Death Guns In Another World

861 Chapter 834

861 Chapter 834

While Alex was sleeping because he finally awakened his unique ability, Leon and the girls decided to play a game. Saeko didn't play because she was chosen to stay behind and watch over Alex, she would be the one to explain to Alex where they went.

The five entered different dungeons with different difficulties; Leon, Maria, and Sakuya's dungeons had the same difficulty, while Gracier's dungeon got the lowest. Artemia selected a dungeon of the highest difficulty because she was the strongest of the five, a demigod rank.

At first, the other four didn't want her to participate, but she refused to back; she even selected the dungeon of the highest difficulty to show them she wouldn't back down no matter what they said. They knew it was a game, so naturally, to make it more fun, they shouldn't refuse anyone.

Half of an hour after the game began, Gracier had already arrived on the fifth floor, the first boss room of the dungeon.

Seven hours was the time limit for this game.

''I wonder how the others were doing,'' Gracier mumbled as she pushed the door open and walked in.

Immediately she was surrounded by hobgoblins; there was even a goblin shaman near the boss. As for the boss, it was a two-meter-tall goblin covered in explosive muscles, holding a war hammer.

The boss lifted his war hammer before violently slamming it against the ground creating a shockwave that engulfed its subordinates; many died.

Gracier chuckled, acknowledging the boss's instinct, but he stood no chance since the start.

''Blossom Fire lotus!''

To produce more destruction, Gracier, instead of using the standard language to cast the fire lotus skill, used dragon tongue, and the entire fifth floor was engulfed in a flame.


The flame swallowed up everything except for Gracier; the luckiest goblins died instantly, while the unluckiest had their body blown apart while being cooked alive.

The smell of burning flesh wafted in the air. The goblin shaman had his lower body reduced to dust, only leaving his upper body starting from the stomach. The poor goblin lay on the ground, twitching; glancing at their leader; the goblin shaman saw he was still standing with no head.

''Hiiihh hiiiii!"

Gracier approached the dying goblin shaman emitting unintelligible sounds before blowing its head with a fireball.

''Sigh! Even after killing so many, I haven't reached half the goal. It is sure hard to level up once you become high level. Well, let's continue. I hope on the next floors I will find a monster capable of making me sweet; for now, I have it easy.'' Gracier said as she entered the sixth floor; from then onward, she began killing monsters like a joke until the tenth floor.

''A fortress?" Gracier said, surprised to discover a fortress on the tenth floor. She called it a fortress, but it was not expressive as one human-made, this fortress was built using trees, and it was not that big, with only two watchtowers.

Gracier hid her presence and observed the fortress from afar and couldn't help but smile, seeing how well guarded this fortress was. There were more than a hundred monsters inside the fortress.

The corners of Gracier's lips couldn't help but tilt upward.

''If it was someone else, they might have a hard time raiding this fortress, but for me, it could be easier as I have the perfect skill for fortress among my skill. Why not try this time using the dragon tongue? I'm sure it would produce bigger fireworks and a beautiful explosion.''

The expression she had on her face as she was saying those words could send a chill down to anyone watching her spine, even the boss who was not present felt something.

In the biggest building inside the fortress, the high orc sleeping with what he called the finest goblin women woke up from his sleep because he suddenly felt a chill run down his back. He didn't know exactly why either, but all of his fine hairs were standing on end.

To be sure that nothing would go wrong, the boss summoned his subordinates and ordered them to double the numbers of goblins patrolling and the numbers of guards in the watchtowers. He thought with so many precautions; that nothing would go wrong; if an enemy were to get closer to his fortress, they would immediately be alerted, and no one could easily infiltrate without him or his men knowing.

The high orc was about to go to sleep when he heard a commotion outside; furious, he ran outside, prepared to smash a few heads as an example, when he felt heat, something that shouldn't have been possible considering that they were in winter.

Unconsciously, the boss lifted his head and immediately regretted doing so because if he hadn't done that, he might have died, not knowing what had killed them.

Coming toward them at extreme speed was a meteor so big that even two fortresses put together wouldn't be able to surpass this meteor.


None of the monsters inside the fortress had the time to prepare when the giant meteor summoned by Gracier using the dragon tongue smashed the entire fortress into smithereens. The ground was gouged before turning into a magma pool, and Gracier, who was watching everything from the sky, let a smile escape from her mouth; she felt proud of being the one that created something so wonderful.

Using the dragon tongue to cast spells would double their destructiveness, making them stronger with many downsides. It consumes too much MP, and it was taxing mentally; she felt like vomiting every time she used the dragon tongue. She knew why it was because her INT was still not high enough; she would need to increase it to remove that side effect.

Gracier heaved a sigh before drinking a mana recovery potion; afterward, she checked her progress and was pleasantly shocked to discover that she had reached more than half of the goal; she had now accumulated 65 000 XP, with only 35 000 XP to go. She believed with 3 hours left; she could do it.

After resting for fifteen minutes, she left for the next floor; like on the previous floors, she was able to quickly clean the 11th to 14th floor in one hour and a half.

Currently, she was standing before the door of the fifteenth floor, and unlike the previous boss floor, she knew this one was different, totally on a different level compared to the previous two; still, there was no need to hesitate as no matter how strong the boss in the room was she would kill it and progress.

Checking her remaining MP, she had more than half left, sighing because she had forgotten to resupply her mana recovery potion, the last one she had; she had already used it on the tenth floor.

''Let's go!" Gracier pushed the door open and walked in, the room was dark, and just as she was about to scan the floor because she was unaffected by the darkness, all the hair on her back rose, and without hesitation, she rolled on the ground dodging a sword aiming at her neck.

Even though Gracier reacted fast enough, she still got a few strands of her hair cut off, which made the little princess angry, but she managed to calm down and stared at the one responsible for this.

Gracier's eyes widened because the thing standing before her couldn't be called human despite having a human appearance, the most fitting description to describe the thing before she would be a human golem or robot if Alex and those that came from Earth were here.

[Earth Golem Level 130] was written above the boss's head, it was Gracier's first time seeing this since she entered the dungeon, but she had no time to be concerned about such detail because, in the next moment, the earth golem vanished as though she had teleported, her sword was already before Gracier eyes. She snorted and blocked the blow with her scythe; however, her expression changed when she felt a vibration traveling through the ground.josei

Without hesitation, Gracier jumped into the air, and right after that, many spikes came out from the ground; if she were late by a millisecond, she would have been skewed by those spikes.


Just as Gracier was about to counterattack, she was forcibly dragged back to the ground by an invisible force; it was gravity. To not get impaled , Gracier threw a fireball at the ground.



''Gah!" She grunted in pain as she got violently slammed into the ground; the earth golem followed with dozen slashes but jumped back when she sensed an attack coming.

''Tch! You are pretty sharp, but it won't go as you want.'' Gracier wiped away the blood on her mouth before using the dragon tongue again.

''Dragon Form: Fear Mode!"


The entire floor trembled as if afraid of something. Gracier had become taller, with dark gold dragon horns, a long dragon tail blacker than the night itself, and her eyes were dark gold. Her whole body was covered in dark dragon scale; it was frightening yet beautiful.

With a grin that revealed her canines, she said.

''Shall we kill each other?"

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