate and devoured those invading his soul with snatch and Eterna's special devour power. At the same time, Loki's armor on his body emitted a faint brilliance. He abruptly woke up and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

'If I lost consciousness just now, my soul would be completely controlled. My everything will be taken over and devoured by this space. How scary!' He was scared by this realization.

'I must break through the space as soon as possible and escape from this place but wait can I try to endure for a while to snatch, I meant to gain some profit?' Alex's brain worked faster and he began thinking about how to make use of this opportunity to earn big and soon he got a perfect idea.

And the perfect idea Alex got was to summon Ego and blow him.

''Suicide bombing!"


Alex's body suffered as well but he braced himself to steal as much as he could, disregarding everything else.josei

The terrifying power of the explosion spread and a bright light lit up in the space. It was even more dazzling than the sun as if the sun had exploded. It was his first time using this but Alex was more than satisfied as this suicide bombing move enabled him to steal as much as fast he could, he would have loved to continue but something happened.

That supernova explosion should have done huge damage as the explosion was akin to a small sun exploding.

However, under such a huge impact, there was not even a single crack in the ground. Even those faint clouds were not changed at all, as if Alex's self-sacrifice, the self-bombing was just a light sigh.

What exactly is this place? Alex was shocked as he didn't expect such a result.

The mocking intent in the eyes in the sky increased and Alex felt the trembling of his soul more violently. When his mind moved, there was a mask on his face. It was the God Mask that suddenly appeared on his face. That kind of weird feeling was immediately isolated.

Although the outside interference was isolated, some kind of strength that had entered the soul still could not be eliminated.

Alex began struggling but he did not stop stealing combining Silveria's snatch and Eterna's special devour power, he remembered the resentful gaze Ego sent him before the suicide bombing. He would be shaming himself if he didn't benefit a little from this.

Suddenly, as if enraged by Alex's action, the eyes in the sky shone dangerously and Alex was forced onto his knees. His soul trembled as sweat poured down like rain. He wanted to shout but the pressure was too much, it was then the ancient voice ranged out in his ears again.

''So, you're the one she has chosen, you're nothing much, you're too weak and -"

The voice owner had not finished before another terrific force broke through, tearing this small apart.

''....The one that grants eternal death.'' The ancient voice trembled visibly afraid of this newcomer.

A giant projection of Nyx ignored that voice, she first checked Alex's state and chuckled upon seeing the daring move he was making, stealing from a being from the past, only Alexander Kael Touch and that lunatic could do that.

''Let's go.'' She said taking Alex with her, she stopped and gave a warning to the ancient being.

''You should stick to your guardian role. He will come back later.''

Leaving those words behind she disappeared with Alex inside her hand and immediately the scenery changed to the giant corpse and the latter sighed thinking, 'He was her contractor, no wonder he was this daring. In our next meeting, I will teach him a lesson. He is too lucky to have those women favor, to think he got her bloodline as well.'

Although he was a being from the past that neither existed nor was completely dead unless he carried his final mission, he was not afraid of many things, he had faced the first war where they lost to the chaotic heir, and the survivors decided of countermeasures, he was one of them, she was one of them but she was far more than anything they would have anticipated, they became afraid, still, they couldn't do anything as she represented their final hope and the truth is that they could not do anything even if they wanted. She is the one capable of granting eternal death to any living thing or anything that ever existed, the final destination, the true Goddess of Death, the divine race princess, the one that would turn into the death gun, the one feared by all and desired by the Chaos. Nyx The End.

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