Death Guns In Another World

1339 Chapter 1213

1339 Chapter 1213: Magical Gunslinger 4

The bone spear blazed through the air causing air friction, it was rapidly closing in and soon it was before Alex, everyone had foreseen the human's head getting skewed, even Groom who stood up at that moment with the help of one of the monsters nearby had seen the same thing, it was then it happened. 

''Shadow Shift!" 

With a cruel grin on his face, Alex's shadow shifted his place with Groom who didn't have the time to register what happened before his head was blown up by the bone spear. 

Meanwhile, Alex who appeared in the middle of the monsters after using Shadow Shift on Groom grinned as he declared. 

''Bullet Dance!" 

Bang! Bang! 

And hell broke loose on the monsters.

Armed with Malice and Envy Alex slaughtered the monsters as if he was slaughtering cattle, in the span of a few more than half of the army of monsters had been slaughtered. 

Suddenly, Alex, who was about to continue with his slaughter before the commander get closer he frowned because his instinct warned him of danger, and without delay, he sidestepped dodging a deadly attack. 

Bang! Siiiii! 

There was a small explosion like a gunshot followed up by the ground melting. 

A hidden enemy had attacked him. Alex chuckled and used an ability he had not used in a while. His right eye flashed as he used foresight to see a glimpse of the future, the attack came from a far place, and he easily dodged the barrage of attacks. He could have done it without using foresight but he decided to make use of every ability he has. Skills are meant to be used if not they couldn't serve their purpose. 

''Got ya!" He mumbled and the Phantom Lizardman hiding and sniping Alex from afar felt a chill run down his spine. He had to escape as quickly as possible, he regretted sneaking into this building as his comrades were getting slaughtered but he couldn't go against his commandant's order.

Meanwhile, Alex who had located the enemy was hiding.

From a distance of approximately 200 meters away, Alex felt a presence, proving his hunch accurate – the enemy was indeed evading detection through some means other than distancing himself.

As soon as he had located the position, he summoned his mana and swirled it around his right hand as the focal point. 


A peculiar sensation coursed through him as he felt the mana begin to invert, propelling it upwards and beyond the limits of space.

[Thunder Calling]

In an instant, the air crackled with blue energy, and a bolt of lightning ripped through the sky, crashing to the ground with a deafening roar.



Before the Phantom Lizardman could escape Alex's attack arrived and annihilated him together with the building he was on.

The remaining monsters were frightened by this display and their dying courage got further lowered, almost making them flee for their lives, if only their commandant wasn't glaring at them from the rear, said commandant finally moved forward, and the crowd of monsters parted leaving him to pass. The three meters tall ogre with red skin dressed in a set of armor unsheathed his blade and pointed at Alex asking for a duel. 

Alex wore an amused grin on his face as he seized up the beast and his eyes lingered on the blade the latter was pointing at him. 

A fairly short, narrow, straight blade made of bronze is held by a grip wrapped in gilded, bronze buffalo skin.I think you should take a look at

The razor-sharp point makes this weapon a perfect choice if you wish to puncture your enemies to death with ruthless speed and precision.

ƥandasnovel·ƈom The blade has a broad, slightly curved cross-guard, adding weight to the blade for a better weight balance, as well as offering hand protection during battle. The cross-guard has a lavish miniature sword on each side, this weapon is clearly meant to be taken care of with dedication.

A massive pommel is decorated with a rare gem, fancy decorations for a fancy sword.

The blade itself is unadorned. No markings, no decorations, and no engravings, but the blade will surely be decorated in battle.

This weapon is used by champions and proven fighters. An exceptional weapon for exceptional fighters.


''What a fine blade,'' Alex commented despite being a total novice when it comes to weapons like these but the enemy was unaware of this.

''Sure, let's fight.'' Alex accepted the command's request for a duel, he was bored anyway, this could be entertaining for him.

Unaware of his fate, the ogre nodded happy to have his request for a duel granted. 

''Grang Cross Slash!" The commandant announced the name of his skill as he activated it. Despite its enormous build, he was fast as a cheetah, unleashing his blade's skill.

The commandant slowly closed the distance between him and Alex, and he noticed his forehead was dripping with sweat because the enemy was too calm that it was disturbing.

Finally, Alex lifted his arms and kept both of his fists raised and was clearly trying to gauge the right time to leap forward and strike. 

Alex lunged first, positioning his body low as he darted forward to avoid the ogre's inevitable attack. But the commandant was able to track Alex's every move and try to unleash his attack.

"Gwagh!" Unfortunately for the commandant, Alex's lightning fist buried itself in the monster's abdomen before he could even move a muscle.

The commandant retched violently as he was hurled backward, his body instantly making a crater in the wall on the far end of the crowd as he struck it full force. 


Silence, absolute silence fell on the battlefield as the monsters were shocked to witness their commandant the mighty Ogre get defeated so easily. 

Alex crossed his arms and his head tilted to the side as he remarked.

''Don't tell me that this is all you've got as the mighty commandant ?'' 

With total disregard for the commandant, Alex's eyes were like he was looking at a bug that infuriated them .

''I'll be disappointed otherwise,'' Alex added with a smug expression. 

It happened at that moment.


''Y-you lowly human!" 

A berserk energy exploded from the ogre's body, he seemed to have gone berserk. 

A second round was about to start.

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