Death Guns In Another World

1086 Chapter 1032

1086 Chapter 1032

''It's my turn.''



Leonardo couldn't defend at all against Alex's heavy punch, he saw the punch in slow motion yet he was unable to do anything against it until it touched his jaw and he was pummeled into the sky turning into a star flying to a distant horizon and Alex soon followed.

There was a forest twenty kilometers north of their position.

The forest was vast, murky, and lush. Its canopy was dominated by cedar, larch, and rhododendron, and the occasional beam of light that made its way through the canopy allowed for a motley of saplings to monopolize the flat, fertile grounds below.

Thin vines embraced a couple of trees, and a range of flowers, which grew all over the place, stood out against the otherwise unchanging view.

A clamor of animal noises, which were caused by foraging animals, filled the air and were backed by the raging river currents clashing against boulders.

Suddenly, there was a big explosion in the middle of this normal forest.


A man resembling the devil was slammed onto the ground creating a big crater and naturally this man was none other than Leonardo in the devil's transformation mode. He quickly flipped his body up and was back on his feet, he wiped away the blood dripping from his move, his eyes were fierce yet they betrayed certain anxiety, he couldn't understand what had just happened, how did he got punched like that, unable to react at all, he was completely overwhelmed almost as if he was facing something from a forgotten past, he who when the first time he obtained this unique ability and tried on and even though he could not control it and it lasted one minute he was still able to beat Lilith Ex at her strongest, it was why his standing in the organization skyrocketed.

So, now that he became capable of controlling this power coupled with his strength he thought Alex could be at his mercy but reality hit him hard. Still not convinced Leonardo called his status window while his injuries were healing at a fast speed and visible rate.

[Leonardo Dixor]

Class: Fallen Hero

​ Age: 20


Level 175 (181)

Rank 15 [Demi-God]

Experience Value (XP): 0/ 53600

Magic Power: 10000/12000

Magic: Light Magic, Fire Magic, Lightning/Darkness

Attack: 5500

Defense: 5000

Agility: 5000

Intelligence: 3000

Luck: 1700

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: ??? Devil's Sword

Skills: [Advanced Appraisal Level 8] [Language Comprehension] [Item box Level 7] [Holy Extinction Ray Level 7] [Holy Slash Level 7] [Kick Boxer Level 10] [Sword Art Level Level 10] [Phantom Sword Level 10] [Fire Art Level 10] [Dark Art Level 10]

Special abilities: [Lightning Body] [White Nova] [Purgatory: Ultimate Form] [Chaos Form???]

Unique ability: [Devil's Transformation]

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The Holy sword wielder] [ Le Sauveur] [Lady Killer] [Slaughterer] [Fallen] [Corrupted] [Avenger]

''My current strength is equal to that of a Level 181 so why I'm getting beaten up?" Unable to contain his shock Leonardo voiced this question and Alex in crimson arrived at the scene at that moment, he simply answered.

''Because I'm overpowered.''

''What the hell are you talking about?" Leonardo asked confused but soon got his answer.

[Alexander (Alex) Kael Touch]

Class: Magic Gunslinger

Age: 19


Race: High Human/Asura/Half Dragon

Rank 15

Level 180 [Demi-God] (184)

Experience Value (XP): 0/ 510100

MP: 21000/23000

SE: 2300/2300


Magic: Time/Space/Wind/Light/Darkness/Flame/Ice/Void/Silver Energy/Spirit/Lightning

ATK: 7600

DEF: 6500

AGI: 5500 (+200)

INT: 4100

LUK: 2370

BP: 100

SP: 6

Gift: Death guns/Eternal Chain

Skills: [Item box Level 4] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 5] [Throwing knife Level 7] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Knife Art Level 6] [Link Level 5] [Gunslinger Art Level Level 5] [Undying Body Level 6] [Mana Synchronisation Level 10 Max] [Crimson's Bullet] [Blade Dance Level 5] [Aurora Bullet Level 1] [Meteor Bullet Level 5] [Mana Convergence Level 5] [Chain Art Level 5] [Spirit Art Level 1] [All Poisons Resistance Level 8] [Illusion Art Level 1] [Illusionnary Steps Level 8] (Upgraded) [Lightning Degree Level 1] [Destruction Bullet Level 1] [Illusionnary Escape Level 10 Max]

Special Abilities: [Language Comprehension][Danger Sense] [Overdrive] [Death's Eye] [Envisage] [Erase] [Magic Bullet] [Snatch] [Hellsing!!!] [Xerox] [Death Bullet (???)] [Tempus Infinitum] (Time abilities) [Eye of Truth Level 5] [Asura Forms] (Upgraded) [Mana's Body] [Void Steps] [Devour] [Alter Ego] [Gun Art Ultimate Form: ???] [Dragon's Form] [Reaper Chains] [Dragon's breath] [Illusion World] [Nemesis's Eye] [Nemesis's Domain] [Shadow Domain] [Yydrassil's Blessing] [Asura's Devil's Eye] [D???????] (Currently sealed: Condition of unsealing, reaching the Higher World)

Unique abilities: Absolute Duo (A/N: Temporarily name until you help me find a better name.)

Synchronization rate:

[Luna Heart: 90%]

[Artemia Eretria Von Havens: 100%] (Perfect Synchronization reached) ???

[Maria Alexia Rosares: 85%]

[Sakuya Mio Hishimiya: 80%]

[Sera Olivia Wexon: 100%] (Perfect Synchronization reached) ???

[Gracier Alexandra Touch: 95 %]

[Kuina E. Foxia 90%]

[Eris Wolfang ???]

[Lilith E. Astaroth ????]

[Incursio: 40%]

[Nemesis Silveria: 83%]

[Nyx: 15%]

[Noire: 30%]

[Saeko: 80%]

[Typhania E. Malia: 20%] ???


/Enhanced: Ability enabling its owner to convert the same skill into skill points and strengthen the same skill.

Possibility of generating a higher level skill if ESP is used to upgrade a skill.

????? (Conditions are not met for this to be unlocked)

??? (...)

ES (Enhanced Skill Point): 0


Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [The Reborn] [Shadow Nemesis] [The Destroyer] [Death Master] [The Irregular] [Child of Mana] [Slayer] [World Wolf owner] [Genius] [The One that saw] [Slaughterer] [Genius] [Copycat] [The one on the transcending role] [The Irregular] [Holy Elven Guardian] [Poison Immunity] [Fox Master] [Holy son of Destruction]


Leonardo couldn't help but gulp upon getting a glimpse of Alex's current status, the difference was huge, to the extent that it was unfair, it could be considered cheating. Never he would have expected the difference between them to be this huge as if no matter what he did he could never surpass the wall known as Alexander Kael Touch, never and forever he would stand where he couldn't get and this feeling was unpleasant truly unpleasant.

Just as Leonardo was about to shout about unfairness and fight to the bitter end Alex switched mode and said.

''Nemesis's Domain!"


Leonardo was immediately stripped of his strength.

''What the-"

His words were cut off abruptly when his eyes widened. In his pupils was reflected a face approaching at such high speeds that he, a person who had entered the realm closest to the strongest realm in Mysthia couldn't react at all.


By then, Alex's punch had brutally pounded onto his chest.

Leonardo's chest caved in, and his back arched out while his body was sent flying breaking many trees before slamming into mountain five kilometers from his previous position.

Boom! Crack!


That mountain was reduced into smithereens while Leonardo's mouth was forced open and he coughed a mouthful of blood.

Alex appeared and lifted the pathetic Leonardo whose body was half-ruined and declared.josei

''Didn't I say it? You stand no chance because I'm too simply overpowered. I'm tired of playing, I will crush those I can with overwhelming strength or else it will be a shame with all the amazing things I have, so let's begin. As I've promised your death will not be an easy one, struggle the best you can.'' Alex declared with an eerie smile and Leonardo who thought he knew this man the better was overwhelmed by his current image, there is no way this is the Alex I know, he's fake he kept thinking but Alex didn't give a damn about this like he said Leonardo didn't stand a chance since the beginning, if they had met before his adventure in the strange realm then he could have but even then it would have been fifty-fifty, however now it was different.

He would show him hell before sucking him dry. Alex had decided after his provocation.

''Let me show you what a real devil looks like.'' Alex's said before activating his devil's eye and under countless pairs of Asura's Devil's eyes, Leonardo was sent into the Illusionnary world.

A rumble of thunder in the fog, a creak of wood, and suddenly Leonardo was greeted by a bizarre creature of blood and flesh. Six flaming eyes stare at him with absolute darkness, and another thunder rushes from its fetid mouth in an abysmal surprise.

Four curved horns adorn its skeletal head, which itself has a perpetual grin. A constant snoring escapes the creature's full nostrils set within a serpentine nose.

Its skeletal head sits atop a short, bony body. Otherworldly armor covers every inch of it, but what this means will hopefully remain a mystery.

The creature moves forward slowly, its two legs stumblingly carrying its shadowy body with restless energy. A vine-like tail slithers behind it, it ends in a barbed tip covered in sticky goo.

Two incorporeal wings extend themselves fully. Blackened bones and blistering membranes stretch upward before coming down again with force. Unimpressed eyes still look at Leonardo, for a moment before pouncing on him, he immediately tried to summon his devil's sword but was soon faced with a cruel reality as he was unable to summon it and could only use the most basic form of lightning, almost like the beginning he arrived at the capital.

''Fuck!!!'' He roared and this marked the beginning of his nightmare. All of this was happening because he was suffering at the hand of the overpowered Alexander.

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